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Everything posted by Paul

  1. It's due to be out by the end of this quarter. -Paul
  2. Hi Gary, Please run the following Powershell commands, attach the c:\updates.txt file and a screenshot of what you see in the Windows Update GUI. We'll investigate it. $searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher $results = $searcher.search("Type='software' AND IsInstalled = 0 AND IsHidden = 0") ($results.Updates | select-object *) > c:\updates.txt -Paul
  3. Thanks for the report. Please do let us know if you see any kind of slowness like this and I'll look into it right away. -Paul
  4. An update on this, we're planning to release the 4.0.11 update tomorrow. -Paul
  5. That's a very good point actually, I'll have the rest of the development team look into this. -Paul
  6. This is coming in the upcoming ACL revamp feature where we'll have user group access for all Pulseway features including addon access and newly added systems will automatically pick the "Site" permissions. -Paul
  7. Hi, The way we handle access level lists within Pulseway will be revamped in this quarter making it possible for all accounts to pretty much do everything like other accounts can. -Paul
  8. Thanks, I did use on some machines the following command to restart Pulseway from the mobile app and it did restart the service without any problems: Restart-Service Pulseway -Paul
  9. Thanks for your report. We've managed to reproduce the issue and we'll fix it in the next release. -Paul
  10. Hey guys, We've released an update that corrects the schedule calculation on timezones that observe Daylight Saving Time. -Paul
  11. Hi Sam, Unfortunately this is not yet possible but you can reset AD passwords from the AD server module. -Paul
  12. Unfortunately the agent cannot decide that the Webroot addon should load by itself (due to licensing reasons) so there can only be the server who takes this decision. I don't see any problem in exposing a method in our REST API to ask the Pulseway server to send the addon installation command for that particular machine. -Paul
  13. You install it using the Pulseway Manager in the Plugins tab then you can change some Pulseway settings from the mobile app (or from the webapp). It's really cool if change the agent configuration a lot as it saves you from running powershell queries. -Paul
  14. Thanks for the screenshots. We'd like to have a better look at one of the affected systems via a remote session with one of our devs. Can you please send an email to support@pulseway.com and we'll get things started. -Paul
  15. Thanks, what OS version and edition that is. Also can you attach a screenshot of what you see in the Windows Updates UI (on the updates list). Edit: Also add the output of: (New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.AgentInfo).GetInfo('ProductVersionString') -Paul
  16. Hi there, I'm afraid that there is no progress on this yet. We're going to be introducing Agent Policies to centralize the configuration of Pulseway agents, this will greatly ease the process of pushing new configuration to agents and we will definitely be introducing templates for various use cases and SNMP might come up with templates at start then we will extend it to guess the device and automatically pick a template. -Paul
  17. Hi Matt, Thanks for letting us know. Please send me a PM with the file generated by these powershell commands and we'll investigate the issue: $searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher $results = $searcher.search("Type='software' AND IsInstalled = 0 AND IsHidden = 0") ($results.Updates | select-object *) > c:\updates.txt -Paul
  18. File transfer within Pulseway RD is a confirmed feature and will be introduced at the same time when we will support P2P connections which will greatly increase the performance of your RD sessions. -Paul
  19. Hi John, Make sure that you don't have a notification setup in the email parser and another one in the Admin -> Business Process -> Workflows. -Paul
  20. Hi, We are honouring the existing security system in place to prevent other users from controlling security critical features such as antivirus / os patch deployment status, scripts and tasks as changes might accidentally affect systems that you are not aware. There are plans on revamping the user security systems at Pulseway to introduce user groups and access levels which will allow you to provide full access to the entire Pulseway feature set for other users. -Paul
  21. Hi Antoine, You can change your account credentials from the Settings dialog (hotkey F9). -Paul
  22. We don't send follow up notifications however we will consider this feature in the future. -Paul
  23. I'm afraid that they didn't get implemented yet. -Paul
  24. Hi @Kasper, Thank you for your report. We've resolved the issue and you should be able to login now. Thanks @Chris! -Paul
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