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  1. It would be nice if instead of only by date or severity we could sort notifications by type. All low disk space alerts, all server offline etc.
  2. With MS Sql 2017 bringing official Linux server support for SUSE, Ubuntu, Redhat and others we really need the sql server module ported to Linux
  3. Hi, I would like more option for the automatic maintenance mode. At the moment there are only weekdays and hours. It would be cool to: 1. Be able to mark faster and not only field by field. 2. Be able to not only have hours. 3. Have the possiblity to use official hollidays and hollidays for the customer himself (one time from till like in Outlook). 4. Exeptions for the maintenance mode. For example: one hour after the office closes, the computer makes a backup, and a shutdown after the backup. I go on maintenance mode when the comany closes, because I don't know how long the backup task will need. I don't want the information if the computer goes down, but I need information from backup errors, antivirus and so on. Thanks, Christian.
  4. Is there anyway in the web or the mobile apps when viewing the screen to have it auto refresh? Sometimes I have to few the screen for extended periods of time and I'm constantly hitting refresh. It would be nice if it auto refreshed every 15 or 30 seconds while the screen view was active
  5. It would be great to be able to configure different notification email addresses based on alert type/source/severity. One example is that I'd want an email sent to our SMS page-out list for notifications of server outages or other mission critical events. I'm a new user to Pulseway -- maybe this is already an option? But from what I've gathered, emails can only be sent to the single email address in the account?
  6. We are considering switching over to the RepairShopr PSA platform, and would like to know if an integration with them may be in the works. I understand they use the REST API as well, and have solid documentation on their site for integrating into their platform. Can this be looked into? It is definitely becoming a popular solution, and companies like Ninja RMM and SolarWinds MSP are already integrated with them. Here is their article on their API: http://feedback.repairshopr.com/knowledgebase/articles/376312 Thank you!
  7. I would like to request integration with the Webroot SecureAnywhere AV product.
  8. Whenever there is a note added to the note section is there any way to know when looking through the systems? Maybe change the badge color whenever a note is present? Currently I have to just click on each note section to see if notes have been inputted. If I could tell just by glancing at the section that would be ideal.
  9. It would be nice if on the mobile apps when you click on processes you could long press on a service and add it to the list of monitored services. This way you can do it after the install if needed. Currently the only option is to kill process.
  10. Is it possible to be able to create scopes on the Android app? Use case is all of the built in scripts default to all systems. It would be great if I could adjust the scope on the Android app. I'm trying to avoid logging into the web console, creating a scope and modifying a task, esp for a script I may only have a need to run once on a specific group. Pulseway is great and I love it, it doesn't seem like it scales well. If I add 10 machines a week I would constantly be adjusting things on the web console. I should be able to click any group and run scripts for that group without making a scope etc. Have I missed something or is this possible? For instance under the group tasks would be awesome if it listed automation and reports
  11. Is there anyway to get a report of the results of a script that was ran. For instance the check if computer has 2 hdd script, If I run this against 90 computers I don't want to click on each computer, click on the script, click again to see the results. It would be awesome if I was able to just see a list of failed and a list of passed, Is this possible?
  12. Is there an integration with Freshbooks for the Pulseway PSA, I would like to add it as a feature request. Thank you!
  13. Is there a way to password protect the uninstallation of the agent? If not, I believe that would be very useful and should be considered as a feature request.
  14. Is there any plan or discussion to allow MSP's the ability to white label the agent settings such as the name, desktop shortcuts, icon, installation path name, etc? We used to have this with a former RMM tool we used and it was helpful to maintain brand consistency with our clients. Thank you, and keep up the great work!
  15. Hi All, New to the software and love its ease of use. I am looking for an update from the roadmap on when the custom reporting may be available? Things like asset reporting on all PCs with x of software (Eg. office 2010) or License numbers of x software.Have a microsoft audit for example and need to gather all the FPP license numbers! All the information you appear to have already from the summary and detail asset reports its just the selection of those items into one report. or if any one knows a script that performs that task?
  16. For Oracle database monitoring the following items would ideally need to be monitored; The tablespace sizes and projected growth, datafile size, oracle processes and their associated memory and cpu usage as well. Even better would be SQL and PL/SQL monitoring tools which dynamically pull up problem SQL or PL/SQL as well. Thank you !
  17. My company has been testing out PSA/RMM systems for about a year now. Hands down Pulseway has been the BEST, however it's looking likely we are NOT going to be using PW because you don't have 2 simple features MOST others have. LDAP Integration is CRITICAL for our end users & security. We want to seriously "DUMB IT DOWN" for them. Emails DO NOT ACCOMPLISH THIS. On a constant basis no matter how much training they (end Users) get, they more often than not send emails like "It doesn't work." or "I got an error." Asking for further details beyond that kinda makes me wish I had become a dentist cause pulling teeth would probably be easier. For the same reason as stated above a web based ticket portal where we can control the "REQUIRED" fields would be amazing. This would give us the information we need to triage the incident and respond appropriately. We are looking for a system that makes us pro-active not re-active. Furthermore with the above LDAP integration some fields can be automatically populated like workstation and User (cause yes some people don't know how to spell their own name at times). With this Web Portal Ticket System we can make an easy button or desktop icon they can get right to without having to hunt for it. In summery: LDAP Integration and Web Based Ticket Portal. This could have made us customers for a very long time.
  18. I tried to find a way to monitor hp and dell servers. Ive been using other more complex system that is doing a great job by finding all hardware sensors automatically via snmp. Pulseway is much more simple to use and configure though but it really lacks in hardware monitoring for server administrators. What i did was i created two files for event log that you can try out and import into your servers. I wish Pulseway would either add support for hp and dell server into their hardware module or rework the snmp module so we can add snmp templates for autodiscovery of hardware devices, like check_mk, nagios... Update my files didnt work that well i just tried them out on a hp server. I made a new one that i will try out some more and post here next week.
  19. We have noticed that the notifications from machine through the RMM are just creating new tickets on each occasion when this is a duplicate notification, is this intended? Without the ability to merge tickets we have to manage these manually, on which note can we have a merge option please? Thanks Craig
  20. I would like to see the implementation of a "save and close" feature, whilst I appreciate it is only one click extra to save and then close, it would be really useful to have the option to click once and return to the list of work items, whether these be quotes or tickets to start working straight away on the next item.
  21. Hi Guys, I've attached a screenshot of the"activities" area from the ticketing system of a test I made earlier today. We noticed that with emails to and from the PSA, there is only a 2-line limit before the text gets shunted off the bottom of the box with an obscenely tiny scroll bar. I think something like an accordion menu would be excellent for this, something that hides the content until you choose to read it and then expands to allow a more complete view of the contents. Cheers, Martin
  22. Hi Guys, We've noticed that some of the ticket titles from the RMM system to PSA are way too long, please check the attachment. Other events like backup failures/successes are fine but CPU and Memory usage tickets are massive. Would you be able to look into a way to create less obtrusive ticket titles from RMM? We've also noticed that the RMM priority doesn't necessarily map to a PSA priority. Is there a way to do this or is this something to come out in the future? Many thanks, Martin
  23. I think having a report you can show a client on job history would help to show you're actually doing something, especially if they never have any problems. Can we have a new report option that show all the tasks run either manually or by schedule and possibly the outcome success/failed...
  24. Can we have an option to set an owner for each computer groups? This might help with running reports if you can have an option to create reports that run for all groups. My thoughts: when creating a report, under "Current Scope" you can have a checkbox to run per group. Then maybe under "Send the report via email when generated" you have option to "Send reports to group owners". This would be a helpful feature if you have multiple clients you need to send reports to every month or so.
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