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  6. When it comes to encryption, keys etc, I think one should have a look at https://www.beachheadsolutions.com/device-security-encryption It is one place for all (ALL) encryption keys (Bitlocker, Macos, filevault, Android,etc) and the management (retrieval, block and what have you). Is also HIPAA if I am correct Has been a while I played with it so I om not up to date. I just saw they have added a lot more to it. Might be a solution
  7. Systems need to be offline for x minutes before the workflow trigger " System back online" is activated. We have created a script a. disable the NIC an b. will create a scheduled task executed in 10 minutes and that will restart the computer. NIC gets disabled, system will wait 10 minutes, restart (where the NIC will be enabled automaticly) and workflow trigger will be started
  8. Hey @Bharat - Can you confirm which application are you trying to retrieve the Pulseway data? And also, if you have generated the API access token from Pulseway?
  9. Hey @kwazyivan - Thanks for reaching out. I just raised a ticket on your behalf and someone from our team will contact you shortly😊
  10. Hey @Matt Stevens - I just raised a ticket on your behalf and someone from our team will contact you shortly😊
  11. Morning All, For some reason our Critical nottifications have stopped creating tickets in the PSA - Have checked mappings etc and all looks OK. Integrations of Accounts/Assets is working fine. Nothing in the logs. I can create a workflow to sync an alert but ideally need the notification to create a ticket autotmatically - Does anyone know where I can look or what I can do to get this working again? Thanks Matt
  12. I'm unable uninstall pulseway, repair it or update it to the latest version. When attempting to repair it, get the message "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." Unable to stop services as they're not present in Services, as per the article https://intercom.help/pulseway/en/articles/964192-error-1001-the-specified-service-already-exists. Deleting the folder "C:\Program Files\Pulseway" doesn't fix the issue either. Tried running "Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq "Pulseway"}" and then the uninstall string as per this article, didnt work. Tried replacing extracting the https://updates.pulseway.com/update.zip onto the install folder, still unable to uninstall it as I get the exact same error messages. Please help.
  13. Hey @jamieyn74 - Can you DM the email you use for your Pulseway account? I'll take a look at this for you😊
  14. Also tried Axios With "https://my-server.pulseway.com/v3/organizations"; getting 404 and with "https://api.pulseway.com/v3/organizations"; getting 403 response const axios = require('axios'); const endpoint = "https://my-server.pulseway.com/v3/organizations"; const token_id = "token ID"; const token_secret = "token Secret"; const auth = { username: token_id, password: token_secret, }; axios.get(endpoint, { auth }) .then(response => { console.log(response.data); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); });
  15. Earlier
  16. Hi - im having the same issue and would love some help and pointers on how to resolve this. Thanks!
  17. Hey @rladelman771 - Can you DM the email you use for Pulseway? I'll take a look at this for you😊
  18. Having the same issue. So I am occasionally getting notifications that there is need to restart when no restart is needed on my windows computers. Todays was a restart was needed, due to Microsoft updates, I restarted then it alerted again need to restart, nothing needed a restart. Very annoying and unreliable for a monitoring software. Any solutions? “Send notification when a reboot is pending”
  19. precisly what I needed!!! These notifications on sppsvc make me (and ticketing) grazy! Thx, also to Support for pointing this to me.
  20. Hey @DARTWARE - Thanks for reaching out. Can you DM the email you use for your Pulseway account? That way I can raise a ticket on your behalf and support will be able to assist you😊
  21. Hi there, we have the same situation.
  22. Hey @rladelman771 - Just sent you a message😊
  23. Same issue any answer how to fix
  24. Hey @CatusKing - Thanks for reaching out. I've raised a ticket on your behalf and someone from out team will contact you shortly😊
  25. Having the same issue. It does not promt for a username then give an error in response. This is a cirtical app for me and it seems this may have been an issue for a while. I can't contact the team without having a buisness account so please help. This is happening on my IPhone and IPad.
  26. Yes, I'd like to support this please. While we only have ~275 linux machines in Pulseway, it would save us having to run another remote desktop tool.
  27. I would like to fully support this feature request. Given all our other tools now seem to have some form of support for source control, it would be nice to mature our Pulseway related script processes.
  28. Hey @Jason Canobie - Thanks for reaching out. I've raised a support ticket on your behalf and someone from our team will contact you soon😊
  29. Hi there, This has been happening for a few months but been getting alerts for a Windows Update Pending file operation which requires a reboot to complete, that I don’t seem to be able to clear, as soon as I restart, clear notifications and it returns immediately. I do want to be getting reboot required notifications if windows updates needs it but even if I log onto the machine and manually check windows updates there is no need for a reboot.
  30. Hi there, This has been happening for a few months but been getting alerts for a Windows Update Pending file operation which requires a reboot to complete, that I don’t seem to be able to clear, as soon as I restart, clear notifications and it returns immediately. I do want to be getting reboot required notifications if windows updates needs it but even if I log onto the machine and manually check windows updates there is no need for a reboot.
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