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  1. Hi MMSOFT. Is it somehow possible to generate more individual notifications from the same plugin, without using allowMultipleNotifications. It is not hard to imagine that a plugin would have to monitor two or more individual values. If it is not possible, consider this a feature request :-) Best Regards, Martin.
  2. Hi, When a plugin returns a datetime (eg. in a simpleitem) it is formatted acording to the agent device language and timezone. Is it somehow possible to format/convert it so it match the mobile apps regional setting and timezone? Br, Martin.
  3. Hi, Is it posible to return a graph from a plugin? I am interested in returning value in a graph like the one used in CPU, Memory, etc. Br, Martin.
  4. It would be nice with a build in option to trigger notifications based on the date since last backup of any databse. We are currently using this custom SQL Query i 'msdb': SELECT STUFF((SELECT N', ' + name FROM (SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT db.name FROM (SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE (state = 0) AND (NOT (name IN ('tempdb')))) AS db LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT database_name AS name, backup_finish_date AS timestamp FROM dbo.backupset UNION SELECT name, create_date FROM master.sys.databases) AS b ON b.name = db.name GROUP BY db.name HAVING (NOT (1 * ISNULL(STR(ABS(DATEDIFF(hh, GETDATE(), MAX(b.timestamp)))), - 1) BETWEEN 0 AND 48)) ORDER BY db.name) AS [n1] FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,2,N'') AS [Missing] // Martin.
  5. I am trying to upgrade some software using PowerShell and I am not sure if my parameters are correctly formatted . See highlighted text # Silent Install Secure Secure Authentication # http://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/esa/windows/v2/ # Path for the workdir $workdir = "c:\scripts\" # Check if work directory exists if not create it If (Test-Path -Path $workdir -PathType Container) { Write-Host "$workdir already exists" -ForegroundColor Red} ELSE { New-Item -Path $workdir -ItemType directory } # Download the installer $source = "http://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/esa/windows/v2/" $destination = "$workdir\esa_nt64_enu_v2.msi" # Check if Invoke-Webrequest exists otherwise execute WebClient if (Get-Command 'Invoke-Webrequest') { Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination } else { $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webclient.DownloadFile($source, $destination) } Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination # Start the installation msiexec.exe /i "$workdir\esa_nt64_enu_v2.msi" ADDLOCAL="Credential_Provider" /qb /L*v "c:\esa_install_log.txt" # Wait XX Seconds for the installation to finish Start-Sleep -s 35 # Remove the installer rm -Force $workdir\esa_nt64*
  6. Hello! Recently I've been experimenting a bit using scripts that contain variables that the user should enter. For example, a very simple one to shutdown a computer after X-amount of time: (example use-case: I download large files during the night, so it doesn't count towards my ISP data-usage) @echo off set /p time=Enter time in seconds: shutdown /s /t %time% timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK exit however, upon executing said script, the app doesn't request for the variable to be filled out. (I guess it's not made for such uses) Obviously, i can manually enter the command using CMD, but i don't want to be typing the command every time i need it. (you can call me lazy :p) Any ideas how to do this correctly?
  7. Hello, I am trying to automate our on-boarding process as much as possible. Is there a way to upload software to Pulseway (an A/V Application in this case) so we can trigger a script to install it on endpoints during on boarding? Thank you, dp
  8. Hi there, We are using both PSA and RMM from Pulseway. In the last few weeks we are experiencing some weird behavior between PSA and RMM. We don't use the and never set up the integration, but after we delete the settings both in PSA and RMM, it still comes back. It is irritating us enormously and the support isn't helpful after creating several tickets. I hope someone can help us with this issue. King regards, Tim Roewen
  9. I want a program to always run on my computer. Is there a script that forces a program to restart after its process has been stopped? Thanks in advance
  10. Will be able to see in the next release an option to update time on a bulk action for multiple tickets?
  11. Sometimes i am creating a ticket after i have already started work on the problem. Not ideal I know, but it happens. It happens enough that i would really like to be able to put in the time i started working on the problem and then hit the now choice and then hit a "Add time" or start tracking time button that continues to update the "now" or "end" field. that way i dont have to remember to hit that now button when i am done and hit the save button.
