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  1. I will try using this one as a baseline and see if it works. Thanks.
  2. I am trying to use this script, but I keep getting the error "Where-Object : Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: FilterScript. At C:\Program Files\Pulseway\automation_dc45fa75_cbe2_4a45_bfb5_18a9f9945795.ps 1:16 char:4 + } ? <<<< + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Where-Object], ParameterBi ndingException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingMandatoryParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.C ommands.WhereObjectCommand" Ideas?
  3. Hi there! I am looking for a way to install a custom MSI pakage that I built on my endpoints via a script. I have the MSI package on my website. I need the script to download the MSI from my website, then execute in silent mode. Thank you!!
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