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  1. Hi! Can anyone please tell me how to get notified (monitoring my PC from an iOS device) when my computer (running windows 10) turns on? The reason is that i have give access to other users as well to turn it on and i want to get notified when this happens. Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. Pulseway Dashboard (Currently 6.3) Data - All Notifications. Currently we can not: Ctrl + Select, Shift + Select All, Ctrl + A, Sort by columns. This is a daily task for me and so it would be fantastic to be able to use these simple functions.
  3. I want to setup a SNMP notification for my canon printer. The "printer status" OID will show nothing when the printer is working and show a number if there is an error. I have no idea what each and every error might show up as. Is it possible to set the notification to alert me if that SNMP option changed from null to some number? Right now if I leave "value" blank I cannot click ok to finish.
  4. This script will check to see if a VPN connection with the given name exists. If it does exist, it updates the VPN connection. If it does not exist, it creates a VPN connection with the given values. Note: I believe Pulseway runs PowerShell scripts under the Local System account by default (unless you have defined PowerShell User Impersonation in the Pulseway Manager, I think). In order to expose the VPN to users, this script runs against the Global Phone Book (-AllUserConnection switch). Therefore, this script does not check for the existence of VPN profiles stored in individual user Phone Books. (If an existing user VPN profile exists, this script will create a new VPN in the Global Phone Book, as it will not be able to see the existing user VPN.) This script was developed and tested on Windows 10, but should also work on Windows 8/8.1. PowerShell VpnClient documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/vpnclient/?view=win10-ps ################################ # VARIABLES $Name = "VPN" $ServerAddress = "vpn.domain.com" # IP Address or FQDN $TunnelType = "Automatic" # Values: PPTP | L2TP | SSTP | IKEv2 | Automatic $L2tpPsk = '[Insert PSK Here]' $AuthenticationMethod = "MSCHAPv2" # Values: PAP | CHAP | MSCHAPv2 | EAP $EncryptionLevel = "Optional" # Values: NoEncryption | Optional | Required | Maximum $UseWinlogonCredential = $true $RememberCredential = $true $SplitTunneling = $true $DnsSuffix = 'domain.local' ################################ # If PowerShell supports VPN configuration, apply VPN configuration if (Get-Command 'Get-VpnConnection') { # If VPN exists, update VPN settings if (Get-VpnConnection -Name $Name -AllUserConnection -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Set-VpnConnection -Name $Name -AllUserConnection -ServerAddress $ServerAddress -TunnelType $TunnelType -EncryptionLevel $EncryptionLevel -AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod -SplitTunneling $SplitTunneling -DnsSuffix $DnsSuffix -L2tpPsk $L2tpPsk -UseWinlogonCredential $UseWinlogonCredential -RememberCredential $RememberCredential -Force } # Else, create VPN connection else { Add-VpnConnection -Name $Name -AllUserConnection $true -ServerAddress $ServerAddress -TunnelType $TunnelType -EncryptionLevel $EncryptionLevel -AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod -DnsSuffix $DnsSuffix -L2tpPsk $L2tpPsk -Force Set-VpnConnection -Name $Name -AllUserConnection -SplitTunneling $SplitTunneling -UseWinlogonCredential $UseWinlogonCredential -RememberCredential $RememberCredential } return Get-VpnConnection -Name $Name -AllUserConnection exit } # Else, exit with failure code else { return "Client does not support VpnClient cmdlets" exit 1 }
  5. Hi there! I am looking for a way to install a custom MSI pakage that I built on my endpoints via a script. I have the MSI package on my website. I need the script to download the MSI from my website, then execute in silent mode. Thank you!!
  6. I have created a Windows cmd file to copy files nightly on one of my servers. If there is an error, the cmd file outputs the error to an error.txt file, thus updated the "Last Write" date on the file. My command file is working great, and outputs the errors to the error.txt, and the date stamp on the error.txt file is updated each time this happens. I configured the Pulseway Computer Settings via Notifications -> Storage -> Files. I added the error.txt and checked for notifications to be sent when the file last write date has changed. (see image) This works the first time, but the second, no notification is sent. Am I doing something wrong? Any pointers on how I can make this work consistently? Thanks!
  7. Hi Everyone! How is possible assign automatically an hardware asset to a customer in PSA when a ticket is created trough a support request ? What kind of configuration i've to do in RMM side to match a customer in PSA?
  8. I hope I am in the right Subforum to ask this question. I recently started to use Pulseway and am impressed what I am able to do with it but I noticed one feature missing that I need. Is it possible with Pulseway to check Servers/Clients with log files for backups if they have been successful or failed? For example if there is a NAS connected to a network and someone is doing a USB Backup on it I want to check if it has failed so I will get a notification when it fails. I want to use it on Windows and Linux machines so my best guess is to use a script of somekind right?
  9. I have enabled lost of notifications on my pc but none of the show up, the did once or twice but not anymore, has anyone a idea why?
  10. I am having issues with pulsewaycredentialprovider.dll stopping the Windows login screen from loading on Windows 10 1809. I have submitted a ticket to support at support@pulseway.com as well. The issue is that with Pulseway software installed and the credential provider loading the system boots to the displayed screen but will go no further. I am able to run terminal and PowerShell commands from the web interface (prior to software uninstall) but can never log in. Pulseway remote does not work either. This is happening on two Windows 10 1809 DELL Optiplex computers with fresh Windows 10 PRO installations. RIght now our only solution is to leave Pulseway uninstalled. Any information or solution helpful. Thanks. John
  11. Hi, On the Windows Dashboard 6.1 (build 1113) the up-time display is quite strange - I love precision but
  12. Hi, I am looking to use Pulseway to patch our clients servers. However there are some clients that need them patched in a specific order. For example I want to patch the VMs on the Hyper-v then when they have completed run the patches on the Hyper-V host. I may be missing something obvious but can't seem to find how to do that. thanks
  13. Dear Pulseway Community, is there a way to propagate the password to the systems that are registered via the account we want to change the password of? The account has about 130 registered systems and we don't want to replace the password manually on each system. Best wishes, Norman
  14. Is there a way to monitor the temperature on a machine on an on-going (or logged) basis? I would like to set a notification to be sent when the Core Temp reached xx degrees. I see that it is monitored in the hardware section, but i can't find a place to trigger an event. Thakn you,
  15. Our technical support AD credentials have changed passwords and now we are getting hundreds of machines trying to login with the configured AD account PowerShell User Impersonation credentials…locking the technician accounts. These machines are spread out at 19 separate locations and over 600 miles, at remote locations. How do we remotely modify the Runtime PowerShell user credentials on those machines? I have tried uninstalling and then reinstalling, but it absorbs the previous configuration…including the former PowerShell User credentials….I also tried calling tech support but was sent to voicemail. Help! Local Setings where credentials were entered: Remote Settings, no ability to enter or modify PowerShell User:
  16. dpbklyn