  12. Hello We have a dedicated controller at Pulseway. We have a couple of Windows Servers but one has showed itself as offline since yesterday. The Windows Server itself is up and running fine and the Pulseway service is running. I have tried this: Restart Pulseway Service (No problems) Unregister and Reregister System (Working Fine) Rebooted the server Communicationtest "telnet xxxx.pulseway.com 443" answering like it should Uninstalled Pulseway and removed the registry key "ComputerIdentifier" then reinstalled Uninstalled Pulseway again and removed the whole Hive "MMSOFT Design" from registry and reinstalled Pulseway. Seems like no matter what I do the server is Offline in Pulseway controller at web and IOS. Do you have any suggestions to point me in the right direction? Kindly Mikael
  13. Hello and TYIA~ I am trying to put together a work flow that will hold a ticket for 7-days once we believe it is complete. Once assigned to a particular status, I would like the ticket to stay open for 7-days, then if there are no further updates, close itself. Does anyone have anything like this they wouldn't mind sharing?
  14. Hello, Is there a method to update the Pulseway windows agent remotely on a workgroup machine? Or is this done automatically after installing Pulseway? Thanks
  15. Hello, I first noticed this problem after performing a new install of agent 4.8.3 on an SBS 2011 server. I thought it was related to just this Server (which has been rebooted since install and the firewall is disabled), but found that this error occurs with a number of Windows 7 hosts as well. I can't immediately establish the reason why some hosts connect and others don't. I've not encountered this error before so am unsure where to start with troubleshooting. Appreciate any assistance.
  16. Hello and Thank you in advance. What is the best way to setup monitoring on an agent and then push that agent out to all desktops? Would doing an EXPORT/IMPORT on Group Policies accomplish this? Thank you, dp
  17. Hi All, New to the software and love its ease of use. I am looking for an update from the roadmap on when the custom reporting may be available? Things like asset reporting on all PCs with x of software (Eg. office 2010) or License numbers of x software.Have a microsoft audit for example and need to gather all the FPP license numbers! All the information you appear to have already from the summary and detail asset reports its just the selection of those items into one report. or if any one knows a script that performs that task?
  18. Hey Guys, It would be great if we had some integration with https://chocolatey.org for windows package management, its basically like apt-get or yum for windows which seems a lot better IMHO then ninite type solutions. Having its own tab under group policy for example to install selected apps across multiple machines and keep them updated within patch windows for example. This would be a huge benefit for Pulseway if done well. https://chocolatey.org/about https://chocolatey.org/pricing at only $3/year per machine its pretty competitive pricing. Cheers, Quenten
  19. Hi. I am making an Automation Script that updates a custom plugin-file, that might is always be in use, to a newer version. If the plugin doesn't already exist everything works fine. But if it already exist it cannot be overwritten, because the Pulseway Service (and managers, if any are running) is using the file. My solution is to stop the service, overwrite the file and start the service. It works very well when executing manually in ISE, but not when executed as an Automation Script from Pulseway. It looks like the entire script is terminated when the service stops, and the execution doesn't return anything in execution history - not even an error. Could anyone help me with the best practice for updating a plugin dll-file from an Automation Script. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  20. My predecessor had created a script that would install a desktop link to our help desk. We no longer use this solution and I want to have the shortcut removed from every device. I can't seem to find a script to do this. I hope someone could help. This is the script that he had used: @echo off md C:\icon copy "\\edmws001\image\Nortrux_Helpdesk_icon.ico" "c:\icon" icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Administrators:F icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Users:F icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant INTERACTIVE:F attrib -R "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" copy "\\edmws001\image\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" "C:\Users\Public\Desktop" attrib +R "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Users:R icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant Administrators:R icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant INTERACTIVE:R icacls "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Nortrux IT Help Desk.lnk" /inheritance:r /grant SYSTEM:F
