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Everything posted by Paul

  1. We have a Pixel 2 XL ourselves and we've reproduced the issue too. -Paul
  2. Hey everyone, I've just found out that this is a more wide spread issue as it's affecting other apps as well. It appears to be due to an update: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/phone-by-google/Nfqx7JT0J9g. Go to Battery – Settings (three vertical dots) – Battery Optimization, open the All apps section from the drop down menu, go to Pulseway, and tap on “Don’t optimize.”. Let me know if this resolves the issue. -Paul
  3. Thanks, we'll investigate and get back at you. -Paul
  4. Hi there, I've checked your account and I can see that everything is setup properly (I see that it was registered 27 minutes ago). Can you try again to see if PUSH notifications are sent to your Pixel 2 XL or they only reach out your iPhone and iPad? -Paul
  5. Sorry for late update. Please use the following KB article to batch reconfigure your Windows systems: https://intercom.help/pulseway/agents/migrate-agents-to-use-an-authentication-token-via-psexec. For macOS and Linux we do not remove the registration info, a simple restart of the systems (or restart of the Pulseway service) will do. Due to the nature of the problem, it's not the 6.0 software that caused this but an error with a migration script on our database which was corrected a minute later but it was a minute too late. This caused the agents to stop and deconfigure so a software rollback will not restore the agents. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes. -Paul
  6. Hi there, It appears that there was an error while migrating your instance to the Pulseway 6.0. While we've taken steps to prevent this from happening some instances caused the agents to deconfigure. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes and we're working on setting up a KB article to automate the reconfiguration of your systems in one go. Our main focus is to get you back online ASAP. -Paul
  7. Hi Matt, The PSA development team is investigating the issue with top priority. Thank you for your report. -Paul
  8. Hi Martin, I like the idea! We'll definitely be considering this . -Paul
  9. Paul

    Remote Desktop On Mac

    Hi Levi, Unfortunately we had to drop the integration we were building with a 3rd party software due to last minute disagreements so we are going to be improving our own RD in the following months. -Paul
  10. Hey Nathan, We do support 2FA by email, why do you consider that not to be compliant? Also I'm excited to let you know that we have plans to support OTP (One Time Passcodes) and PUSH-based authorization in the future. -Paul
  11. Hi Jonathan, Most of our development team is focused on getting the "Central Management" feature out and the rest is working on the Remote Desktop functionality. You can expect to see the central management release in about 2 weeks, it's going to be awesome ! -Paul
  12. We will run maintenance tasks and apply updates to the Pulseway PSA servers on each Friday from 8AM until 9AM Irish Standard Time. -Paul
  13. Hey guys, We're almost ready for a closed beta and guess what, both of you are on the list to get early access . -Paul
  14. Thanks Max for sharing this with everyone . -Paul
  15. No updates yet I'm afraid. -Paul
  16. Simply rename the old symbolic link using the: command then create a new symbolic link using this command: -Paul
  17. It's possible that you've setup powershell impersonation in the Pulseway Manager -> Settings -> Runtime and the user you're impersonating the scripts is not part of the local Administrators group. -Paul
  18. Hey David, The activation of your Webroot licenses is instant but you may need to convert your trial sites into "full" sites per this KB: https://intercom.help/pulseway/antivirus-and-endpoint-protection/activate-webroot-trial-sites-into-full-sites. -Paul
  19. Hi there, You need to change the symbolic link to point to the 1.0.0 versions instead of the 1.1 versions. -Paul
  20. Hi Gary, Thank you very much for your feedback. We're very excited to hear that you like the token feature - we love it too . -Paul
  21. Hi there, The main reason why we enforce an eight character username restriction is to make the life harder of someone using a bruteforce attack to gain access to your server instance. We do protect you against such attacks by blocking the IP address after a couple of failed logins and eventually we even lock out the account. To reduce the risk of having your account locked out for a while we've added a minimum character policy to the usernames and this drastically reduced the number of locked accounts every day. I understand that it's very inconvenient for certain persons as their first and last names do not meet the 8 character criteria so I have filed an internal issue about this to discuss the possibility of changing this policy for the Team plan. -Paul
  22. Well you can now hide certain elements from a report but having a report designer in the WebApp is something we want to have in the future. -Paul
  23. Hi Gary, Also if you could archive the c:\logs folder from the Pulseway server and include that in your email it would be very helpful. -Paul
  24. Hey everyone, We've released an agent update that will remove the icon unless the User Support Request feature is turned on. -Paul
  25. Hi guys, Thank you very much for your reports, we're looking into this right now. -Paul
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