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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi Jessica, Do read this article to learn more about the VPN protocols available: https://protonvpn.com/blog/whats-the-best-vpn-protocol/. Both L2TP/IPSec and IKEv2/IPSec are still used in VPN implementations, it's just different implementations and both come with pros and cons. -Paul
  2. Hi Jason, Unfortunately there are no immediate plans to add an integration for SPX. However you can monitor your backup jobs with event log monitoring https://support.storagecraft.com/s/article/Windows-Event-Log-IDs-created-by-StorageCraft-products?language=en_US -Paul
  3. Paul

    Login feature missing

    Hey everyone, Due to the high risk of breaking the login components of the operating system we're not going to be reintroducing the login feature any time soon. I do apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. -Paul
  4. Paul

    Agent 7.0 crash

    Hi @dtoxic, Thank you for your report. Can you please send me the resulting "Application Error" from the Applications windows event log? It's message should contain "PCMonitorManager.exe". This will help us identify the bug and resolve it. Also send in the name/model of your motherboard, CPU, HDD/SSDs and GPUs. -Paul
  5. Hi James, The pricing structure is different between the two plans. The Starter plan has a unified endpoint license cost (same cost for Windows servers and workstations) where the Team plan is priced differently and gives access to more monitoring and management features. You will not be able to exceed 19 licenses on the Starter plan however if you want to upgrade further our team will assist you with the migration process to the Team plan. Certain things will need to be migrated manually however online systems can be easily be migrated through an automation script. -Paul
  6. Hi @MichaelL, The Pulseway PSA product is only available on SaaS (cannot be installed on your own servers). -Paul
  7. Hi @Sysnordic, We don't support Linux Remote Control at this time. We're in the works of adding support for macOS. -Paul
  8. Hi Nuno, Thank you for reporting this. We've got plans to improve that system so it would let you know that you've overprovisioned right away and to show how many more licenses you require. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. -Paul
  9. Hey @Daryn, You may run this script to remove all monitored services from your systems: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\Services" -Name "Count" -Value '0' -Paul
  10. Thanks for announcing the plugin! Can you also post how should people reach out to you to buy/get the plugin? -Paul
  11. Hi Nuno, We've started working on automation triggers, it's planned for Q1/Q2 2020. I'll look into why the ticket doesn't create. -Paul
  12. Paul

    Remote Desktop On Mac

    Pulseway uses a proprietary protocol so there will be no problems porting it for Linux or macOS. -Paul
  13. Try force-closing the app and starting it again or restarting the phone. It should re-register and show up in the webapp. -Paul
  14. Most likely it's a line ending problem. Try adding this line before new-item: $functiontext = $functiontext -replace "`r", "" #avoid duplicating the carriage return $functiontext = $functiontext -replace "`n", "`r`n" -Paul
  15. Hey @amirreza99, You only need to login to the WebApp and approve the device registration. Let me know how that goes. -Paul
  16. Uhm, we don't sell routers, our software only monitors them if SNMP is supported. -Paul
  17. Hi Williamson, While Pulseway doesn't connect to VPN servers directly you can definitely monitor such routers if they support SNMP. -Paul
  18. At this moment this is not possible however for your example you can simply hook into the PluginLoaded method that gets called as soon as the service starts. This would be an equivalent of receiving the notification. -Paul
  19. I understand it now, thanks for the clarification @Martin Stevnhoved. We'll consider it for sure when we'll be adding more granular access controls. -Paul
  20. Hi @Mariano Silva, Can you please leave the notification for a day so we can see what's causing the problem rendering it? Also the reason why you can only see the systems in the Manage Systems page is because your license is limiting the amount of systems you can monitor to 2. -Paul
  21. Hi @onlyarbind, Please follow the instructions in this KB article, this should unlock your installation. -Paul
  22. Hi @Martin Stevnhoved, This is already supported in our Remote Control feature. If your Pulseway user has read only access for a machine, remote control sessions will be in a view-only mode where they will not be able to send inputs, just view the screen in read-time. -Paul
  23. This plugin shows active share sessions not user sessions. Try opening a shared drive and see if that shows anything. -Paul
  24. That's weird. Can you tell me what's the file version of the PaulCsiki.SessionControl.dll? I've just tested the plugin on a 2016 datacenter edition and it seems to be working. This was a problem fixed in the plugin version 1.3. -Paul
  25. Glad I could help . -Paul
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