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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi David, Do you get anything written in the syslog when you try to start the Pulseway service? -Paul
  2. Hi there, Can you check the syslog to see if there's anything logged that's relevant to the Pulseway daemon? -Paul
  3. Hey Gary, We cannot undo a voided sales order but you can always create a new one. -Paul
  4. Hi Gary, We've looked into the issue yesterday and it seems that there was a problem with the reporting service which the SaaS OPS team has resolved. Sorry for the delayed reply. -Paul
  5. Hi there, You can do that now, create a shortcut to pcmontask and add a 'support' (without quotes) argument. -Paul
  6. Thanks for the update. I'll get the PSA development team to look into this. -Paul
  7. Hi there, Have you tried our Discovery and Deployment feature? -Paul
  8. Hi Kelsier, You can view that information from the mobile apps while the system is offline from the legacy reports. Can you check? -Paul
  9. Hi Kelsier, We'll definitely consider adding this option in the future. -Paul
  10. Try adding the [%Ticket Number%] tag to the email template to see if this resolves the issue. We'll consider adding a header that includes the ticket number so you don't have to keep the ticket number in the email subject. -Paul
  11. Paul

    Quick Agent Install

    You can configure a single workstations on the customer's site and then deploy using the discovery and deployment feature. You can definitely export the configuration of the Pulseway Windows Agent and import it post installation. -Paul
  12. Hi Jim, First of all the Pulseway app doesn't need to be started for you to receive PUSH notifications. The fact that you're not getting any PUSH notifications after you close the app is not intended and we're going to be investigating this issue and come back at you as soon as I get an update. -Paul
  13. This is going to be added in today's release. You'll be able to display your own logo and support contact information in the User Chat, Request Support and About windows of the User Agent. Remote Desktop session list rebranding is coming up next week. -Paul
  14. Hi Martin, We can help you write a script that will update your hardware assets using the REST API: https://psa.pulseway.com/api#hardware-assets-put-hardware-asset. What sort of changes would you like to perform? -Paul
  15. I cannot disclose much about the project ahead of it's announcement but it does include local and cloud backup and that it's going to be amazing . -Paul
  16. I love what you did to our dashboard . This would be an awesome feature! -Paul
  17. Paul

    iOS - Screen Sharing

    Hi Guillaume, I'm afraid that mobile device management is not part of our immediate Roadmap however it will be taken in consideration for the future. -Paul
  18. It's due to be out by the end of this quarter. -Paul
  19. Hi Gary, Please run the following Powershell commands, attach the c:\updates.txt file and a screenshot of what you see in the Windows Update GUI. We'll investigate it. $searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher $results = $searcher.search("Type='software' AND IsInstalled = 0 AND IsHidden = 0") ($results.Updates | select-object *) > c:\updates.txt -Paul
  20. Thanks for the report. Please do let us know if you see any kind of slowness like this and I'll look into it right away. -Paul
  21. An update on this, we're planning to release the 4.0.11 update tomorrow. -Paul
  22. That's a very good point actually, I'll have the rest of the development team look into this. -Paul
  23. This is coming in the upcoming ACL revamp feature where we'll have user group access for all Pulseway features including addon access and newly added systems will automatically pick the "Site" permissions. -Paul
  24. Hi, The way we handle access level lists within Pulseway will be revamped in this quarter making it possible for all accounts to pretty much do everything like other accounts can. -Paul
  25. Thanks, I did use on some machines the following command to restart Pulseway from the mobile app and it did restart the service without any problems: Restart-Service Pulseway -Paul
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