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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hi, try to run these scripts: Check if folder contines files older than 10 days. $fullPath = "path to the folder" $days = 10 # files older than 10 days $files = @(get-childitem $fullpath -include *.* -recurse | where {($_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$days)) -and ($_.psIsContainer -eq $false)}) if($files.length -gt 0){exit 1} else{exit 0} Check if folder contains more than 5 files $fullPath = "path to the folder" $count = 5 # check if folder containes more than 5 files $files = @(get-childitem $fullpath) if($files.Count -gt $count){exit 1} else{exit 0}
  2. Thank you for your feedback. We will consider the possibility to include this in the future release.
  3. Have you tried to use the automation from the Pulseway webapp. There is the option to create the scheduled task by the day and time.
  4. Hi, Tony. In order to create scripts you have to go to the Pulseway webapp -> Automation -> Scripts. 1. Create the category (new folder for the scripts). 2. Select the category and then click on Create Script. 3. Give the script a name and a description. 4. Click on the tab Windows or Linux and enable the script for that OS. If you selected the Windows tab then you can choose one of the three script types (PowerShell, VBScript or Batch) and finally create the script by clicking on Save. 5. Once the script is created we can create a Task which will run this script. Tasks can be scheduled or executed on demand. Hope this helps.
  5. Enable the diagnostics mode in the Pulseway Manager on the remote machine. Then try again to connect to the remote machine. After you have done this disable the diagnostic mode. In the Pulseway directory, where the Pulseway agent is installed, you will find two files (trace.log and rd_agent.log). Please send these files to Pulseway support including a link to this thread. Thanks
  6. Hi John, Is it possible that you have exceeded the limit of allowed endpoints in your licence.
  7. You can install the Pulseway Manager on the machine which is connected to the internet. Then the Pulseway Manager can monitor other machines through SNMP if machines support this option. Another option is simply ping the other machines from the Pulseway Manager to check if machines is up and responding.
  8. Unfortunately you can not create custom reports in the Pulseway. Pulseway web-app has prebuilt templates for reports.
  9. Chris

    Account Error

    Hi gpc_mike, iOS 10 has introduced a policy which requires all SSL connections to be done through the TLS 1.2 protocol. Use the following tool to check if your server has TLS 1.2 enabled: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ and if it doesn't have it enabled the use IIS Crypto to enable it (and disable any deprecated ciphers or protocols): https://www.nartac.com/Products/IISCrypto . Chris
  10. Hi, Unfortunately, that's not possible at the moment. We will look into this in the future. Thanks Chris
  11. Hi, Login to "My Account" and under "Monitored Systems" delete the system you want to remove. If the system is online it will also receive a deconfigure command which will strip the account credentials from the system preventing it from registering with your account when the system restarts. https://www.pulseway.com/account If you have an Enterprise server then you can remove it from the WebApp under the Account -> Monitored Systems menu entry. Thanks Chris
  12. Hi, Send this command from the Android WebApp terminal: c:\Users\(username)\Desktop\filename Thanks Chris
  13. Hi, That's not possible at the moment. We are working on an automation module just now and it's going to allow you to setup scripts to run in a task for a subset of systems (based on the group, tag or system type). This will become available in Q3 2016. Thanks Chris
  14. Hi John, No worries! I am glad that it worked. Thanks Chris
  15. Hi John, Try opening https://.......pulseway.com/server.svc in a web browser from that computer, what is the result? Thanks Chris
  16. Hi JHP, Thank you for your suggestion. We'll consider adding that feature in the future. In the mean time you can use Group Policies. Please see page 19 of the user-manual on how to create and use Group Policies. Thanks Chris
  17. Hi, Please send an email to support [at] pulseway [dot] com and we have a look. Thanks Chris
  18. Hi Alex, Unfortunately we don't have an ETA at the moment. Thanks Chris
  19. Hi Alex, It's in our to do list and we will consider it for a future release. Thanks Chris
  20. Chris

    Wake on WAN

    Hi Tom, Can you wake the system from the same network with a WOL sender tool? Thanks Chris
  21. Chris

    Interrupted installer

    Hi Jaapyse, On the systems where you cannot run the installer, try to right click on the msi, select properties and then check on the bottom of the first tab for an Unlock button. If there is no unlock button confirm in the Digital Signatures button that the Object Code signing SSL Certificate is trusted by the local system. Thanks Chris
  22. Hi Grunta, That's a great idea. Certainly we will have a search function in the future. Thanks Chris
  23. Hi Grunta, Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. We will consider to have this feature in the future. Thanks Chris
  24. Chris

    Wake on WAN

    Hi Tom, The drivers that are bundled with Windows 10 have known issues with WOL. Please install the NIC drivers from the manufacturer's support site. Thanks Chris
  25. Hi Grunta, When you delete a user it's registered agents will not be uninstalled but they will stop registering with the server since the credentials are wrong. Regards Chris
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