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  1. After our new account set up/successful agent installation, I found a Hyper-V (1 system) role created. I cannot delete it or edit it. When I drill down to the actual server involved (which by the way does not play any Hyper-V role in any sense), I get a spinning icon and then a red error message "Data not available". How can I remove or edit the role? Or remove that machine from that particular role? Also is there somewhere in the documentation that outlines the purpose of "Roles" and what I can do with this particular feature?
  2. Dear Pulseway Community, is there a way to propagate the password to the systems that are registered via the account we want to change the password of? The account has about 130 registered systems and we don't want to replace the password manually on each system. Best wishes, Norman
  3. For security purposes and business operations, it would be advantageous for Pulseway to allow MSP's to white-label the systray app and desktop icon. It would be difficult for a hacker to see what RMM software is attached to the system if the entire application was white-labeled. Other RMM's allow this. Currently the systray app only has predefined options. It would be efficient if more options were available for systray like NinjaOne has for there systray application. For instance, when i was recently testing NinjaOne I can have a link to my public knowledgebase, chat with a technician, new user request form, etc... It also allows me to customize icons with my own. NinjaOne has a very professional systray app, because we were able to brand it as our own. The desktop icon and label are Pulseway branded which does not allow the MSP to customize these two without going in to each machine and doing so. Same for the Pulseway Manager's splash and registration tab.
  4. Ensure that the system sends an automatic email alert to the administrator whenever any user initiates remote control access to a specific computer.
  5. Hi Guys, I've cobbled together a workflow using Powershell that looks at membership of the local Administrators group and that output is emailed to me. That's gone without issue but I want to refine it and that's where I'm struggling. So I know that in our case, every machine's local admin group has some membership, i.e. the local admin account and our domain admins group. I want to filter these machines out and have email results for only those where there's anything more than those "defaults". Get-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Administrators' | Where-Object {$_.PrincipalSource -ne 'Local' -and $_.Name -ne 'MyDomain\Administrator' -and $_.Name -ne 'MyDomain\Domain Admins'} | Select-Object -Property 'Name','PrincipalSource' This code works locally and using Pulseway's remote Powershell function. What I was hoping to do was to basically skip a system if the output of the code was blank or null. For systems where I haven't received any output back when using Pulseway's Powershell, I guess I don't know if the output is actually completely empty or not. I also don't know if using Pulseway's variable function is considered separately to the Powershell environment the code gets run in, if that makes sense? When I try to run the workflow on a single machine I always get emailed the results, even when the return from the Powershell is blank. I'm not brilliant with Powershell so have been searching around for alternatives. I was wondering about return codes perhaps but could I also put these into a Pulseway workflow?
  6. Hi all, up until recently we've had a TV with a StickPC running Windows and the Dashboard. This had run for years without problem. Now, about once a week, the account used in the dashboard shows and error that the account needs to be re-authenticated. Is there a setting I've missed to keep this account logged in permantly?
  7. The title/header in the notification for automatic reboot genereated by the patch managments settings looks off. If the entire prompt could be more descriptive and say how many updates have been installed, must be restarted before <end date & time>. "You need to restart your computer. Your computer have been updated according to the company patch policy and needs to be restarted before to complete the updates. (3) Updates installed, choose to restart the computer now or schedule it for a later. Restart will automatically be done <date & time> if not performed earlier." Something like this would make the users understand what is going on.
  8. Hello there, I am new to using Pulseway for managing IT infrastructure remotely; and I am looking to optimize my use of the platform to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in my role. I am managing a mid sized network of servers and workstations across multiple locations. I have set up basic monitoring and notifications; but I am excited to delve deeper into Pulseways capabilities; particularly in automating routine tasks; enhancing security; and improving system performance. Could anyone share their experiences or best practices in the following areas? What are some effective automation workflows you have implemented using Pulseways automation feature? Are there specific tasks you find particularly useful to automate? How do you leverage Pulseway for security monitoring and incident response? Are there particular settings or configurations you recommend to strengthen system security? What are the key metrics you monitor to ensure optimal performance of servers and workstations? How do you use Pulseway to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks? Also, I have gone through this post: https://forum.pulseway.com/topic/2744-assistance-required-with-aws-devops-remote-access/ which definitely helped me out a lot. I am also interested in learning about valuable integrations with other tools and services. What integrations have you found to be most beneficial for enhancing your IT management capabilities? Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.
  9. Hello there, This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection. I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving😍 this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters. As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot. Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors? Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.😇
  10. Hello! I'm trying to monitor and display printer supply levels using SNMP. I have a Lexmark printer configured, but I can't see the supply levels as I can in another web tool I was using. I'd also like to know how to generate alerts for all my printer types for out-of-paper, paper jam, toner out, imaging unit out, etc.
