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About Paul

  • Birthday 11/23/1991

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    Dublin, Ireland

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  1. @Jerdal, I cannot locate your email by date nor by address hence why I need your email headers to identify the message IDs and see if our email provider has received it. In the meantime, just PM me your instance name, username and the last 4 digits on the credit card on profile. -Paul
  2. Hey @Nelson, Can you alter the token value to be 'redacted' and then PM me your full request (include HTTP headers)? -Paul
  3. Hello Jerdal, I do see a support ticket from July 2023 and which was replied to 30 minutes later, did you not receive the reply? Edit: I've looked all over for your email on June 19th. Can you please PM me the email headers so I can take a deep dive on it? -Paul
  4. Hi @Jerdal, Please contact customer support at support@pulseway.com. We'll help you recover access to your account. Please be advised that you will have to undergo an identity verification process. -Paul
  5. Version 9.6 is the latest version. Please note that the Windows Metro app is discontinued and it will cease to function later this year. Please use the WebApp instead. -Paul
  6. Thanks for letting us know. Did you change the resolution recently? Do you use a custom scale factor (DPI)? @Mark here's an interesting one for you. -Paul
  7. Hi @Starscreem, This is not the case. This needs to be done only on client machines from where you connect to other systems. Running the application as an administrator will enable the secure communication protocol TLS 1.2 which is required to ensure product security. -Paul
  8. Hi @techtedg, You can definitely do this through an automation script. You can create a custom field called "AssignedUser" and make it be of system scope. Then assign the custom field to the systems you want to name (you don't have to do it for all systems, the script I have built below will only overwrite the computer name for systems that have a custom field value assigned). Then you will need to create a powershell automation script, add an input variable that is bound to the custom field you've just created and use the powershell script below: $AssignedUser = ''; # this will get automatically generated for you when you create the input variable, you don't need to add this line if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssignedUser)) { Write-Output "Missing AssignedUser custom field value, aborting..."; exit 0; } $newComputerName = "$AssignedUser $env:COMPUTERNAME"; Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor' -Name 'ComputerName' -Value $newComputerName; Write-Output "Computer display name changed to '$newComputerName'."; exit 0; Let me know how it goes -Paul
  9. Hi @at26574, There was a problem with a cloud service that just got resolved. Can you try again now and let us know if everything goes well? -Paul
  10. The Pulseway service runs scripts under the local SYSTEM user. You will probably need to load the correct user registry and make changes there. -Paul
  11. It does get applied to all systems automatically unless you have turned off automatic agent updates. Does your systems not have the 9.3.1 windows agent? -Paul
  12. We've just released the 9.3.1 Linux agent version which resolves the issue. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. -Paul
  13. Hi @BromTeque, Many thanks for the detailed report. I've raised the alarm with the development team. I'll keep you posted with updates as I have them. -Paul
  14. We have identified the issue and have released the Windows Agent version 9.3.1 with the fix. This seems to be localized to users who have never set up global rules through the WebApp. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. -Paul
  15. Hello everyone, We're investigating the issue and will come back with an update as we hear back from the development team. -Paul
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