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Auto Clear Notifications Based on Trigger Conditions


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It would be ideal if notifications would automatically clear when their trigger condition is no longer true, and a notification could be sent that the condition no longer exists (this could all be optional).


For example, if a trigger condition is to fire off an elevated alert when disk space is below 10%, it should automatically clear the notification when that condition no longer exists (ie. free disk space increased to greater than 10%).


This is something that would be extremely beneficial for dashboards.  Right now, if an alert exists and is dealt with, the dashboard application still shows the elevated alert with the icon next to the system not green, and the only way to clear it is to interact with the dashboard manually.  This is not ideal for a dedicated machine that displays the dashboard in an office, for example.

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  • Staff



This is a popular request and we did consider it however we don't really like the idea to just delete the notification if the condition no longer applies. You will still want to know that there was a problem, don't you?


We're considering on adding the ability to see a notification history (when was the notification marked as read and (if applicable) when the notification condition no longer applied).




Pulseway Support

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Hey Chris,

We are very interested in this feature. Can you maybe give us an ETA? Will it be somewhere in the upcoming months? In case not, is it difficult to write a plugin for this?

Thanks in advance,


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  • Staff

Hi Jaapyse,

You cannot write any plugin for this since the notifications are handled by the server. Unfortunately we cannot provide any ETA for this I'm afraid.


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I had a similar idea to split NOTIFICATIONS from STATUS indicator.

As of now they are both the same, bu I would find it more handy to have STATUS icon be based on curent status instead of upon past read/unread notifications.

So when alert condition would go away, server status would change back to green, while you could steel see notifications history under notificstions.

Maybe notifications display could be rearanged so that cleared notification would be a subset of alert notification, like a tree branch to easier see, which green cleared which alert.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Chris,

We would be keen to see this feature also. As of now we have alerts that ram/processor usage was high at a point in time but that is no longer the case. If there was an option to auto clear alerts that would be great.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

+1 would be nice to have notifications clear automatically with a log. The more automation, the easier our job becomes. 

We can delete all notifications at once... but if all notifications have not been addressed it can be difficult to keep up with what has been fixed and what has not.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrators

Hi guys,

This kind of circumvents the way Pulseway was designed to work and requires a lot of changes to the product to be made in order to make this possible however we do brainstorm about this during our meetings to find a way to implement this without affecting the experience for our existing customers.

We're thinking on offering this as an option you can enable for your account that will automatically instruct agents to clear the notifications when the underlying condition is no longer present however this could easily confuse people as some notifications like Event Log or File notifications are event driven notifications rather than condition based notifications making some notifications follow the "automatic clear" system and some to persist.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey everyone,

It has been another year since the last post on this topic and a total of 4 years from the start of this topic and I'm wondering if there is any progress in this yet. I've got a pulseway system with about 50 systems and I think this is an extremely important feature that should defenitely be added to pulseway. Now I know that it's hard to implement, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to create a script that could do this for me.

Thanks in advance,


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  • 4 months later...

It sounds like the current Pulseway notifications are ephemeral, meaning they only exist until they are cleared and there is no history of them. I think we'd first need an option to keep notifications (open/close) for X amount of days, weeks, months, years so there is a history; this would be good for trending problems too! This way, the system can self-heal/close them, which it should in turn clear the notification as well as close the ticket in the PSA.

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Still waiting on this, the notification just needs to change colour to blue and say (Resolved - The system has only got 23GB remaining etc.....)

At no point should this automatically cleared as stated above, this defeats the point of having these notifications (but they should be smart enough to tell you when they are resolved)



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