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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi there, Welcome to the Pulseway community. The Linux agent doesn't support collecting historical information required for the advanced reporting module at this time. This will be added on a later release. -Paul
  2. Hi @Michael12, To get a subscription for only 2 systems you would have to sign up for a Pro account using this sign-up page. -Paul
  3. @Martin_T I have the confirmation that IT Glue will be integrating with the Pulseway PSA soon. -Paul
  4. Hi Michael, If you do modify a MSI to contain your credentials and server name then the service should start up automatically after installation. Can you PM me your modified MSI so I can test it on a VM? -Paul
  5. Hi @Aspect, We do allow you to configure the Web Antivirus from the Pulseway WebApp under the Antivirus -> Policies. Is this what you were looking for? -Paul
  6. Hi there, Unfortunately performance counter names are localized to the OS locale and they don't really have any unique identifier. Also reading all performance counters just to display the list on the dashboard is going to take a very long time however it's something that we are going to be supporting in the future when we will be introducing web based configuration for the agents . -Paul
  7. @Martin_T, let me see what I can dig up. I'll come back on this soon. -Paul
  8. Normally it should install IIS itself and configure it. What OS did you use to install it on? -Paul
  9. This indicates that the IIS web service didn't connect to slv.pulseway.com as there is a firewall blocking the connection or it simply didn't manage to do it yet. Now that some time has passed, does it work? If not please create an archive of the c:\logs folder and send it to support [at] pulseway [dot] com. -Paul
  10. Hi @Aspect, Out of curiosity did you figure it out what happened with the installation? You've mentioned in a separate post that it didn't configure the IIS server. -Paul
  11. Hi there, You need to create a port forward for the UDP 9 port towards the static IP address of your computer. Additionally your computer needs to be connected to the network via an Ethernet cord. -Paul
  12. Hi guys, The IT Glue integration is now released and it's already available for everyone. See blog post: https://www.itglue.com/blog/it-glue-announces-integration-with-pulseway-rmm -Paul
  13. Hi Clive, We removed it as we are transitioning to a new system where we can maintain the roadmap in an easier (and automated) way. -Paul
  14. Hi Andre, We understand your excitement for the Webroot addon. Rest assured that we're doing all we can to push it out as soon as possible . PM me if you want I can add you to the early access list. -Paul
  15. @chrisporosky We will support Webroot as an alternative to Kaspersky.
  16. Hi, Sorry for the delay, can you rebuild the performance counters on the machine by running: lodctr /R See if this resolves the memory usage discrepancy. -Paul
  17. @chrisporosky You can see all internal IP addresses for the NICs you have monitored from the Pulseway apps in the Network section. If the system is offline you can run the IP Summary report to get the list of IPs. -Paul
  18. @Martin_T This issue was resolved and will be included in the 4.0.8 release coming up this weekend. -Paul
  19. I'm glad to hear it works now . -Paul
  20. Hi Johnny, Use IIS Crypto to set the same cipher suite from one server to another. The error says that the SQL Server has no matching SSL ciphers / protocols with the source machine. -Paul
  21. Paul

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    Hi Daniel, Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely consider this option . -Paul
  22. Hi Martin, This got released in yesterday's Windows Agent 5.3 release. Documentation is yet to be updated but you should find a new overload for the SendNotificationToAllDevices method with the new PCMonitorClient.dll. -Paul
  23. Hi Elliott, Sorry for the confusion and thanks for reporting the mistake. The correct file is PCMonitorClient.dll . -Paul
  24. Hi Daniel, Thank you for your feedback. This is not planned however we will consider supporting notification filters per device for each priority. This will allow you to set a device to receive only Critical notifications as PUSH and everything else as an email (if enabled). -Paul
  25. Hi, Thank you for your report. Based on the headers you've kindly attached I see the following entries that contribute most to the spam score: 3.6 FS_REPLICA Subject says "replica" -> If the subject contains replica, it's most likely related to a replication notification which is normal, I don't see why this should be marked as spam. We will not change the notification title. 1.7 MIME_BASE64_TEXT RAW: Message text disguised using base64 encoding -> We send an email in both base64 and plain text for maximum compatibility on all email clients. It's a common practice used while sending emails. I think your best shot would be to add the IP address of our email server to your spam detection exclusions or the email address all together. -Paul
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