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  1. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Jonathan Fields in BitLocker Recovery Password   
    Hi Martin,
    Thank you, we are considering this for a future release.
    Best Regards,
  2. Like
    Marius got a reaction from David in WebRoot Security Awareness Training   
    The product is aimed at all people across the business to give them an understanding of how to keep themselves, other people, the data and systems they have access to safe at all times. It’s easy to manage and allows you to simply set up campaigns and auto schedule the delivery dates reducing the amount of time you need to spend managing it.
    To ensure success, training must be ongoing throughout an employee’s tenure with the company.
    “93% of breaches are initiated by phishing, and 22% of employees have clicked at least one phishing link in the last year”
    Webroot have found the below changes in user behavior after repeat campaigns.
    1. Companies that ran between 1-5 campaigns saw a phishing click through rate of 33%.
    2. Companies that ran 6-10 campaigns dropped the rate to 28%.
    3. Companies that ran 11 or more campaigns reduced the rate to 13%.
  3. Thanks
    Marius got a reaction from CloudlySimon in Automation script visibility   
    Hi Martin & Simon,
    We will be adding the ability to share tasks and scripts in a future release.
  4. Like
    Marius reacted to AC_Martin_J in Edit group name of multiple clients   
    I've been moving clients between groups with the script below, and it might be useful to some of you.. If you need to do it in a bigger batch, then maybe you can create a scope and attach the script to a task that has the scope connected to it. Also, tags could be used to further narrow down the targeted clients.
    #Replace 'NewGroupNameHere' with whatever group name you would like to use. #Example, $NewGroup = 'Servers' $PreviousGroup = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name GroupName $NewGroup = 'NewGroupNameHere' Write-Host 'The Pulseway group is currently set to:' $PreviousGroup.GroupName Write-Host 'The Pulseway group will be set to:' $NewGroup Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name GroupName -Value $NewGroup Write-Host 'Verifying...' $Verification = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name GroupName Write-Host 'The Pulseway group was successfully changed to' $Verification.GroupName  
  5. Like
    Marius got a reaction from Martin_T in Automation script visibility   
    Hi Martin & Simon,
    We will be adding the ability to share tasks and scripts in a future release.
  6. Like
    Marius got a reaction from BartB in Unattended installation for .msi   
    Pulseway msi files support unattended installation.
    Pulseway_xNN.msi /qn config=FFF configpassword=PPP
    FFF - The UNC path for the configuration file (required)
    PPP - The password for the configuration file
    Pulseway_xNN.msi /qn username=UUU password=PPP group=GGG server=SSS

    UUU - account username (required)
    PPP - account password (required)
    GGG - group name (optional). If not specified it will be "Default"
    SSS - dedicated server address - used only if you have a Pulseway Enterprise Server and it's required in this case.

    AD Group Policy can now be used to install the software. After the installation the Pulseway service will start automatically and you will be able to see the computer in the computer list.

    The next version will add support for Computer Configuration Policy - the Pulseway Agent will contact the server to read and assign the policy assigned for it's specific group or a general policy. 
  7. Thanks
    Marius got a reaction from Martin_T in Possible Bug - Annual Renewals   
    Hi Martin,
    An update on this: It's not a bug, this is how the yearly works. If you want to bill starting the Contract Start Date and not the Financial Fiscal Years, you will have to use Billing Period = Contract Length.
    Hope this helps!
  8. Like
    Marius got a reaction from Paul in Possible Bug - Annual Renewals   
    Hi Martin,
    An update on this: It's not a bug, this is how the yearly works. If you want to bill starting the Contract Start Date and not the Financial Fiscal Years, you will have to use Billing Period = Contract Length.
    Hope this helps!
  9. Upvote
    Marius reacted to Paul in Migrate your agents from Professional to Team   
    First, configure a windows agent with an account on the Team plan and validate the account to make sure the credentials are correct. Apply the configuration and write down the values of the following registry entries:
    AuthenticationToken AuthenticationTokenCtrl Now go to the WebApp on the professional server (link), login and go to the Automation -> Scripts view. Select (or create) a category and click on the Create Script button. Enter a script name and under Windows tab, enable the script and select PowerShell as the script type then paste the following script:
    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name AuthenticationToken -Value "Enter the saved AuthenticationToken from the machine you've just configured" Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name AuthenticationTokenCtrl -Value "Enter the saved AuthenticationTokenCtrl from the machine you've just configured" Replace the values of AuthenticationToken and AuthenticationTokenCtrl to the values you've wrote down from the agent you've configured to connect to the Enterprise server