  21. Hi, I have have some requests from management and staff using the dashboard at our company. Please could some of these be addressed or looked at? We would like to apply/replace the pulseway logo with our company logo, but we have no need for enterprise at this time (this may change in the future). Being able to drag an image to the dashboard installation folder as a simple start would be good, or "select an image" option in the settings - As a bonus, changing the colours of background and text would be fantastic. Custom sizing of text within the dashboard would help, as playing around with dpi within windows causes things to go onto two pages. (Changing clock size would be bonus cookies) Order by severity, I think I may have requested this before,(not yet addressed) this makes total sense to be able to order the list by what severity EG: critical first. Split groups on to separate pages, this is a nicety if you have multiple machines on multiple sites, this would allow better use of screen space especially on 65"+ TV's The coloured icons could use a flashing feature to catch your eye, EG: a critical alert would make it flash red and blue/black, this is instead of a steady amber or red. Had to edit this one in: Pulseway Manager needs to give us an option to mark an offline server as critical, a simply notification will not email our zendesk for example. Last but not least: can we get a changelog pop up when updates arrive, think this would be beneficial to show customers that there is continued development in progress. - I am aware that you run a blog for this kind of thing. Many Thanks, Kind Regards, TIM STARK
  22. Hi, I am running pulseway for 2 weeks now and i see somethings missing i run the pulseway client on a windows 10 Pro version and i see that i can't notify if my AV is out dated and i am running pulseway client on a windows 2012 R2 RDS server and i have not that option. why is this or can be there a update for the client ...
  23. I am trying to create a PowerShell script that will run DBCC checks on a SQL server and then report status back to Pulseway. I have a working script that I can run from the command line but the script will not run correctly when sent as a Pulseway script. Here are the details. The script fails because it is unable to authenticate to the SQL server. The SQL Server is running on the same machine as I am running the script on. Thus wil are not dealing with cross machine accounts. I have put debug code into the script and the account reported back by PowerShell is MACHINENAME$. The machine is in a domain and thus the script appears to be reporting back the machine account in the domain. This implies to me that when Pulseway runs a script it is using the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account and that the MACHINENAME$ account would then be used for any network access. Is this correct? I have given SQL Server rights to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM as well as DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$ and NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE. Non of these rights appear to allow me to connect to SQL. Has anyone ever written Powershell code for Pulseway and been able to connect to SQL Server? Any ideas, thoughts or details on the user contexts used by Pulseway would be helpful.
  24. Does anyone have or know how to create a script to disable Password Protected Sharing in Windows 10. This has become a real issue for me as every time Microsoft has an update the default is "Turn on password protected sharing" which forces me to do a lot of tweaks. Thanks in advance, Pete
  25. Our business operates with hundreds of products in our inventory and going through all of them and manually entering them into PSA was not exactly an option, and without an import function, I had to develop an import tool that uses the PSA API. I developed it originally with hard coded parameters, in a single class, but went back today and improved it for distribution to everyone here. To view the source code, check out the repository at https://bitbucket.org/garrettbromley/pulseway-product-import/ To download the executable files, download PulsewayProductImport-v2.zip at https://bitbucket.org/garrettbromley/pulseway-product-import/downloads/ Instructions: Download the Excel template and add your inventory into that sheet. I personally had a Microsoft Surface that I walked around with and inventoried everything. To change the categories/sub categories, open the "Back End" tab on the sheet and edit those tables to your liking The only column that isn't required is the UPC Code. Run the Import Tool Input your PSA credentials Type in the full directory to the excel sheet (make sure its closed before running it) Confirm the number of detected items Watch the tool work Make a stock adjustment with the levels of stock for each item (this unfortunately cannot be automated) It will notify you how many items have successfully been imported and which ones failed (if any) and why. Please let me know if you have any questions! I will post changelogs if any updates are made.
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