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  1. My predecessor had created a script that would install a desktop link to our help desk. We no longer use this solution and I want to have the shortcut removed from every device. I can't seem to find a script to do this. I hope someone could help. This is the script that he had used: @echo off md C:\icon copy "\\edmws001\image\Nortrux_Helpdesk_icon.ico" "c:\icon" icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Administrators:F icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Users:F icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant INTERACTIVE:F attrib -R "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" copy "\\edmws001\image\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" attrib +R "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Users:R icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Administrators:R icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant INTERACTIVE:R icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant SYSTEM:F
  2. Hi, I have have some requests from management and staff using the dashboard at our company. Please could some of these be addressed or looked at? We would like to apply/replace the pulseway logo with our company logo, but we have no need for enterprise at this time (this may change in the future). Being able to drag an image to the dashboard installation folder as a simple start would be good, or "select an image" option in the settings - As a bonus, changing the colours of background and text would be fantastic. Custom sizing of text within the dashboard would help, as playing around with dpi within windows causes things to go onto two pages. (Changing clock size would be bonus cookies) Order by severity, I think I may have requested this before,(not yet addressed) this makes total sense to be able to order the list by what severity EG: critical first. Split groups on to separate pages, this is a nicety if you have multiple machines on multiple sites, this would allow better use of screen space especially on 65"+ TV's The coloured icons could use a flashing feature to catch your eye, EG: a critical alert would make it flash red and blue/black, this is instead of a steady amber or red. Had to edit this one in: Pulseway Manager needs to give us an option to mark an offline server as critical, a simply notification will not email our zendesk for example. Last but not least: can we get a changelog pop up when updates arrive, think this would be beneficial to show customers that there is continued development in progress. - I am aware that you run a blog for this kind of thing. Many Thanks, Kind Regards, TIM STARK
  3. Our business operates with hundreds of products in our inventory and going through all of them and manually entering them into PSA was not exactly an option, and without an import function, I had to develop an import tool that uses the PSA API. I developed it originally with hard coded parameters, in a single class, but went back today and improved it for distribution to everyone here. To view the source code, check out the repository at https://bitbucket.org/garrettbromley/pulseway-product-import/ To download the executable files, download PulsewayProductImport-v2.zip at https://bitbucket.org/garrettbromley/pulseway-product-import/downloads/ Instructions: Download the Excel template and add your inventory into that sheet. I personally had a Microsoft Surface that I walked around with and inventoried everything. To change the categories/sub categories, open the "Back End" tab on the sheet and edit those tables to your liking The only column that isn't required is the UPC Code. Run the Import Tool Input your PSA credentials Type in the full directory to the excel sheet (make sure its closed before running it) Confirm the number of detected items Watch the tool work Make a stock adjustment with the levels of stock for each item (this unfortunately cannot be automated) It will notify you how many items have successfully been imported and which ones failed (if any) and why. Please let me know if you have any questions! I will post changelogs if any updates are made.
