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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hello there, I am new to using Pulseway for managing IT infrastructure remotely; and I am looking to optimize my use of the platform to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in my role. I am managing a mid sized network of servers and workstations across multiple locations. I have set up basic monitoring and notifications; but I am excited to delve deeper into Pulseways capabilities; particularly in automating routine tasks; enhancing security; and improving system performance. Could anyone share their experiences or best practices in the following areas? What are some effective automation workflows you have implemented using Pulseways automation feature? Are there specific tasks you find particularly useful to automate? How do you leverage Pulseway for security monitoring and incident response? Are there particular settings or configurations you recommend to strengthen system security? What are the key metrics you monitor to ensure optimal performance of servers and workstations? How do you use Pulseway to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks? Also, I have gone through this post: https://forum.pulseway.com/topic/2744-assistance-required-with-aws-devops-remote-access/ which definitely helped me out a lot. I am also interested in learning about valuable integrations with other tools and services. What integrations have you found to be most beneficial for enhancing your IT management capabilities? Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.
  3. This sounds amazing as I found it very much useful and informative to be honest. Also, I have gone through this post which definitely helped me out a lot as a new member I am looking forward for more such discussions.
  4. Last week
  5. Your script writes to "Current Users," but the Pulseway agent runs as a local system account, not a specific user. When testing in PowerShell ISE, it's run under a user account, which is why the script works differently when executed via Pulseway. If the script runs successfully through Pulseway, the registry keys will be placed in the "Computer\HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\..." location instead of the intended user-specific location. For more https://ssoidloginportal.in/
  6. Hello Jerdal, I do see a support ticket from July 2023 and which was replied to 30 minutes later, did you not receive the reply? Edit: I've looked all over for your email on June 19th. Can you please PM me the email headers so I can take a deep dive on it? -Paul
  7. Hi @Andrew Parkins Thanks for reaching out! We are actually implementing a Patch Status page in our upcoming, release Pulseway 9.7. Check out the discord to see some early previews of the latest features and we will update the Forum soon with the full release. Thanks, Stefan
  8. Hello there, This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection. I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving😍 this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters. As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot. Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors? Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.😇
  9. Earlier
  10. Wondering if there's a way I can pause patching without completely disabling patching. In light of the Crowdstrike issue that just happened, I'm curious if I can just pause patching in the patch management portion of Pulseway RMM. I don't want to take away the patch policy because it enables me to stop Windows updates from happening by themselves or allowing the end users to run them.
  11. Hello, I've attempted to contact the customer support but never got any response. The email was sent Jun 19, 2024, 12:17 PM
  12. FYI: I'm trial as be endede.
  13. @StefanMcl_Pulseway Thanks you If it is possible at the same time to be able to get an extension on the trial period due to money to be able to pay right now until the 31st of this month, I will be happy Thanks Magnus (Nordic)
  14. Hey @Nordic Perfect I will reach out to Nora today and get this sorted for you - side note I just redacted your email address so that it wasn't public view. Thanks, Stefan
  15. Hey @StefanMcl_Pulseway I have received a lot of mail from Nora Jane on my school email (EMAIL), which I used to create with which has since removed all access to pulseway and the email that is now assigned and only has access is called (EMAIL) and the url is (SERVER) which I would like to keep if it is not a problem. And yes is fine at you can arranged it for me get in touch if you need more information. Thanks Magnus (Nordic)
  16. Hey @Nordic Thanks for reaching out, you can definitley get Pulseway for Personal use, If you reach out to your current account manger and mention this to them they should be able to get you set up with a personal account via your personal email tat is separate to your schools account. If you like I can get this arranged for you just forward me either the email attached to your current Pulseway or you Account managers name! Thanks, Stefan
  17. Hej pulseway Is it possible to be allowed to use pulseway for private use I have 3 small devices right now that I would like to monitor as well as a lot of network equipment I currently have pulsway via my school user and have registered my private gmail for it and use it as main. Do you have a private solution or is it possible to transfer that server to my gmail? would like to pay for service if possible?
  18. Hello! I'm trying to monitor and display printer supply levels using SNMP. I have a Lexmark printer configured, but I can't see the supply levels as I can in another web tool I was using. I'd also like to know how to generate alerts for all my printer types for out-of-paper, paper jam, toner out, imaging unit out, etc.
  19. Hey @Tryp1c_ac3 Thanks for reaching out, This is most definitley a bug and I am going to raise this with support. Could you please share with me your Pulseway email address so I can CC you in the communications. Thanks Stefan
  20. in the dashboard if i refine the scope it doesn't for example refine by MacOS and its still showing windows PCs also if i set group filtering it wont work, it just makes no devices visible (Group name and Case are correct)
  21. would like a menu to manage active directory so we don't have to click through to a device with the active directory module also would like to be able to browse the forest (see forest tree) would also be good if we can move items into OUs and create new groups/OUs
  22. Sometime we receive multiple tickets that are stored in "Unknown Tickets". In that view it is not possible to adjust multiple tickets; one must do these one by one. Nor is it possible in Service Desk/Tickets and filter on queue "Unkown Tickets" (and that does not show anyting where it does in Service Desk/Unknown Tickets?)
  23. Arriving into the Workflow, it is always sorted on [Creation Date]. Please make that a choise, or remember the order I have set. We do not have rememberance of the date we create the workflow, we do remember (part of0 teh name. In our case we use a naming syntax so (most of) the workflows are always grouped... wne we first order on the colum [Workflow Name]. Others would like to have this view sorted on the [Last Update]. Please make it more flexible to set it or it remembers my last usage. And, please add the colum "Desciption"to the column choice
  24. Hi! After my move to another place and my computer crashed and now using an old backup i have restored the internal ip adresses but still i can't start my to attached computers from my mobile app. I've tried to register the system all over again without any progress at all. Why can i turn off but not on? ToddeSwe
  25. When you apply a Policy under the Organization, you cannot longer manage it individually. For example, if I apply an Antivirus Policy for the entire organization, and then I need to troubleshoot 1 EndPoint, I cannot longer remove the antivirus for that individual EndPoint I have to go to the Organization and remove the policy causing the Antivirus to be removed from ALL Endpoints. Same thing with Patch Management. I know I can do this in bulks in the corresponding section, go to EndPoint Protection, select all Endpoints and install the AV this way, but WHY? I would like that when I join a computer to a network, this will automatically install the Pulseway Agent, install the AV and install the Patch Management without me to do it manually or remember to do it. I've been with Pulseway for over 10 years now, requested this and still nothing.
  26. Sadly, this is one of the most annoying processes from Pulseway that the developers don't care to fix. When you apply a Policy in the Group you cannot longer manage it individually. The same thing is with the Antivirus. The best thing you can do is remove the Organization Policy (this will remove it from all the endpoints) Then go directly into the Patch Management section, filter the computers by anything you want and apply the policy individually. This way you can manage and change them individually. Is pretty stupid and time consuming but Developers here don't use their own product the same way we do.
  27. I am not certain what you are saying…and how it’s answering my question. Can you be more specific in your answer? Thank you
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