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Paul reacted to Marius in Powershell: "An error occurred when loading the system Windows PowerShell Snap-Ins."
A new agent update has been released (v3.5) and it includes a fix for this issue as well. Thanks for your help. -
Paul reacted to chillisoft in Ninite Plugin V1.1
Version: 1.1.0 Beta
Author: Chillisoft: John Rickman
Minimum PC Monitor Version: 3.3.1
* Tested Platforms:
Operating Systems: Windows 7 Professional
Products: Ninite One
Server Operating Systems: Windows Web Server 2008 R2
* Features:
- Allows manual triggering of the Ninite One application to silently update applications
- Notifies when the report from the above process has completed
- Must have a paid subscription for Ninite Pro
* Installation:
1. Copy all files from the 'NiniteOne' folder to any folder in your computer. It is recommended you place the contents in the root of C:\
2. Place niniteone.exe in the same directory
3. Go to 'Plugins' tab from PC Monitor Manager and click 'Add'.
4. Select 'NiniteOnePlugin.dll' from the path you used at step 1.
5. Use the 'Configure' option to Set the properties.
- change the Ninite One folder to be the location used in Step 1.
- change the AD Domain to be you own Active Directory location.
- all other properties can be left as default
- to test the plugin, simply edit the application list to test for a single application
6. The Applications_All.txt file in the folder from Step 1 should be edited to add or remove appropriate applications for the network. This file needs to have a complete list of applications for your network, as it is used when the 'All Apps' button is pressed.
7. It is required that an Account with the necessary Active Directory and application Installation access for the domain is used to run the PC Monitor service.
8. Ensure that niniteone.exe is placed in the same directory
* Usage:
1. Make sure you have an account configured in PC Monitor Manager, the plugin is installed and the PC Monitor service is started.
2. Open your favorite PC Monitor client (mobile, web UI)
3. Scroll down and click the 'Run Ninite One' option
* Credits:
MMSoft Design Ltd. for all the support and help in designing the plugin.
John Rickman for everything else.
* Support:
For support you can contact Chillisoft.
Thank you for using the plugin!
Niniteone V1.1.zip
Paul reacted to chillisoft in Ninite.com update/installer plugin request.
Hi Josh
Here is a Ninite plugin that we developed and currently using internally.
Steve Smith
Director of Technical Services
Paul reacted to gbrown481 in reporting
it would monitor the usage of a disk.
so for instance, take a servers data drive.
it would show the dates of a month across the bottom, and the size in gb up.
this would then give an indication of how quickly the space is being used up so that we can try and predict when the space will run out rather than wait for the monitor to send us a notification when its low.
Paul reacted to gbrown481 in Windows 2008 Backup Eventlog
Hi Thorsten,
this has now been changed so that the new version incorporates the ability to set up event log notifications for the original location of the logs for windows server backup 2008+
Event log > Applications and Services > Microsoft > Windows > Backup
Paul reacted to gbrown481 in Windows 2008 Backup Eventlog
Hi Thorsten,
i agree it would be good to see the windows backup from event viewer in pc monitor. but a way that we get around this at the moment is to change the location of the windows backup event logs so that they are logged in the application event log and set notifications up from there??
does that help?
thanks. gary.
Paul reacted to Ibrahim in Error 1001. Error 1001
This time when i run the setup it was different error. But your previous comment helped me a lot. I just went to see the contents of update.log file and there it was mentioned as unauthorized user. I run the setup with domain admin user account and the setup finished successfully. Thanks a lot.
Paul reacted to Neil in Security Plugin 1.4
Interested to see if plugin worked for ESET ENDPOINT ANTIVIRUS 5.0 on W7. Activated on PC trace log to monitor status codes just for interest. The plugin magically appeared on mobilepcmonitor APP on Android Samsung Galaxy S2. Two information fields Status Enable & Database Updated...it works!
