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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi, sorry for the delay. I've activated a subscription on your account for two weeks. Enjoy! -Paul
  2. Hi there, The best course of action would be to have an adapter software that sits in the middle, receives notifications from the 3rd party cloud systems and then forwards them back to Pulseway using the .NET or Java Cloud API (link). Basically you'd register an application with Pulseway, you'd be able to offer information to the Pulseway clients when it's requested, receive commands and also be able to send notifications. -Paul
  3. Hi there, Try extracting https://updates.pulseway.com/update.zip on M:\, then attempt to uninstall the product once again. -Paul
  4. Hello, For sure, a SQL Express should do as it's only limit is the 10GB per database which won't be reached that easily. As for disk space, I'd worry more for the OS and SQL Server consuming disk space than Pulseway so I'd say 50GB to be sure. -Paul
  5. Correct, purchasing the third license will activate remote control. We do mention on the plan comparison that the free plan doesn't include Remote Control. -Paul
  6. Paul

    Bypass Security

    Hi Benjamin, Thank you for your report. We're working on resolving this issue right now. -Paul
  7. Hello @Rhea, We list the Pro plan on the website as "Starter". To be able to use the Pulseway Remote Control functionality you have to purchase a subscription (of any size). Also if you decide to add another system, you will not be charged for the two systems you have received free of charge. In other words a 3 system subscription will only cost you € 27.48 per year and will give you monitoring and remote control capabilities for all 3 systems. -Paul
  8. Hi Martin, I don't have an update to your feature request just yet. We do have it on our todo list to support more granular controls but at this moment it's not part of our Roadmap. -Paul
  9. Hi there, We don't support at this moment the arm64 CPU architecture. You could make use of our RESTful APIs to push some information to Pulseway using cron and curl, check them out at api.pulseway.com. -Paul
  10. Hi there, I'd like to add that Pulseway does pull the S/N from systems, you can access it through the Assets Overview report template. I hope this helps. -Paul
  11. Hello Josh, I can confirm that this is in the works as we speak and we are making progress on this feature. We do have an executive summary report which shows if the systems are compliant or not (displays the number of available windows updates), have you tried it so far? PS: I've had to remove the competitor's product name and link. -Paul
  12. Hi there, The remote control feature for Pulseway is a premium feature that is only unlocked once you purchase a subscription. Any number of system licenses you purchase will enable you to use the Remote Control feature. -Paul
  13. Hello Sergio, We do not have any immediate plans to integrate with StorageCraft SPX however you can definitely get notifications when backups complete or fail by monitoring events written in the event log through Pulseway. -Paul
  14. Hi Jay, Many thanks for your suggestion. I've added it to our idea bank for further consideration by our product owner. You could setup a WSUS server on the customer's site, this would definitely reduce the amount of bandwidth usage by other systems on the network and Pulseway will correctly interrogate the WSUS server instead of Microsoft Update site. Oh, did I mention that we have an integration with WSUS and you'll be able to approve updates directly from Pulseway, it's pretty awesome - check it out here. -Paul
  15. Hi Leon, Thank you for the report. I've raise an internal bug report for Ubuntu 20.04. I'll drop you an update as soon as one of the developers looks into it. -Paul
  16. Hi there, Please note that we do not officially support self signed SSL certificates, you're only going to get more and more SSL certificate errors from this point but I will help you on this one. Make sure that the CA for the SSL certificate is added to the Trusted Root CA Certificates on the machine account (open mmc.exe -> Add Snap-in -> Certificates Manager -> Select the machine account). -Paul
  17. Paul

    Custom Titles

    Hi @Scott1987, It appears that the link is redirecting to another page and our package collector doesn't handle redirects yet (we'll add it soon). In the meantime feel free to use the actual download link of the file: https://swupdate.openvpn.net/beta-downloads/connect/openvpn-connect- -Paul
  18. Hi Craig, For sure, you can use PowerShell to control Hyper-V. See link: http://techgenix.com/administer-microsoft-hyper-v-command-line-cli/. Also you can enable the Hyper-V server module from the Pulseway Manager -> Server Modules -> Hyper-V as we have built-in support for managing Hyper-V. -Paul
  19. Hello Sean, Thank you for your feedback! We've added it to our queue . -Paul
  20. Paul

    Custom Titles

    I've removed the link for your security. Basically iCloud and most other file sharing websites try to hide direct links to the files in order to prevent the spread of malware and to prevent abuse of their service. That being said, you do want to be able to download files without any user interaction on the site so you should host these files on a publicly accessible web server that you control, AWS S3 or a similar file hosting service which allows you to directly access the file and not a landing page which then links to the actual file. -Paul
  21. Paul

    Custom Titles

    Hi there, I've checked your custom software titles and it seems that UC-ONE was successfully provisioned and Test has failed to provision because the iCloud link you've provided is not a direct link to the file so our provisioning system is receiving HTML text instead of the MSI file. -Paul
  22. Hi there, You may also need to setup port forwarding for wake on lan to work: https://www.howtogeek.com/192642/how-to-remotely-turn-on-your-pc-over-the-internet/. -Paul
  23. Hi Adrian, Make sure you tick the use dedicated server box and enter your Team instance name as well. If you don't do this then the client apps will default to the Pro plan. -Paul
  24. Paul

    Custom Titles

    Hi there, For the Pulseway 3rd party patching system to work you need to provide it with an MSI file, not an executable bootstrapper. MSIs enforce a certain standard that allows us to identify if the application is already installed and perform the installation or removal without any user interaction. -Paul
  25. Hi there, Chances are that the agent was installed under a different user. You can reinstall it by deleting the service registration by running as an administrator: sc delete "PC Monitor" You don't really need to reinstall it, just open the Pulseway Manager app from C:\Program Files\Pulseway\PCMonitorManager.exe -Paul
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