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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi Charles, Would you be able to send an email to support [at] pulseway [dot] com? I'll get pick up your email once I see it. -Paul
  2. Hi Chris, Welcome to the Pulseway community. You'll need to download the MIB files form the device manufacturer's website then import them into a SNMP Browser (I recommend this one), navigate through the objects and see which variables you want to monitor. Once you've figured out which variables you'd like to monitor just copy and paste the OIDs into Pulseway and then configure the notification rules to notify you when those values exceed the normal values. -Paul
  3. Hi Johnni, It's nice to see you back on the Pulseway forums. We're working on the scheduling functionality for the Automation and Advanced Reporting features as we speak . -Paul
  4. Hi Tim, We've just released an update that fixes this issue. Thanks again for your report. -Paul
  5. Hi Tim, Thank you for your report. Our development team is working on a fix as we speak. -Paul
  6. I totally agree with this. I've added it on our list. Thanks for your feedback. -Paul
  7. We are planning to support raid monitoring on our agents in the future, we share the same pain when we're monitoring our own servers. -Paul
  8. Hi Phil, I've checked the support group and I seem to have rights to send emails to it from all my personal email addresses. Can you try again now and if it fails please PM me your message headers. -Paul
  9. Hi Aaron, You could write an automation script that can run the StorCLI app, parse the output using grep (and read the exit code) and if the RAID is inconsistent then return an exit code different from 0 which will cause the script to be marked as failed. Then you can have the task notify you when the script fails. Trick is you'd have the run the script manually every now and then until we add the scheduling capabilities for automation and reporting. Alternatively, have the script installed locally on the machine, add it to crontab to run based on a schedule (every day?) and then call the Pulseway REST API to add a notification for the system (docs). You can find the system identifier of a Linux agent in the following file: /var/pulseway/pulseway.id . -Paul
  10. Permanent. We store notifications for ever for auditing purposes. -Paul
  11. Hi Tim, We do have support for running batch, powershell and bash scripts on subset of systems (or even all systems at once) through the Automation module. From the WebApp, go to the Automation menu and configure your script. Once you have the script go create a task, select the "All Systems" System Scope and include the newly create script into the task. Run the task and perform the victory dance . -Paul
  12. Hi Jeremy, When you delete a notification it actually gets archived. You can access the notification archive from the web app -> server admin -> notifications. -Paul
  13. Hi Jeremy, This is not a UI glitch it's just that we don't support showing the startup mode of the services on the remote system. We will add it in a future release. -Paul
  14. I agree, we need some bulk actions on the policies. We'll see what we can do there. -Paul
  15. Hi Jeremy, From what I know only the vCenter supports vSphere alarms. Am I wrong? -Paul
  16. At this moment we don't have a report that shows hardware sensor information. Now that you mention it, it would be nice to see a trend for the average sensor data. We will consider adding this report template. -Paul
  17. I'm afraid you can't. I've added this to our idea bank too. -Paul
  18. Hi everyone, Are you referring to the Windows Metro app? Did you login with that app to the account that holds the other 19 systems? Once you login with the app to an account it registers as a monitoring device. Until you delete it from that account, you will receive PUSH notifications for that account even if you logoff and login with a new account. -Paul
  19. Paul


    This is now available here: https://forum.pulseway.com/forum/77-scripts/ -Paul
  20. Good point, I've added it on our feedback list. We will consider it for a future release. Thanks again for your use case. -Paul
  21. Hi Martin, Not yet, but you could always write an automation script that would retrieve the information you want on all systems. Unfortunately there is no way to run a report based on the automation output but we will be adding this in a future release. -Paul
  22. Thanks, we will consider this feature for a future release. In the mean time do check the context menu on that list. -Paul
  23. Hi Jeremy, As previously mentioned, we're going to be migrating the agent configuration on the webapp so it will definitely open a lot opportunities to improve the way agents are configured. -Paul
  24. We write the automation batch or powershell files in the system32 directory. We will change that in the future to write them into Pulseway's installation directory, would that help? -Paul
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