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  1. We use the Policies and Profiles for Device and Monitoring per customer. That means that every customer has his own policy and profiles. If we need to make an change on this level it will count only for the specific customer. Now with the system i need to clone every policy and profile and attach them to to specific customer. Is there an easy way to do this instead of copy all apart from eachtother? What we expect is that if we copy an policy and change the name to the new customer name, that alle the profiles als been copied and change by name. So we have an policy including profiles copied for this customer only.
  2. Dear Pulseway, Currently when a customer wants to send in their support request, they can only send a message but no attachments or such. Is this possible or is this feature in the making? Also if an employee of a customer does not have an email registered in the PSA system, does the ticket system still reply to this person if we reply on that ticket?
  3. Dear, We have setup the ticket system with email notification to the customer, the content of the note does get forwarded to the mail, however not the addons such as PDF or screenshots, is this possible to add or not?
  4. We have a big workflow for onboarding computers into our system. We want to install some applications and we use our own scripting for this. In this script we download some files from our own server to the script and install the application. When the script is run standalone it works fine and takes some time. In the workflow it does run and finish installing the app however, the workflow says the following: "Agent failed to report the script execution status in the allocated time". Is it possible to change this allocated time or is there a more efficient way of installing applications.
  5. Is there any nice template for download for PSA. We are trying to create an email template (fancy one) but the system is not accepting CSS Is there any tutorial or document how we can make an template for the PSA emails to customers? Hope someone has an solution
  6. Is it possible to add WireGuard VPN into the third-party patch management?
  7. Dear @StefanMcl_Pulseway, we would like to have the user put in a some sort of text in a textbox and we want to use that as a value for a variable in a script. So we can use the user input. This is what we need for now but there might be more stuff coming in the future
  8. We are currently working hard to make the client portal useful or our customers, however what if Pulseway experiences outage or loss of data. Will this portal together with the made troubleshooters be backed up? We are putting a lot of time and effort in this portal and we would not want this to go to waste in a worst case scenario
  9. Thank you for your reply @StefanMcl_Pulseway, I am curious where i can create such custom troubleshooter. Currently i see these options.
  10. We are working on Client portal and its troubleshooters, however we find the built in steps to be limiting for our needs. My questions is if there is a possibility to make custom steps in the troubleshooter so we can customize the troubleshooter with input for scripts etc.
  11. We are currently working on refining and setting up the Client portal and email notifications. However majority of our customers is Dutch. So the troubleshooters and mail notifications are a mix of our Dutch input and English template from Pulseway. We have a troubleshooter where the loading screen and such are English but our text is Dutch. Are there multiple languages available other than English and German?
  12. I would like to have a log file of users that have used the client portal, this way we can see who uses the portal and what troubleshooter they used. Is this already a thing or not yet?
  13. It would be nice to have an fully integrated back-up solution. This for the following 1. Microsoft 365 (and other look a likes) 2. Local back-up to the cloud. If we can push an back-up agent through our pulseway management for the local back-up of server and workstations to our devices it would be nice. Also if we can setup the Microsoft365 back-up via Pulseway would be great. We are seaching for one platform where we have full control. What are the options at this moment?
  14. Hi Jamy, We have no solution yet for the template
  15. Hello @Jamie Taylor , Have you found any solutions to my problem yet? We see that we cannot send our customers results of scripts without turning off the custom template. I would like to see a solution to this.
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