    Email Parser

    It would be awesome if the email parser went a little deeper. Sometimes a client emails us directly and we forward that email to Pulseway to open a ticket. The problem with this is that it opens the ticket using our company as the client. It would be great if we could get the parser to look in the email headers to find the address that the email originated from and use THAT to assign and client and user to the ticket. There are other ticket systems that do this. Alternatively (though not as elegant), It would also work to put a flag in the subject line like "@CLIENTNAME" to get the email assigned to the client. Is there a way to do this with workflows?
  17. Hi, I think it misses the ability to monitor bandwidth on servers and users computers. It would be nice to have a history of several weeks and the services used.
  18. I am trying to upgrade some software using PowerShell and I am not sure if my parameters are correctly formatted . See highlighted text # Silent Install Secure Secure Authentication # http://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/esa/windows/v2/ # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\scripts\" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "http://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/esa/windows/v2/" $destination = "$workdir\esa_nt64_enu_v2.msi" # Check if Invoke-Webrequest exists otherwise execute WebClient if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest') { Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination } else { $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination) } Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination # Start the installation msiexec.exe /i "$workdir\esa_nt64_enu_v2.msi" ADDLOCAL="Credential_Provider" /qb /L*v "c:\esa_install_log.txt" # Wait XX Seconds for the installation to finish Start-Sleep -s 35 # Remove the installer rm -Force $workdir\esa_nt64*
  19. Hello! Recently I've been experimenting a bit using scripts that contain variables that the user should enter. For example, a very simple one to shutdown a computer after X-amount of time: (example use-case: I download large files during the night, so it doesn't count towards my ISP data-usage) @echo off set /p time=Enter time in seconds: shutdown /s /t %time% timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK exit however, upon executing said script, the app doesn't request for the variable to be filled out. (I guess it's not made for such uses) Obviously, i can manually enter the command using CMD, but i don't want to be typing the command every time i need it. (you can call me lazy :p) Any ideas how to do this correctly?
  20. Is there a way to kick off an automated task based on a notification or alert. For Example, if we get a notification of a disk getting full, I would want the automation to run: <Open a ticket>--> <add predetermined note>--> <add 15 minutes>--><run task to clean drive>--><send notification that task has completed>--><close ticket> Is this possible now, or should this be a feature request? Thank you, dp
  21. I want a program to always run on my computer. Is there a script that forces a program to restart after its process has been stopped? Thanks in advance
  22. dpbklyn

    Exclude Disk

    Is there a way to exclude a particular disk (e:\) from the storage notifications?
  23. Hello, I am trying to automate our on-boarding process as much as possible. Is there a way to upload software to Pulseway (an A/V Application in this case) so we can trigger a script to install it on endpoints during on boarding? Thank you, dp
  24. It would be nice if there was a view similar to the Time Sheet, Time Entries list but that showed the start and end time of each entry and only showed the time entries for the tickets that had entries for the week. Autotask had this and it was a great way to help remind me of what I did in the "gaps" between ticket time entries. Having all open tickets in my queue just clutters the current view. Maybe have a button on that view that toggles between all the open tickets and no time entries showing and having only time entries showing with start and end times. It looks like this:
  25. Sometimes i am creating a ticket after i have already started work on the problem. Not ideal I know, but it happens. It happens enough that i would really like to be able to put in the time i started working on the problem and then hit the now choice and then hit a "Add time" or start tracking time button that continues to update the "now" or "end" field. that way i dont have to remember to hit that now button when i am done and hit the save button.
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