    Skip this step if you don't have any Linux agents configured. If you have, then you will need to configure one of your Linux agents to use your new Pulseway server and then you will need to copy the following line from the config.xml file from the Linux system which is configured to use your new server.
    <Account Username="" Password="" UseCustomServer="false" CustomServerAddress="" Token=""/> And then Under the Linux tab, enable the script and paste in the following script using the values from the line which you have copied previously:
    sed -i 's/\t<Account.*/\t<Account Username="" Password="" UseCustomServer="false" CustomServerAddress="" Token=""\/>/' /etc/pulseway/config.xml systemctl restart pulseway
    Save the task and then run it. Please note that the task will stop automatically in 15 minutes but the systems get moved right away. This is happening because you've moved the agents to a new Pulseway server and the SaaS Professional servers stop hearing back from your agents and will mark the systems as unresponsive in the task execution after 15 to 30 minutes of inactivity.
    Warning: Please note that if you make any mistakes in the values or break the xml configuration layout by removing a closing quote the agents will stop and you will have to manually reconfigure them. It is recommended that you create a system scope that only includes one system so that you can test that the migration script contains the correct values.
  10. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Paul in FEATURE REQUEST : Archive Notifications   
    This is already supported for Enterprise.
  11. Upvote
    Marius reacted to Jeremy Otten in 4.9 - New Features?   
    Look in the Web UI.. there you can create scopes. And Automation Scripts based on Scopes etc..
    Or run Reports based on the new Scoping ... in the Mobile App you can then run the Reports and download a nice PDF of it.
    Thats what I discovered in 15 minuten of nozing around..
  12. Upvote
    Marius reacted to Edwin Bakkes in New Server Module WSUS   
    That solved my problem. Thanks to Chris and Paul Csiki.
  13. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Chris in New Server Module WSUS   
    Hi Andreas,
    Do you have an Enterprise Server? If so, the server update will start to be rolled out today.
  14. Upvote
    Marius reacted to dfranciscus in Using chocolatey in Powershell   
    OK great. I have to say I have been very impressive with how responsive Pulseway support is. Very rare to see as you probably know.
    Can you tell me if there an ETA on the next release?
  15. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Chris in Too many concurrent connections   
    Hi Simon,
    Looks like this is a licensing limitation, we are checking with your distributor and we'll update you shortly.
  16. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from A N T in Veeam   
    Hi Peter,
    This is on our to do list, we hope to have it implemented soon.
  17. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from A N T in Exchange online 365 support   
    Hello Darius,
    Thank you for your suggestion, we will surely consider added an Exchange 365 server module in the future.
  18. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Chris in Exception trying to validate account   
    An update on this: The server update is rolling out now.
  19. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Chris in iOS Custom Notification Sounds   
    Hi Ben,
    For now you can only use the system default sound or the custom ones provided. 
    We'll try to add more custom sounds in the future, especially ones that will wake up anyone in the middle of the night  If you have any suggestions, let us know.
  20. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Darfare in Remote Desktop (View only)   
    We're adding the "Observe only" mode in the next release.
    Also, we will be adding a bar at the top with the info regarding the current connection and the ability to disconnect.
  21. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Mike in Remote Desktop (View only)   
    We're adding the "Observe only" mode in the next release.
    Also, we will be adding a bar at the top with the info regarding the current connection and the ability to disconnect.
  22. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Chris in SAML and Two Factor Authenticaion   
    We hope to be able to include it soon, ETA 1-3 months.
  23. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from Chris in Servers using SHA-1 SSL Certificates   
    If you are using an SHA-1 certificate for your Enterprise server, you will need to update it to SHA-2. 
    You can use https://shaaaaaaaaaaaaa.com to check if your server is still using SHA-1 and for instructions on how to update to SHA-2.
    If you have any questions please email support at pulseway.com and we'll be glad to help.
  24. Upvote
    Marius reacted to techtedg in Remote Desktop Multiple Screens   
    Sitting here about to go home for the weekend, and my dashboard just closed itself and autoupdated. I was immediately like "yessss, let it be dual monitor support". And of course it was! Good job on getting this implemented, i can now use pulseway's remote desktop for all user support instead of just for laptop users. And it works on PCs with more than 2 as well!
  25. Upvote
    Marius got a reaction from JHP in SSL Certificate check fails on wildcard certificate   
    Could you please email our support with the real hostnames so we can try to reproduce? 
    Thank you.
    Thank you Jakob,
    we have added this issue to be fixed for the next agent release.
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