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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Pulseway remote control is a premium feature that is only available once your account has an active subscription. -Paul
  2. Hi there, Pulseway defaults the system name to the NETBIOS name which is as you've said, limited to 15 characters. You can easily change this from the Pulseway Manager app to a more meaningful name. -Paul
  3. Thank you. We're looking into the problem right now. -Paul
  4. Hi there, Can you also PM me with the system.log file (you can access it using the Console app - CMD + SPACE -> Console). We'll investigate this right away. -Paul
  5. Hi there, To reset the devices from the deployment successful tab simply run this PowerShell command: Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\Deployment\Systems' -Name 'Count' -Value '0' -Paul
  6. Hi Steve, Pulseway doesn't support Solaris right now. You can however have a Windows system in the same network as the Solaris machine to act as a network monitoring probe then enroll the Solaris machine as a generic network device which will allow you to monitor ports, SNMP variables and SSH into the system. -Paul
  7. Hi Lane, Pulseway checks and installs updates every 24 hours. Do you have an on-premise server? We're releasing the on-prem 8.5 update on Monday. -Paul
  8. Hi there, Many thanks for the report. We've resolved the issue and everything should be back to normal now. -Paul
  9. Hi Ricardo, I'll get one of my colleagues reach out to you with instructions on how you can upgrade your plan. -Paul
  10. Hi Brant, Thank you for your report. What operating systems are failing those scripts? Also is the impersonated user part of an Active Directory domain or it's a local user? -Paul
  11. All you need to do is add another monitored system license and it will automatically upgrade the 2 systems you have included free of charge. -Paul
  12. Hello, You can purchase a subscription at https://my.pulseway.com/main/subscription/manage. -Paul
  13. Hi @StevenB, I'm not familiar with IBM i but if it's a Linux derivate you can try to see if you can install the RPM page on it: https://pulseway.com/downloads. -Paul
  14. Hi Raji, You can reset your password at https://my.pulseway.com by clicking on the forgot password link. -Paul
  15. I've recently built this script which also identifies the serial number of the disk to fill in the ID field: $query = 'SELECT VolumeSerialNumber FROM Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType=3 AND Name=''' + $env:SystemDrive + '''' $serialNumber = (gwmi -Query $query).VolumeSerialNumber $count = 0 # rule 1: < 5000MB - Elevated Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('Id' + $count) -Value $serialNumber Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('Percentage' + $count) -Value '15' # not used Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('Priority' + $count) -Value '2' # elevated Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('SizeMB' + $count) -Value '5000' Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('UsePercentage' + $count) -Value '0' $count = $count + 1 # rule 2: < 2000MB - Critical Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('Id' + $count) -Value $serialNumber Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('Percentage' + $count) -Value '15' # not used Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('Priority' + $count) -Value '3' # critical Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('SizeMB' + $count) -Value '2000' Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name ('UsePercentage' + $count) -Value '0' $count = $count + 1 Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\HDDList' -Name 'Count' -Value $count Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor' -Name 'SendNotificationOnLowHDDSpace' -Value '1' -Paul
  16. Hi @Hermann, I've activated the trial. Enjoy ! -Paul
  17. Hi there, We don't support external hard drive sensor monitoring at this time however we will definitely consider it for the future. -Paul
  18. The discovery probe allows you to scan all reachable private IP subnets based on the assigned IP addresses to the NICs. We also have an option that allows the probe to include public networks in the scans as well. -Paul
  19. Hi there, Can you please post the output of the following command: ipconfig /all You can censor any public IP addresses or MAC addresses if you wish. -Paul
  20. You can purchase the third system and the 2 systems included for free will be converted as well. This way you pay for one system but get to use 3 systems. -Paul
  21. Please don't forget to inform Pulseway of the new $Final value using the following line: Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable Final $Final") -Wait -Paul
  22. We integrate with the Windows Update component of the operating system. Should it report that it's pending a reboot when the patch operation has started we will reboot the system. After the reboot it's possible that we don't receive any updates and we end the patch operation. -Paul
  23. Paul

    Remote Desktop On Mac

    Hi there, We'll be releasing it next week . -Paul
  24. Hi Dwayne, Please contact support@pulseway.com, you'll undergo an identity verification process and we'll release a new backup code for you to login. We're considering on dropping the 2FA new backup code registration method to increase the security, should this have happened after we would have dropped support for recovering account you would have lost access to your account and be forced to register another account with another email address. Keep this in mind next time you tick the "I have securely stored the backup codes" checkbox. -Paul
  25. *poof* I've activated a trial subscription. Enjoy! -Paul
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