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  1. Please just clarify in the help text to press enter when adding a service name. Added one and got error filed can not be empty and by accident pressed enter out of frustration to find out thats how to add the name, may seem obvious but not quite clear thats how to do it. "press enter after entering a short name" would suffice. "" Alternatively make confirm button add what text one entered in field. Thanks.
  2. i got some command to work but just so im not confused. is shell CMD or powershell commands? please forward that any type of feedback from the run shell command would greatly help to understand when things are not working. thanks Christian
  3. Hi. im trying to execute file and run a shell on a workflow but nothing happens. even tried a simple "New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\Path\To\New\Folder" shell command but no folder is created as system or logged in user, and no logs to see what or why. Is anyone else having luck with this?
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