  4. A bit of introduction: I'm a happy user of Pulseway Manager. I use Pulseway Manager Enterprise (but for this topic it doesn't really matter). I manage quite large deployment with 250 Pulseway monitored machines. Someone else installed (via GPO) and did some basic setup. After running basic setup for a while, someone else changed some settings and tweaked it a bit. Finally ... again someone said lets change things around... This got me to this point... I have to change: CPU For all servers CPU > 90% for 30minutes > CRITICAL RAM RAM on 1 HOST – 5% for 30 min > CRITICAL Disable Low RAM on VM's Disable Low RAM in Azure Enable storage for any drives the servers have 20GB free > ELEVATED 10GB free > CRITICAL While I could just assign some poor guy to go thru 60+ servers and change things, make sure those are correct I decided it's time to introduce PowerShell for those Active Directory admins out there... while I know there is Pulseway GPO but it's kind of limited, and doesn't give much flexibility (for example drive monitoring). It also overwrites settings set locally without Pulseway actually showing them on Client. After playing a bit... I managed to write: Clear-Host Import-Module PSPulsewayManager -Force ### Tests - Account Page ### Get-PulsewayMaintenanceMode Set-PulsewayMaintenanceMode -Toggle $false -Verbose Get-PulsewayGroupName Set-PulsewayGroupName -GroupName 'EVOTEC' -Verbose Get-PulsewayComputerName Set-PulsewayComputerName -NewComputerName 'EVO1' -Verbose ### Set settings remotly... $Computer = 'AD1' Get-PulsewayMaintenanceMode -Computer $Computer Set-PulsewayMaintenanceMode -Computer $Computer -Toggle $false -Verbose Get-PulsewayGroupName -Computer $Computer Set-PulsewayGroupName -Computer $Computer -GroupName 'EVOTEC' -Verbose Get-PulsewayComputerName -Computer $Computer Set-PulsewayComputerName -Computer $Computer -NewComputerName 'AD1' -Verbose And another tab... Clear-Host Import-Module PSPulsewayManager -Force Import-Module PSWriteColor ### Tests - Notifications Performance Page ### Write-Color ' Get ', 'CPU usage below', ' settings' -Color Yellow, Green, Yellow Get-PulsewayCPUBelow Write-Color ' Get ', 'CPU usage above', ' settings' -Color Yellow, Green, Yellow Get-PulsewayCPUAbove Write-Color ' Get ', 'Memory', ' settings' -Color Yellow, Green, Yellow Get-PulsewayMemoryLow Write-Color ' Get ', 'Port Closed', ' settings' -Color Yellow, Green, Yellow Get-PulsewayMonitoredPortClosed Set-PulsewayCPUAbove -CPUUsagePercentage 25 -CPUUsageTimeInterval 20 -PrioritySendNotificationOnCPUUsage Elevated -SendNotificationOnCPUUsage Enabled -Verbose Set-PulsewayCPUBelow -BelowCPUUsagePercentage 2 -BelowCPUUsageTimeInterval 20 -PrioritySendNotificationOnBelowCPUUsage Elevated -SendNotificationOnBelowCPUUsage Disabled -Verbose Set-PulsewayMemoryLow -LowMemoryPercentage 10 -LowMemoryTimeInterval 15 -PrioritySendNotificationOnLowMemory Critical -SendNotificationOnLowMemory Enabled -Verbose Set-PulsewayMonitoredPortClosed -PortInterval 2 -PrioritySendNotificationOnPortNotAccessible Critical -SendNotificationOnPortNotAccessible Enabled -Verbose And another tab Clear-Host Import-Module PSPulsewayManager -Force Import-Module PSWriteColor $Computer = 'AD1' Write-Color 'Get ', 'Low Disk Space' -Color White, Yellow $Drives = Get-PulsewayLocalDiskSpace -Computer $Computer $Drives Write-Color 'List ', ' drives separatly' -Color White, Yellow -LinesAfter 1 $Drives.MonitoredDrives ## Find all drives for computer/server $FindDrives = Get-Drive -Computer $Computer $FindDrives $ListDrives = @() # Set the settings for all drives for particular computer/server (Elevated) $DrivesElevated = Set-DriveSettings -Drive $FindDrives -Percentage 10 -Priority Elevated -SizeMB 20000 -UsePercentage No # Repeat process for same drives but make it critical $DrivesCritical = Set-DriveSettings -Drive $FindDrives -Percentage 10 -Priority Critical -SizeMB 10000 -UsePercentage No $ListDrives += $DrivesElevated $ListDrives += $DrivesCritical Set-PulsewayLocalDiskSpace -Computer $Computer -Drives $ListDrives -SendNotificationOnLowHDDSpace Enabled -Verbose Since it covers my needs for now I was wondering if there is any interest in this? I don't want to spend time on it if there's no one else needing this I've published it on github https://github.com/EvotecIT/PSPulsewayManager But its also published in PowerShellGallery which allows you to install it .... Install-Module PSPulsewayManager Import-Module PSPulsewayManager Use the commands.. Keep in mind I've not spent a ton of time on it. There are bugs, some things are not checked.. but it does work ;-)
  5. Is it possible to configure thermal monitoring in Linux like it is in Windows?
  6. I have several non-critical virtual servers that do not start automatically with our Hyper-V cluster that I want to start manually once I know all critical servers are back on line after a cluster reboot, but these do not show up in the list of VMs for each host on either the Android or PC app. I only see the 'running' VMs. Am I missing something in config of Pulseway Manager (v5.4.7) other than just enabling 'Monitor and Manage Hyper-V'? According to this page https://www.pulseway.com/hyperv I should see all VMs configured on a host, and be able to do lots of other things.
  7. I am trying to a WR to one of my client pc's. I have purchased the licence from within the pulseway web app. Where do I find the licence key / number ? I all ready have one client installed so their is no option to select trial again...... Also their is no "Trial Site" in the WR console to correspond to my in app WR purchase?
