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    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Ahmad in Bug in Screen screenshot   
    Hey @Ahmad

    Thanks a mill for bringing this to our attention, I'm going to raise this issue with support and I was wondering if you would like to be involved in the update process? If so forward me our pulseway email ID and I can CC you in the ticket. 

    Thanks again
  2. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from obenojongjunior in SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - User Migration   
    Dear users, 
    Pulseway has recently launched a major project to improve the service for customers hosted in our North American data center. This will see all North American, South American and Asia Pacific customers, currently hosted in the US, move to a more robust, performant and secure data center situated in New Jersey. 
    As we are sure you can appreciate, this is a significant project so we will be migrating customers in phases over the coming weeks.
    Your account manager will be in touch soon to work with you to plan your move at a time that works for you.
    However, if you wish to be included in one of the early phases, please contact your account manager and they will be happy to arrange that.
    For more information on the migration and what it means for you, please refer to this knowledge base article.
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your account manager.
    Thank you.
  3. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Anne in Pulseway 9.5: The Pulseway Policy Revolution   
    🚀 Pulseways Policy Management Engine Revamp: A Game-Changer for IT Pros!
    Hey Everyone!
    Pulseway 9.5 is here and we are starting off with a bang as the latest update is nothing short of a revolution, bringing a slew of upgrades that promise to make your life easier and your systems more secure. Here’s the lowdown on what’s new and why you should be excited:
    🎯 Precision Targeting in the Policy Editor: No more one-size-fits-all. Tailor your policies with sniper-like precision directly in the editor. Say hello to seamless Selection Previews and goodbye to manual hassles.
    🌍 All Organizations, Now in One Place: Managing policies across organizations just got a whole lot easier. With the introduction of an "All Organizations" object, you can now blanket-cover all current and future orgs under one policy umbrella.
    🔌 Extensions Unleashed: Customize policies for specific device subsets with Extensions. This powerful feature allows you to tweak settings for certain OS types, device types, and manufacturers, ensuring that your policies are as nuanced as your IT environment.
    đź“Š Cumulative vs. Non-cumulative Profiles: Pulseway introduces a game-changing distinction between Cumulative and Non-cumulative Profiles. Layer those monitoring profiles without a hitch or choose device configuration profiles for a one-and-done approach. The choice is yours!
    đź‘€ Effective Settings Visibility: Ever wonder if your policies are actually being applied as you intended? Wonder no more. Effective Settings provide a crystal-clear view of what's applied and where, ensuring you're always in the know.
    🎨 UI/UX Overhaul: Navigating Pulseway has never felt smoother. With enhancements across the board—from the Policies Page to the Device Card—your user experience just got a major upgrade.
    📦 Basic Profiles and Policies Package: Getting started with Pulseway? The new Basic Package offers a streamlined entry point to policy management, perfect for small teams and simple setups.
    If you want to dive into the details of our Policy revolution you can do so HERE
    an if you are dying to try Pulseways latest update start a free trial and join the revolution!
    Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or just getting your feet wet, these updates are designed to make your policy management more intuitive, effective, and, dare we say, enjoyable. 🎉💻
    And finally be sure to stay tuned as we have way more features within Pulseway 9.5 to explore!
  4. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Jonathan B in Feature not enabled | Server Modules greyed out   
    Hi @Lwild & @Matt Stevens

    The reason that you two are both unable to see the Hyper-V module is because we are currently in the process of moving this module to be accessible within the Webapp and due to this for some reason it has disappeared.  If you run the following PowerShell script 
    Set-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\' -name 'MonitorHyperV' -Value '1' it will effectively flip a switch and you should be able to access the Hyper-V module again. Dev is currently troubleshooting why the issues exists in the first place but if you need any more assistance please feel free to reach out. 

  5. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to njcltd in Cannot start Pulseway on Mac Mini M2   
    @StefanMcl_Pulseway any chance you can raise a ticket for me regarding this too?
  6. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to pax0707 in Unable to register new system as no "agent group" exists   
    This is a new peace of information.
    ;- ) =
    Worked after reinstall.
  7. Thanks
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from pax0707 in Unable to register new system as no "agent group" exists   
    It should work after you reinstall the Pulseway agent!
  8. Thanks
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from pax0707 in Unable to register new system as no "agent group" exists   
    Ok Great, Thanks for letting me now guys i will check in and see what the status is 
  9. Upvote
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Leon from AIOI in The system cannot find the path specified   
    Hey @Leon from AIOI Thanks for reaching out. So in response to your first question please enable PowerShell impersonation. Open Pulseway Manager head to settings > Runtime and Enable PowerShell impersonation then you should be able to enter the credential and run the scripts. 
    Let me know if that works and if not I will raise a ticket for you with support
  10. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to Nick530 in Installing Pulsway Via Powershell script   
    Thanks for the input. i was able to find the URL for the specific Organizaion that i want to auto enroll devices under. I was able to write a ps script for this install. Once i was able to write this i added it to a provisioning package for device provisioning. This script could also be used with something like autopilot for intune. 
    #Download and Run MSI package for Automated install
    $uri = "Agent download URL "
    #Create Folder path 
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\Temp
    Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -OutFile C:\Temp\windows_agent_x64.msi
    msiexec /i C:\Temp\windows_agent_x64.msi /quiet /qn /norestart
  11. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to Maciej Szupiluk in Clickable phone number   
    please make this and proper Phone HMTML Call Link
    For example:  Clickable phone number
    <p><a href="tel:+4733378901">+47 333 78 901</a></p> It will allow to start phone app by one click and speed up call back process. By for example running Windows Phone App. Besides it is only one line of code to implement :)
    Documentation at https://www.w3docs.com/snippets/html/how-to-add-telephone-links-with-html.html