  11. Hello Team, Can we get email notifications from already closed tickets? We basically from support and often there is the requirement of allocating systems to users or assign temp licenses and we are marking that tickets closed once work is done, say suppose we assign temp licenses to end user for 1 month and closed the ticket, can we get email reminder from same ticket that reaching the due date to remove the license from Pulsaway ticket system. Thank you Avinash Udavant
  12. Hi all, I'm looking for more information on how to setup this feature. "1-Click" button in the Remote Control client. I assume this pulls embedded passwords from itglue, however this isnt working for me. "Pulseway Remote Control, No credentials found."
  13. We recently purchased Pulseway for our organization, and we are looking to maximize its potential, particularly in utilizing the Client Service Portal. Could you provide us with examples or guidance on how to effectively use the Client Service Portal? Our goal is to enable users to solve basic problems on their own. Any documentation, tutorials, or best practices you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.
  14. For the first time, we are trying to manage the Pulseway agent using policies rather than touching every agent manually. Where are current and accurate instructions for how to do this? We have an on-premise instance running v9.5.1. The tutorial video (under training center) feels like a nice marketing overview, but it reflects a previous version, so some details are inaccurate, and it is an overview. It doesn't provide enough information to actually create a new policy from the Web App. The Help Center has a whole section devoted to "Policies and Agent Configurations", but I still haven't found one article that actually provides the information I need for creating my first policy and modifying the configuration. An example: When I go to ADMINISTRATION/Configuration/Policies and click "Create New Policy", the very first screen asks me to select a "policy type". What's this? I see no mention of it in any of the documentation I've seen so far. I chose "Device Configuration" and clicked "Next". Now I see Device Type, OS Type, and Manufacturer. Huh? But since all three sections indicate that this is a "root level" policy, there's nothing I can do here except assign the policy to some endpoints, which I don't want to do yet (that's putting the cart before the horse). So I click "Next" and I have the option of assigning a profile. I haven't made any profiles and don't even know what they are at this point, so again, there's nothing I can do at this point, so I "Save". Now I go to edit the newly created policy and I have no more options that I did the first pass through. I then created a "Monitoring" policy, but this offers the same options as the "Device Configuration" policy. Searching the forums hasn't led me to anything helpful yet either. Where are all the settings that I can choose to enable or disable? Why does all the documentation I'm finding appear to be out of date? If Pulseway is going to change stuff, then the documentation should be kept current to reflect the changes. We just signed a 3-year deal for 2500 endpoints, and I am astonished at how frustrated I've become trying to setup some pretty simple and basic things. My time is WAY to valuable to have to spend hours and hours guessing and doing trial and error. May I please get some help? Thank you, Stephen
  15. Does anyone have a working script to install Sentinel One silently on managed machines?
  16. A number of folks have requested the ability to manage bitlocker with Pulseway, so I thought I would share how I am doing this with Powershell scripts and Pulseway's custom fields feature. First, you will need to create a custom fields in Pulseway (Automation Tab --> Custom Fields). This fields should be a text variable that has the system context. I personally have 3, BitlockerKey, Protection Status (On/Off), and BitLockerVolumeStatus. BitlockerKey is probably the one most people will care about. . After Configuring the Custom fields, you will then need to create your PowerShell script. Notice you have inputs and outputs. You will want to click New for output. Name it what you wish, ensure it is a text variable type, and then turn on "set Custom Field Value" Now we toggle the flag for it being a windows powershell script. You should see in the top that it has created a comment #outputs with your defined output variable assigned the default value you gave it. Now we have our script: Update as of 4/18/2021, script now tracks 3 custom fields and will account for if a drive is encrypted but protection is off and no protectors have been added yet. # Outputs $ProtectionStatus = "na" $recoveryKey = "na" $VolumeStatus = "na" #region functions function Start-BitlockerEnable { Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint c: -EncryptionMethod XtsAes128 -UsedSpaceOnly -TpmProtector $today = Get-Date $scheduledtime = $today.Date.AddHours(23) [int]$SecondsToMidnight = ($scheduledtime - $today).TotalSeconds shutdown /r /t $SecondsToMidnight msg.exe * "Bitlocker Encryption has been enabled. A reboot is needed before the encryption will apply and has been scheduled for $scheduledtime local time. You can reboot before this if you prefer." #start-sleep 90 #msg.exe * "This Computer will reboot in 30 seconds to bitlocker Encryption" #start-sleep 30 #Restart-computer -force } #endregion functions #region execution $BitLockerStatus = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint c: if ((Get-Tpm).tpmpresent -eq $true) { #If Volume is in the process of encrypting or decrypting the Volume status will not say fully. Don't make changes when it changes if (($BitLockerStatus.ProtectionStatus -match 'off') -and ($bitlockerstatus.VolumeStatus -notmatch 'progress')) { #NoBitlocker is enabled so run it. if ($BitLockerStatus.VolumeStatus -eq 'FullyDecrypted') { $recoverykey = $BitLockerStatus.KeyProtector | Select-Object -ExpandProperty recoverypassword if(!