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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi Nikolaj, What is the "Web Server" setting set to in the Pulseway Admin -> License & Administration -> Server Administrator? Does it match the FQDN of your server? -Paul
  2. Hi, This is an indicator that your server doesn't support NAT loopback. Try adding the server hostname to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to resolve it to the loopback interface: fqdn Then try again to connect using the WebApp. -Paul
  3. Hi, Pulseway will always deliver email notifications from the same email address, namely support@pulseway.com. Can you post the headers of an email that is getting filtered and possibly a log extract that shows the reason why our emails are getting blocked? -Paul
  4. Hi Cor, I'd start by reading this KB: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/947226/description-of-security-events-in-windows-vista-and-in-windows-server-2008 -Paul
  5. Hi Cor, You should be able to monitor the Samsung SSDs through the health checks, if you want to check the RAID status please tell me what type of RAID adapter do you have? @cjs1976, try the OIDs from this page for the DELL server. -Paul
  6. Hi Cor, Have you tried these OIDs: http://www.oidview.com/mibs/24681/NAS-MIB.html? -Paul
  7. Hi Cor, If it writes in the Event Log whenever backups fails or finish successfully then you should be able to monitor it with using Pulseway. No, not at this time. You could write a script that runs a speedtest every day. Script link: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Speedtest/2.0/Content/Speedtest.ps1. You can get a lot of the event ID's by going to Tools -> Alert Categories. Look by the box 'record in the Windows Event Log' as you scroll through the alert catagories and you can see the Event ID for most of the events logged in the application log. Finally configure these IDs in the Pulseway Manager. -Paul
  8. Hi Cor, Support for ESET ERA 6.x was cancelled, see the following post: I apologize for the inconvenience this causes. -Paul
  9. Paul

    Script Ideas

    Hi Andy, Try this PowerShell script that @Chris wrote a while ago: try { $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "Pulseway" } $app.Uninstall() Write-Host "Uninstallation completed successfully" } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName Write-Host "There was an error on $computername.`r`n$FailedItem`r`nMessage: $ErrorMessage" Break } -Paul
  10. Hi Andy, I'll ask around and let you know what I find. -Paul
  11. Thanks for sharing this, this would be even more awesome when we will support script variables to be entered at runtime. -Paul
  12. Right now we use a wildcard certificate that covers all pulseway.com subdomains. Let's Encrypt would be an option to be considered in the future.
  13. Paul

    PSA Subforum

    There is now: https://forum.pulseway.com/forum/83-general . -Paul
  14. The only way to make this work is to have a SAN/UCC SSL certificate that covers your ictwebsolution.pulseway.com domain name and the monitoring.companynameX.com. With HTTPS there is really no other way. -Paul
  15. Hi there, Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately we have no plans on adding support for the full rebranding on the Pro plan but a simple logo import from a file on the Dashboard is not a bad idea. I'll add it on our todo list. We switch pages automatically in the Dashboard, is it a big problem when you change the DPI? Just so you know that when you increase the DPI we only increase the font size and nothing else so it's the exact same thing. Offering you a way to pick the font size would be a better solution since you'll have more "steps" rather than the 125% 150% 175% and 200% Windows offers. So you'd like to see the systems in each group ordered by severity and order the groups based severities for each system contained? Here you would like that each group to have dedicated pages (one or more) and never to have two groups shown on the same page? I'm absolutely thrilled about this feature request. I totally agree with having something to catch your eye for critical notifications. The offline notification is already of critical priority. You only receive it after 10-15 minutes after the machine is offline (configurable on the Team / MSP plans) but once you get it the system will show up as red. We do this on the WebApp, the "News" button has blue text whenever there is something you didn't read. -Paul
  16. Hi Ryan, You can't blacklist files that don't represent any threats but you can download an antivirus test file by Eicar which is used to find out how the antivirus will react when detecting a virus. -Paul
  17. Hi Michael, Unfortunately no, this is not possible at the moment. We're considering on adding a setting on an account association to allow you to specify the access level and notifications access by default for newly added systems. -Paul
  18. Sorry about that. Yes, this will be available for all Pulseway plans, free of charge. -Paul
  19. Because she could. -Paul
  20. All Pulseway settings will be exposed on the webapp (including the configuration for the Linux and macOS agent). -Paul
  21. Hi Sam, You could create a new Pulseway account and then follow this guide to setup an automation task that will update the credentials on your monitored systems: You need to skip the part that activates the "Use Enterprise Server" / "Enterprise Server Name" settings. -Paul
  22. Hi Steve, You can monitor the Windows Message Queue using performance counters: https://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-164359 -Paul
  23. Thanks for letting us know. We'll investigate right away. -Paul
  24. Hi Steve, There is no such thing as a stupid question . You can add a tag from the system details page by clicking on the Tags entry and then from the top right corner you will find a button that says "Add Tags". From there you can create new tags. Check out this blog post for more information. -Paul
  25. Hi Dilbert, There is nothing I can say to that can "sweeten" the situation. The decision to stop the development on the ESET ERA 6 server module was not taken lightly considering the fact that we've invested R&D time into it however there were some difficulties which forced us to put the development on hold and we never got to pick it up again. I really understand that some of you committed to Pulseway only because of the though of integrating their existing ESET infrastructure and this really was pushed forward for years now and now completely removed out of our Roadmap but it's still possible to have a change of heart and reintroduce this due to popular demand. On our past two feature surveys we've seen a much higher demand of Kaspersky in favor of ESET which was the major reason of the antivirus product selection. In regards to the backup product monitoring and management, we plan to introduce a backup addon (or server module) but we're not yet 100% decided on which product we're going to be selecting. With the introduction of the Antivirus addon we've made it possible to introduce other integrations much easier thus opening the doors to many more integrations. I apologize for the inconvenience this caused. -Paul
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