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  1. Thanks
    Paul got a reaction from equinox1191 in When starting remote control from mobile app under the user it now says their state and "connected to console" or "logged on to console" was this a change added to latest build?   
    Hi there,
    We have indeed changed the messages for the user sessions to match the exact wording using by the operating system. We usually post in the release notes major changes to the platform so this is not a noteworthy change.
  2. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Monitor - Performance - Debian   
    Hi Lars,
    You can enable CPU, RAM and HDD notifications from the configuration file at: /etc/pulseway/config.xml.
    Let me know how it goes.
  3. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Can you have a personal account for pulseway   
    Hi Nate,
    Unfortunately we have do not have a personal plan at this moment however if you are interested in giving a go for our Teams plan we can offer a trial using your gmail address as well.
  4. Like
    Paul got a reaction from David Richmond in Operation refused as the account has 2FA enabled - options?   
    Hi David,
    We are in the process of introducing API keys which will allow executing tasks for accounts with 2FA. In the meantime you can disable 2FA and use a long password or wait for the API changes.
  5. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in When starting remote control from mobile app under the user it now says their state and "connected to console" or "logged on to console" was this a change added to latest build?   
    Hi there,
    We have indeed changed the messages for the user sessions to match the exact wording using by the operating system. We usually post in the release notes major changes to the platform so this is not a noteworthy change.
  6. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Agent 8.8.11 -Support Flag Change   
    Hi Nick,
    Many thanks for the report. Our development team has confirmed this as a defect and we're working on a fix. I'll keep you posted with updates as I get them.
  7. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Pulseway Service failing to start up after System Update with "Configuration: expected ="   
    Hey Peter,
    That's odd. Please PM me your config.xml file and I'll look into it.
  8. Like
    Paul got a reaction from Fred_BD in Select Multiple Systems > Run Script   
    Thanks. This is a great idea, we'll consider it for a future release. It's annoying that you have to create tags, a scope and a task only when you need something real quick. We'll see how we can improve this.
  9. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from TorW in Notification Bridge   
    Hi everyone,
    Use this plugin to open up a local WCF using net pipes so that a console application can use it to sent notifications to Pulseway. Using this solution you can easily send Pulseway notifications from your scripts.
    Version 1.3
    Add the NotificationBridgePlugin.dll plugin into Pulseway Manager -> Plugins. Configure your scripts to call NotificationBridge console application. =Usage=
    -p (Priority: 0=Low, 1=Normal, 2=Elevated, 3=Critical) -t (Text message, use double quotes if the message includes a space) -f (Include the text from a file) -r (Allow repeating notifications) Exit Codes:
    0 - Notification was successfully forwarded to Pulseway 1 - Notification was rejected by Pulseway (Maintenance mode, Old notification was not deleted, Pulseway is stopped. As always my plugin is open-source bound by no license. You may claim it your own.
    Source Code: https://bitbucket.org/paulcsiki/notification-bridge-plugin/src
    Download Link: Click
  10. Confused
    Paul got a reaction from BytePhil in Unable to register & view the main site   
    Hi there,
    The 403 access is denied error indicates a security feature of our website has kicked in. Can you try to register an account from your phone's network or another network to see if that works?
  11. Like
    Paul got a reaction from Fred_BD in Remote lock/wipe   
    Here's a remote wipe script you can use: https://github.com/paulcsiki/pulseway-scripts/blob/main/remote-wipe/report-bitlocker-status.ps1
  12. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Unable to monitor Windows Backup   
    Hi Joe,
    You can't. Pulseway uses PowerShell cmdlets to integrate with Windows Server Backup which are not supported on Windows Server 2008R2.
  13. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Installation on Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS?   
    We've launched support for arm64: https://www.pulseway.com/download/pulseway_arm64.deb. Enjoy!
  14. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Offline System Applications & Asset Info   
    Android pushes the automatic updates in phases to avoid DDOS-ing itself when a popular app gets updated. I think all devices get the update within a week though.
  15. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Can't log into webapp   
    Hi Shean,
    Are you logging into https://my.pulseway.com? If so, what is the error message?
  16. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Offline System Applications & Asset Info   
    Is that a Windows system? Also are you running version 8.8.9 on your phone?
  17. Like
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie Taylor in Remote lock/wipe   
    Here's a remote wipe script you can use: https://github.com/paulcsiki/pulseway-scripts/blob/main/remote-wipe/report-bitlocker-status.ps1
  18. Like
    Paul reacted to Mark G38 in Outch !! We couldn't access the admin share (\\systemName\admin$) on the target system.   
    It's disabled by default in Windows.  If you're not on a domain where you can use GPO, you have to do this to the registry on each machine. 
    Set a DWord called LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy and set the value to 1.  Reboot.  Should do the trick.  
  19. Like
    Paul got a reaction from David Stanton in Task (skipped)   
    Hi Mark,
    Release notes are in the about section of the Pulseway Manager for the Windows agent. We usually only announce major product improvements but we will consider extending the granularity of our announcements.
  20. Upvote
    Paul got a reaction from Carl T in what configuration does Pulseway prioritize?   
    Hi Rick,
    Pulseway will prioritize policies ahead of the local configuration. Please note that a filled checkbox (not empty or ticked) means that the local setting will be respected.
  21. Like
    Paul reacted to AJK in Script to uninstall KB5000802?   
    Came across this which seems to work if anyone else is having the same issues still: 
    # "19041.867.1.8" = KB5000802
    # "18362.1440.1.7" = KB5000808
    $UpdateArray = @("19041.867.1.8", "18362.1440.1.7")
    foreach ($UpdateVersion in $UpdateArray) {
        $SearchUpdates = dism /online /get-packages | findstr "Package_for" | findstr "$UpdateVersion"  
        if ($SearchUpdates) {
            $update = $SearchUpdates.split(":")[1].replace(" ", "")
            write-host ("Update result found: " + $update )
            dism /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:$update /quiet /norestart
        } else {
            write-host ("Update " + $UpdateVersion + " not found.")
    exit 0
  22. Thanks
    Paul got a reaction from it4hoomanz in Upgrading from Free to Pro - Getting error 106   
    Hi @it4hoomanz,
    We're making changes to the plans to be more accessible for everyone. Please PM me how many systems you're looking to monitor.
  23. Like
    Paul got a reaction from JohnnyJoker in Pulseway Agent for VDI Golden Image   
    Hi Matt,
    Make sure that the gold image doesn't have the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\ComputerName registry value. This will pick up the hostname as the computer name at startup.
  24. Like
    Paul got a reaction from Maruco in Kaspersky licenses in use on devices that are unavailable with no way of disabling them - SOLUTION!   
    Thanks for the update Maruco. Glad to hear everything is clear now. We'll see how we can improve on the UX of the Agent Status page, I agree, this can be confusing.
  25. Like
    Paul got a reaction from Jamie in Is there a way to enable the User Agent from remote?   
    Hi Jamie,
    You can remotely enable it through PowerShell:
    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor' -Name 'DisableUserSessionTask' -Value '0' -Paul
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