($recoveryKey)){ Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint c: -RecoveryPasswordProtector } $newStatus = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint c: $recoverykey = $newStatus.KeyProtector | Select-Object -ExpandProperty recoverypassword Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable recoverykey ""$recoverykey""") -Wait if ($newStatus.KeyProtector -match 'Recovery') { Start-BitlockerEnable } } #Bitlocker must be Partially enabled where drive is fully encrypted, but protection is off and no protectors exist. #Typically this is using xtsAES128 so you may wish to disable-bitlocker, then re-enable it with your protectors and prefered encryption level. else{ Disable-BitLocker -MountPoint 'c:' $decryptInProgress = $true While($decryptInProgress -eq $true){ $decryptstatus = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint 'c:' if($decryptstatus.VolumeStatus -match 'progress'){ Start-Sleep 2 } else{ $decryptInProgress = $false } } Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint c: -RecoveryPasswordProtector $newStatus = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint c: $recoverykey = $newStatus.KeyProtector | Select-Object -ExpandProperty recoverypassword Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable recoverykey ""$recoverykey""") -Wait if ($newStatus.KeyProtector -match 'Recovery') { Start-BitlockerEnable } } } #BitLocker should already be enabled so log keys, volume status etc. else { $recoverykey = $BitLockerStatus.KeyProtector | Select-Object -ExpandProperty recoverypassword $ProtectionStatus = $BitLockerStatus.ProtectionStatus $VolumeStatus = $BitLockerStatus.VolumeStatus Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable recoverykey ""$recoverykey""") -Wait Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable ProtectionStatus ""$ProtectionStatus""") -Wait Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable VolumeStatus ""$VolumeStatus""") -Wait } } else { $recoverykey = 'NoTpm' Start-Process -FilePath "$env:PWY_HOME\CLI.exe" -ArgumentList ("setVariable recoveryKey ""$recoveryKey""") -Wait } #endregion execution You can modify the above script as you wish. I personally have gone with a bit of a cautious approach where it will not skip the hardware check which will reboot the pc, but for me I prefer this approach to having it encrypt the drive without checking tpm is all good which could then result in the drive being encrypted and locking out the end user. At the end of all this, you now should be able to Both Enable bitlocker encryption as well as pull your recovery keys from pulseway like so :
  17. Hey Guys, So we need to automate patching and reporting for Mac OS. From the best of my knowledge I can't find this feature anywhere within pulseway (crazy I know), and I can't find any scripts within the forum. Can anyone help me out on this one? I'll update if I find anything myself. -Sam
  18. Hi, Sorry, I have a trivial problem but I don't understand. What do I need to enter in the username field to be able to log in? If I try to enter the email I use for login, the field is only 25 characters long while my email has 28 characters
  19. Can someone help explain how AD discovery is supposed to work? I have tried just having it enabled. I have tried specifying the domain. Tried specifying OU's. The only time I see domain services is when the pinging in the same subnet. I just need to get devices installed.
  20. Hi, I'm trying to register my system after installing pulseway on windows 10. However, due to some unknown reasons, the password field is disabled. This is very strange as I never experienced this in the past. Any help would be appreciated. Regards
  21. After a fresh install on Windows 10, the Pulseway Agent installs, but does not allow me to sign in. When opening the application, I am greeted with this screen When I click on "Register System" I am greeted with this screen After entering my Username and checking the box "I do not have an instance name", I get this error message I have re-installed multiple times, tried to manually start the service in services.msc, which gives me this error I have also made sure my PC is up to date, currently running Windows 10 Home build 19045.2546. Any ideas why I might be seeing this error message/ why the Password field is greyed out? Thanks Jack
  22. Deploy BitDefender antivirus to your endpoints with just the level of protection you need, all with one click. Additional In app support for Bitdefender Endpoint Detection and Full Disk Encryption further strengthens your security.
  23. Hi, I wanted to use Pulseway instead of a cloud server for monitoring, trying to upgrade from a free account to a team account but I get the following error when trying to upgrade through the pulseway web UI - I have also attached a screenshot. What do I need to do? I just want to add a few more devices. Thanks, CalvinNT "www.pulseway.com refused to connect."
  24. Bring IT Documentation in your daily workflow through the IT Glue integration. Within the system details screen you can now access asset information, related documents, and related passwords for the matching IT Glue configuration.
  25. We are busy setting up the integration between Pulseway and Autotask. When signed into the server, opening Pulseway Manager 8.50, and going to Settings>Autotask we can enable the Autotask integration and enter the credentials for the account. After that the Account and Queue dropdowns become available with the company and the queue that the tickets needs to go to and this works as expected. With the amount of servers that we manage we want to roll this setting out using endpoint policies. We go to the webapp, create a policy, go to other settings, select Autotask. After we entered the same credentials as we did in Pulseway Manager the dropdown menu's don't fill with the companies or queues which makes us unable to configure and test the setting. What could be the cause of this not working as expected?
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