  8. I can't seem to update any agent settings remotely anymore. I normally use Dashboard to edit an agent's config and change the computer name as needed (hire/term). As of about a week ago, this no longer works. The agent config screen comes up normally after right clicking in Dashboard and choosing edit computer settings, lets me make my changes, and then gives the standard "this may take 30 secs" message when saving. But nothing happens, no update. If I go back in and look at the settings again the modifications are not there. This also happens with Pulseway Manager under Manage Systems. I don't see a way to update agent settings using the WebApp. I have not updated my Dashboard to my knowledge, still using 5.1.2. Agent version is 5.4. Doesn't seem to matter what OS the computer is running, happening with all PCs And i've installed the Dashboard on a different PC, same results. The only way to make the changes stick is to login to the computer in question and make the changes on the agent locally. Help!
  9. I've been setting up contracts in the system for MSP (recurring), time & materials etc. The setup of the contract seems reasonably straight forward, but they never show up for selection in the ticket entry screen. The drop down in the ticket screen is always empty. I've reviewed the docs multiple times and can't see what I've missed. I sent a message to support, but haven't heard back from them. In the meantime, all of my ticket activity is generating lots of billable time entries that it looks like I will have to manually adjust out - it will be a pile of work. Any suggestions?
  10. Hi, I recently installed Pulseway Dashboard 5.1.2 version on my Windows 10 Pro computer but now I want to logout my account. I don't see any button to do that. Best regards,
  11. Hello! It seems that i cannt log in on the my.pulseway.com ? Dont know why but when i press login it just reloads the site and then nothing happens! How can i solve this? Thanks!
  12. Hello, Have a number of Ubuntu 16.04 workstations with agent 5.3.3 installed. The daemon starts without error (nothing logged in syslog), but doesn't appear to report back. There are 15 units at this particular site, and only one has reported back since installation. They are all running kernel 4.10.0-42. I can't find any error messages in the obvious logs (/var/log/syslog - in particular). Appreciate any direction you can offer.
  13. Is there a way of making new notification in the WebApp. I see in the configuration file in my linux machine there is notification rules, but it will be nice if I can change them in the webapp? PS Also I have noticed that I do not have in the WebApp menu Server Admin? I have only System from I can see my 2 machines?
  14. We recently noticed a problem with our Pulseway notifications, on one of our Linux servers that is running Cassandra. The Cassandra service had been put into the following state: Active: active (excited), unfortunately we never received notification about the excited state. I did some testing and when I manually stop the service, it shows Active: inactive (dead), I do get notifications. I am at a lose as to why I get notifications when inactive (dead) but not when it is Active (excited). This is the current configuration: <Service Name="cassandra" DisplayName="cassandra" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="SYSTEMD" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true" /> If I change DaemonType to any other setting: NONE, SYSVINIT, or UPSTART, the service will not be recognized at all by Pulseway. So I am fairly confident that SYSTEMD is the correct parameter here. What is the correct way to set this up, so that I get notifications when its dead and/or excited? Thank you for your help.
  15. I tried to find a way to monitor hp and dell servers. Ive been using other more complex system that is doing a great job by finding all hardware sensors automatically via snmp. Pulseway is much more simple to use and configure though but it really lacks in hardware monitoring for server administrators. What i did was i created two files for event log that you can try out and import into your servers. I wish Pulseway would either add support for hp and dell server into their hardware module or rework the snmp module so we can add snmp templates for autodiscovery of hardware devices, like check_mk, nagios... Update my files didnt work that well i just tried them out on a hp server. I made a new one that i will try out some more and post here next week.
  16. Hello, we'd like to move our pcmonitor database from the current SQL Server (2014 Standard) in one Domain to another SQL Server (2016 Enterprise) in a different domain. The Pulseway Enterprise/Admin Server won't change and is already a member of the target domain. As far as I remember the process would be: Stop Pulseway Services Backup DB on old SQL Server Create SQL Login for the Service on the new SQL Server Restore DB on new SQL Server Edit the connectionstring in the Registry (HKLM\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor Admin\DatabaseConnectionString) The connection string is encrypted - what would be the required format? Edit the connectionstring in the Hosting folder for the follwing web.config files ..\Hosting\Service\web.config Start Pulseway Services Did I miss anything important? If not, all I'd need would be the format of the connectionstring in the registry Cheers, Jonathan
  17. I recently installed the latest version of Pulseway on my Ubuntu 17.04 server. The service appears to be starting, and I'm not seeing any errors. However, the machine never shows up in the Pulseway app. I feel like I'm missing something simple here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  18. I have a Linux server with two attached USB drives. In the monitor it has the correct paths for each respective drive. However they are both reporting the same total drive space and free drive space for just one of the drives. The other drive which is a different sized drive is not being reported correctly. This happened about the time that the one drive that is not being reported correctly had a disconnect from the Linux server. Do not know what happened but I rebooted the server and it found the drive no problem. No issues with paths changing or anything. But now the monitor has the wrong drive vitals. Update: I have disconnected the drive physically, and then reconnected it. Also stopped and started the pulseway service while disconnected, then after reconnect. And the same thing happened. The drive reports the wrong size. But, when I disconnected the drive that is reporting correctly (stopping and starting pulseway services) the drive that mis-reports moved up in the list, and is now reporting the wrong size from the internal drive (a 32GB SD card as this is an Odroid-XU4). Still has the right path (/dev/sda1 and /mnt/usb_1) but reports the (/boot) path of 71MB.