  12. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to Simone Schiavon in What should I enter as a username?   
    Hi Stefan,
    I tried something else, I deleted my 28 character user and had a shorter one created.
    Now I can log into the system even though it doesn't ask for MFA, which is quite strange. I think it's useful to implement it so you don't have to enter it later every time.
    It would also be appropriate to point out that if you create a user with more than 25 characters he will not be able to log into the system.
    Thanks for help
  13. Thanks
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from pax0707 in Unable to register new system as no "agent group" exists   
    Hi All, 

    Juts popping in to let you all know I'm not ignoring this, I'm trying to elevate it to a higher level as it is clearly effecting a wide group of users. Support are aware of this and we are trying to get a hotfix, so the second I know something I will let you all know ASAP. 
  14. Upvote
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Shuntian Eddie Li in Microsoft-Windows-Audio/Operational EventID 65   
    Hi @Shuntian Eddie Li
    Thanks for reaching out, we only send notifications from Applications, Security and System, so make sure the event log is a part of these! 
    If you need anything else please let me know!, 
  15. Thanks
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from ed247 in Patch Policy: Server 2016 - Unable to search for Updates or install them (GUI) - greyed out   
    @ed247 @JohnnyJoker @JonasB
    Hi All, 
    I believe the issues is still being reviewed by dev However there is the following hotfix that should work. If you run the following script as an administrator it should fix the issue: 
    REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /v SetDisableUXWUAccess REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /v SetDisablePauseUXAccess USOCLIENT startscan Let me know if it works or not, 
    Thanks a mill, 
  16. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to scobber in Uninstall Teamviewer via Pulseway   
    Feel free to incorporate it into Pulseway
  17. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to scobber in Uninstall Teamviewer via Pulseway   
    Hi There,
    Here is my removal script. Hope it works for you
    ## Powershell Teamviewer Uninstall Script ## Scott Pepper ## Careys Freight Lines ## 6th November 2023 if(Get-Service Teamviewer) { Stop-Service TeamViewer Set-Service Teamviewer -StartupType Disabled Write-Host "Teamviewer is installed" if ([System.IO.File]::Exists("C:\Program Files\Teamviewer\uninstall.exe")) { $process = start-process "C:\Program Files\Teamviewer\uninstall.exe" -windowstyle Hidden -ArgumentList "`/S" -PassThru -Wait exit $process.ExitCode } elseif ([System.IO.File]::Exists("C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamviewer\uninstall.exe")) { $process = start-process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamviewer\uninstall.exe" -windowstyle Hidden -ArgumentList "`/S" -PassThru -Wait exit $process.ExitCode } else { write-host ("Teamviewer does not appear installed.") } } exit 0  
  18. Upvote
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from ITiseasy in PSA ticket email notification does not include addons   
    Hey @ITiseasy
    Thanks for reaching out. If you add an attachment along with the note, The attachment will go to the enduser. 
    I hope this makes sense and if have any more question's please ask away!
  19. Thanks
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from DJB in Feature not enabled | Server Modules greyed out   
    Hi @Lwild & @Matt Stevens

    The reason that you two are both unable to see the Hyper-V module is because we are currently in the process of moving this module to be accessible within the Webapp and due to this for some reason it has disappeared.  If you run the following PowerShell script 
    Set-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\' -name 'MonitorHyperV' -Value '1' it will effectively flip a switch and you should be able to access the Hyper-V module again. Dev is currently troubleshooting why the issues exists in the first place but if you need any more assistance please feel free to reach out. 

  20. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to christian.krut in Better help text in Get Device Value workflow option   
    Please just clarify in the help text to press enter when adding a service name. Added one and got error filed can not be empty and by accident pressed enter out of frustration to find out thats how to add the name, may seem obvious but not quite clear thats how to do it. "press enter after entering a short name" would suffice. 

    Alternatively make confirm button add what text one entered in field. 

  21. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to Nick Praechter in Feature Request: Show Model Number Colum in add asset module of tickets.   
    This would make it so much easier to tell if it is the users laptop or desktop. 

  22. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Tyler Melville in Executive Summary Failed to Generate   
    Hi @Tyler Melville
    Ok thanks for providing this extra information, it will definitley help. This does sound like it might be an issue on our end so Im going to raise the ticket now with you CC'd and we can try and get this issue sorted. 

  23. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Matt Stevens in Feature not enabled | Server Modules greyed out   
    Hi @Lwild & @Matt Stevens

    The reason that you two are both unable to see the Hyper-V module is because we are currently in the process of moving this module to be accessible within the Webapp and due to this for some reason it has disappeared.  If you run the following PowerShell script 
    Set-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\' -name 'MonitorHyperV' -Value '1' it will effectively flip a switch and you should be able to access the Hyper-V module again. Dev is currently troubleshooting why the issues exists in the first place but if you need any more assistance please feel free to reach out. 

  24. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway got a reaction from Lwild in Feature not enabled | Server Modules greyed out   
    Hi @Lwild & @Matt Stevens

    The reason that you two are both unable to see the Hyper-V module is because we are currently in the process of moving this module to be accessible within the Webapp and due to this for some reason it has disappeared.  If you run the following PowerShell script 
    Set-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\' -name 'MonitorHyperV' -Value '1' it will effectively flip a switch and you should be able to access the Hyper-V module again. Dev is currently troubleshooting why the issues exists in the first place but if you need any more assistance please feel free to reach out. 

  25. Like
    StefanMcl_Pulseway reacted to christian.krut in The new workflow commands are not responding   
    i got some command to work but just so im not confused. is shell CMD or powershell commands?

    please forward that any type of feedback from the run shell command would greatly help to understand when things are not working. 

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