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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi Paul, You don't need to uninstall the agent to have it connect to the new server URL. Go to c:\program files\pcmonitor (or pulseway) and open up the PCMonitorManager.exe file. From there you can set the server name and hit apply. Within a minute your agent will show up on the new server. -Paul
  2. Thanks for your contribution. I'd like to add that if you're changing the associated accounts directly in the database you also need to reload the accounts you've touched or to recycle the IIS application pool. -Paul
  3. Thanks, we'll investigate. What device are you connecting to? -Paul
  4. Paul

    Wrong CPU Usage

    Hi Matt, Have you ran 'lodctr /R' as an administrator on that machine? (Note the capital R in the command line). -Paul
  5. Hi Aaron, Please delete the HKLM\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\ComputerIdentifier registry value and restart the service. It's recommended to delete that registry value along with the ComputerName value before you run sysprep so you'll have an image ready to deploy new systems and you'll just see new systems pop into your list of monitored systems. -Paul
  6. This sounds like the XenServer is running with a self signed SSL certificate. You will need to install that certificate in the trusted root CA store on the local machine account and restart the Pulseway service for this to work. -Paul
  7. Hi Martin, We don't assign ETAs on todos that are not part of our immediate Roadmap. We do however have this as a confirmed feature so I can tell you for sure that this is coming in a future release. -Paul
  8. Glad to hear you like it . Sorry it took us forever to add it, more goodies queued up for the 5.1.3 release. -Paul
  9. Paul

    Tickets from RMM

    Hi Martin, At this moment the priority is the same for all RMM notifications and is configurable from the PSA under the Admin -> Service Desk -> RMM Integration Settings -> Pulseway Integration -> Priority. As for the extra long notification name, yes we should definitely trim the excess there. Thanks for reporting it . -Paul
  10. Hi Axel, Unfortunately this is not available right now. We will consider this for a future release. -Paul
  11. Hi, I just copied the '-eq' into the notepad and then wrote that the exact same thing into a new line and realized that the dash character wasn't the same as the one I just typed. -Paul
  12. Hi there, You could modify one of the scripts from here: https://forum.pulseway.com/forum/80-powershell to download the zip from a dropbox share link or something similar that's under your control, run it with the following arguments: Intel-SA-00075-console.exe -n -c -f And then simply read the output of the xml into the stdout: Get-Content *.xml You could then check using a regular expression if the content matches a particular string which denotes that a system is affected by the vulnerability and run this command to fail the script so you will know which systems are affected: exit 1 -Paul
  13. Anything that is not in the immediate Roadmap (next two releases) is subject to be pushed up or down the queue. The current plan is looking at the following features: P2P / File Transfer for RD. Agent Configuration + Group Policy editing from the WebApp. 2FA with the Google Authenticator protocol. Improvements to the Autotask, PagerDuty, Zendesk integrations. Integration with a cloud backup provider + Veeam. SSO with SAML 2.0. -Paul
  14. Paul

    Monitoring queues

    Hi @Qazi, I've sent you an email, I'd like to connect to your server and further investigate the problem. -Paul
  15. Hi @Matt Cutting, This isn't implemented yet however you can clone the Check and Install Updates script and remove the following bit from the update filter: AND AutoSelectOnWebSites = 1 And this will install all available updates and not only recommended ones. -Paul
  16. Hi Matt, We have Veeam as a confirmed feature however it's not in the immediate Roadmap so there I can't provide any ETA at this stage. -Paul
  17. Paul

    Monitoring queues

    Hi @Qazi, Thank you for your confirmation. Please post the output of this powershell line: Get-Queue -Filter "MessageCount -gt 99" Also please check if you don't have a notification already about the same queue that wasn't deleted. -Paul
  18. Paul

    Monitoring queues

    Hi Qazi, Welcome to the Pulseway community. Just to confirm, if you're looking at the queues from the Pulseway mobile app do you see the correct queue length? If so, enable the email queue notification again, set it to 1 and ensure that one Exchange queue length stays over 1 for at least 5 minutes. It's also worth checking if the system is in the maintenance mode as that would prevent all notifications from being sent. -Paul
  19. Hi Cor, For that you'd need to create a task, from the task create a scope that only includes that group, include the script you wish to run and start that task. -Paul
  20. Hi there, Pulseway runs on .NET Framework 4.0 which only supports SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0. We've disabled SSL 3.0 as it's insecure so there is only TLS 1.0 available now. There is a registry hack that enables Pulseway to use TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 on systems where there's .NET Framework 4.5 (or higher) installed and can be enabled by running the "Enable TLS 1.2 in .NET Framework 4.0" built-in automation script and restarting the Pulseway service. We are planning on setting up a .NET Framework 4.5 release channel and automatically switch agents to that update channel if we can detect .NET Framework 4.5 (or higher) thus adding support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 out of the box. This change is scheduled to happen by the end of this year. -Paul
  21. I love this idea, I'll notify the PSA team about this. -Paul
  22. Paul

    This is not 2FA

    That's odd. Can you try again from an incognito browser? It's possible that it's just browser cache. -Paul
  23. Paul

    This is not 2FA

    That setting allows you to specify what the timeout you want it to be (within reasonable limits). You will notice that it doesn't allow you to exceed a certain limit. -Paul
  24. Hi Martin, Yes, it's definitely possible to be done via an API request to the PSA. We expose a SOAP API and you can download it's description file from this link. I'd start by looking at the Authenticate method and then at the CreateTicket and CreateTicketMinimal methods. You can find a list of all methods and samples requests / responses over here. Let me know if I can help you with the implementation. -Paul
  25. Hi Nikolaj, I've replied to your email sent to support@pulseway.com. I'd like to connect to your server via TeamViewer to help you diagnose the problem. Let's continue the conversation via email. -Paul
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