  19. It would be great to be able to configure different notification email addresses based on alert type/source/severity. One example is that I'd want an email sent to our SMS page-out list for notifications of server outages or other mission critical events. I'm a new user to Pulseway -- maybe this is already an option? But from what I've gathered, emails can only be sent to the single email address in the account?
  20. Hi. I know that as RRAS module has been discussed earlier in this forum. But it would be really nice with a simple module to start with, og som ideas on how to set some monitoring up today. We have found the PowerShell Cmdlet "Get-RemoteAccessHealth" that returns the status for alle components. We would like to raise a notification if the HealtState on any components is different from Disabled or OK. Anny ideas? Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved PS C:\> Get-RemoteAccessHealth Component RemoteAccessServer HealthState TimeStamp Id OperationStatus --------- ------------------ ----------- --------- -- --------------- Server localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:06:37 6to4 localhost Disabled 17-11-2015 08:01:41 Vpn Addressing localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:41 Network Security localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:41 Dns localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:06:37 IP-Https localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:41 Nat64 localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:38 Dns64 localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:37 IPsec localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Kerberos localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Domain Controller localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:54 Management Servers localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:06:37 Network Location ... localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:06:37 Otp localhost Disabled 17-11-2015 08:01:37 High Availability localhost Disabled 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Isatap localhost Disabled 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Vpn Connectivity localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Teredo localhost Disabled 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Network Adapters localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:01:37 Services localhost OK 17-11-2015 08:06:37
  21. I would like to monitor Windows Azure, but I don't know where to add the generated certificate in the new Azure portal. In the Pulseway Manager it says: I think this description is deprecated, because it referes to the old Azure portal. Maybe the developer should update the description in the next version of the Pulseway Manager. Can anybody tell me where in the new portal I have to import the certificate? Thank you very much and best regards Markus Haslinger
  22. How do you restrict viewing of other client/customer data by end users when attempting to use "Security Roles" to allow them access to things such as the hardware assets and knowledge base views? We want to allow a client to view their hardware inventory (which we manage) from the portal, but they currently would be able to see data related to our other customers as well.
  23. Hi All, I am trying to get some of the CRM features up and running and we seem to be falling at the first hurdle. When trying to update an opportunity and provide a quote we are not being shown any products? I am assuming that this is because the system is stating that we have nothing in stock, however I don't see why this wouldn't allow us to quote? I have tried resolving this temporarily with ad-hoc quotes, however this then brings up the issue of the VAT not showing, although I believe that we have this input correctly. I know that this is a little vague, however more looking for pointers to look in the right places at present. Any help appreciated Thanks Craig
  24. Hi there, Is there a way to change access/notification settings for multiple associated accounts at once (like a bulk select)? I know I can bulk select machines, but this is still done at an individual account level. When we have multiple users (set up for auditing purposes), whenever we add a new system we have to go through each account and grant them access to it. Thanks again guys for all your work!
  25. Hey guys, I'm fresh to Pulseway, and I must say this stuff is an eye opener to our current remote access tool!! I do have a few questions that I would like to ask before converting our 100+ devices to Pulseway. We have a satelite PC's and laptops that we want to install Pulseway on (which we would do unattended for the majority of).. Without having to go into each and every config afterwards and password protect the config with 'click here to prevent changes' and lock it down - is there a global change option that we can do for this? - the issue I have is with leaving this open is that someone only has to make changes to the username, password and servername, and we have complete disconnection to the monitored device... I know we could 'import Settings' from a file to get the system back up and running again, but telling some of our users how to do that can be time consuming.. So, is there a lock down available? Also, in the case of an ICT employee / contractor leaving (with knowledge of the Admin / install credentials), we would change the password and have it propagated to our agents - if we selected a selected propagated time and the device wasn't turned on during that time - does that mean a monitored device will not be connected again? Is this why we would employ the 2 factor authentication? Thanks - Grunta
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