Paul reacted to Le_poilu in Windows8/2012 StoragePool support
Thanks for your answer. Sorry to be late here, was a bit busy... And I had hard time to find the good powersheel cmdlt for that.
I found this to fetch actual physicaldisk size and allocated size:
Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/Microsoft/Windows/Storage" -Class MSFT_PhysicalDisk -Property Friendlyname, Size, AllocatedSize, Healthstatus,model | Format-Table Friendlyname, model, Size, Allocatedsize, healthstatus
With this info you can check the Data filled on the physicaldisk and using it for what we need in PCMonitor
More infos here about the WMI-Object:
Best regards
Paul reacted to Ibrahim in Need to monitor Agentles Device (IP Camera)
Above solution worked for me.
Thanks a lot for helping.
Have a nice day.
Paul reacted to queeg505 in Unattended Install Issue
I have managed to resolve this without having to walk round each PC. After testing the only command string that I got to work that removed the program and that ran silently and without any visible presence on the users workstation was to run the following from the server remotely: psexec \\pcname msiexec /x PCMonitor_x86.msi /qf After this on the next reboot the program then reinstalled per the group policy.
Paul reacted to fmnardon in (Help with WOL) Wake up didnt works for me
Was the Firewall settings, thank you very much, works perfect!!!!
case close!!!
Paul got a reaction from Marius in (Help with WOL) Wake up didnt works for me
Wake on WAN problems are change from case to case. First thing on my mind is that the network adapter does not access WOL packets. Can you confirm you got this enabled on your adapter?
Also in BIOS check if Integrated Peripherals - Onboard LAN control is enabled.
If you have a Power Management tab on your adapter's properties page make sure all check boxes are ticked:
Open "Programs and Features" from the control panel. Click "Turn Windows features on or off" over on the sidebar. Scroll down and check "Simple TCPIP services" then click OK to install the feature:
Open "Services" from the "Administrative Tools" control panel. Scroll down to the service for which we just installed the feature. Make sure the service is started by clicking the link in the sidebar. Also ensure that the "Startup Type" is set to "Automatic" so that it will run with Windows.
Open "Windows Firewall" from the control panel. Only UDP is needed, but you can if you with open the port for TCP as well. This is because UDP is a broadcast packet which can always be received by your NIC, whereas TCP requires the computer to be powered up. This can also be set to limit the IPs which can use the port and other security features to make your computer less vulnerable. These are the easiest settings.
Now you can try to see if the computer wakes up. You can use wakeonlan.me to test if everything is working before trying out with PC Monitor.
Note: Credit goes to windows7-issues.blogspot.it who posted a great WOL article.
Good Luck,
Paul reacted to I.P. in Remote Control / RDP / VNC
yes, but claiming a motto does not change the world
managing does not neccessarily mean full screen access. i do not only think but i am sure that "adding everything" can make a product lose its focus and simplicity. there are monitoring solutions out there that have a much bigger funcionality range than pc monitor but can be outperformed by pc monitor by simplicity and ease of use.
if remote access can be provided without losing the push-architecture and without making the whole product more expensive i will welcome it, i only have doubts that this is possible without negative impacts.
yes, a data stream is the only way to achieve a good remote control, i am sure with that. of course not direct, i didn't say that. but especially when managing a data stream over the enterprise server for instance causes many traffic issues and although this all can be solved it must make the product more expensive for the end user.
Paul reacted to Marius in Powershell: Start-Process ERROR
Hi Steve,
Try: start-process "c:\bat\filename.bat"
Paul reacted to Andrei in Wake up all computers.?
This issue was fixed for version 3.2.2. Please let us know if you still experience the same problem with the new version.
Use the "About" button to be sure you are running the latest version.
Paul reacted to Evanstransit in Andriod app wants to capture accounts on phone..why?
Good enough thank you so much for responding so quickly as the product gets more popular don't lose this outstanding customer service
Paul reacted to Marius in How to use VMware monitoring
It does not affect licensing unless you are installing the PC Monitor agent on the VMs. Each agent installation will take one license.
Paul reacted to digbyp in SMART Status
Although not automatic, you can you use the powershell line below which will show true or false. If True, anticipate disk failure at some point.
gwmi -Namespace root\wmi -Class MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictStatus -property PredictFailure
Paul reacted to Cptrico in CouchBase Tool Plugin 1.0
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your positive words
What I can tell you about Couchbase is only positive, but maybe there are other good NoSQL solutions out there( I assume there is ).
I found this very good blog that explains a little bit more about the two merged technologies http://horicky.blogs...chitecture.html
My company implemented CouchBase with a memcached bucket and we use it to cache our XML API requests along with our search queries.
It just works and are very stable.
What I love about couchbase is that their REST API is so easy to work with(almost as much as PCM ) but also the service itself is just so well made.
You install and configure it easily, and in matter of few minutes you are up and running with a clustered solution that supports failover and rebalancing services.
And you can view the cluster, bucket, node status / performance and more from a nice GUI.
So if you need to make some software where you before thought about key value stores, dictionary, hash maps, you could consider implementing it using couchbase and build it around their API.
The plugin here is useful if you have couchbase server installed and want to test the bucket(s) and make sure it runs all the time.
Also, I made the plugin to show my company how fairly easy it is to create a plugin for PCM, that calls some of our key components in our infrastructure.
The liked it, so assuming they will ask me to create more plugins like this in the future.
Cheers, have a nice day.
Paul reacted to Cptrico in CouchBase Tool Plugin 1.0
This is my second plugin for PCM
Recently I had the opportunity to work with couchbase and memcached services. For those of you not knowing what it is, it’s a key value store or maybe more known as a NoSQL.
So I thought that it would be helpfull to have a tool that could test and monitor the service I was setting up. So now i want to share this with you, hoping it can be useful to others that are working with couchbase.
More information about Couchbase here: http://www.couchbase.com/
Main features are:
Test store, retrieve, touch and remove operations.
Support both couchbase and memcached buckets.
Test with predefined key and value, or use input control.
Run monitoring on the bucket, sending a notification if any error is detected while reading/writing to it.
Set monitoring to start during plugin startup.
Allow the flushAll command, option to require password to run the command can be enabled.
All config changes are applied instantly, no restart required.
Click here to download version 1.0
Let me know what you think
Paul reacted to Cptrico in PowerOfTheShell Plugin 1.5
Hi all,
POTS for PCM v.1.3 came with support for input controls. Now in v.1.4 there is support for “partial input controls”.
And what does that mean. It means that it is now possible to have a script that can run with or without all input controls assigned. Let’s think of a script where running it with only one input control, will generate a different output than running it with 3 or all assigned input controls. This makes it possible to create very flexible scripts that can take different parameters.
Also it is now possible to set the log level of the plugin in the configuration manager.
Check it out, and as always please report back to me if you have any questions or good ideas for improvements.
Paul reacted to oliver.chalk in Ms SQL Server 2012 and Windows Authentication
Hi all,
After trying to get PC monitor to work with my SQL 2012 dev edition, it was a simple fix;
Set the PC Monitor service to run as a user that has database permissions (I chose local server administrator) and choose "Use Windows Authentication".
Otherwise just set a SQL user up with 'public' and 'sysadmin' server roles and put them in the authentication settings.
Hope this helps someone!
EDIT: Also a small app dev thing; tabbing order is a bit strange on the SQL Server settings page!
Paul reacted to Cptrico in Spread the word
I encourage all to advertise a little bit for PC monitor on e.g Facebook or linkedIn.
The more users, the bigger community we can build, and great ideas are shared.
Paul reacted to Cesar Lacerda in Bulk Provisioning
A um ano utilizo a versão Enterprise para controlar 119 maquinas ( 9 Servidores e 110 pcs ) distribuidas entre 8 empresas. Como não sei programar ( Powershell ou C# ) seria muito interessante essas implementações no sistema.