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  1. Paul

    Maintenance mode

    Hi Kirsten, There sure are. In the other settings of policies you can set up maintenance windows but this feature is also available in the Pulseway Manager under the Settings -> Maintenance Schedule tab. -Paul
  2. This is configurable through a policy on the webapp or directly on the agent through the Pulseway Manager under the Notifications -> Performance tab. -Paul
  3. Hi Luca, Yes, you'd need a high CPU notification configured to 68% to allow some margin of error and then on the workflow side to check if the top process file name matches the one you're targeting then to restart the target service. Otherwise to call "Send Alert" action to normally send the push / email notification. -Paul
  4. Hi @Mystik01, Pulseway doesn't have an integration with MySQL at this time. The integration in the screenshot is for Microsoft SQL Server. -Paul
  5. Hi there, There's a watchdog scheduled task that starts the Pulseway service again, feel free to disable it but if you delete it then Pulseway will start it again. -Paul
  6. Hi there, Yes, thank you for the reminder. We've queued the change and it will be resolved soon. -Paul
  7. Hi Larz, Probably you're trying to install Pulseway on a domain joined computer and it's conflicting with a GPO you have. Just install it using the basic user interface as the error message tells you: msiexec /i Pulseway_x64.msi /qb -Paul
  8. Hi Jamie, You can remotely enable it through PowerShell: Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor' -Name 'DisableUserSessionTask' -Value '0' -Paul
  9. Hi there, You should be able to renew your subscription from the WebApp under the Billing -> Place Order page (direct link: https://my.pulseway.com/main/subscription/manage). Let me know how it goes. -Paul
  10. Hi @MrNaz, Thanks for the report. We have identified the problem and this will be resolved in the next release coming out next week. -Paul
  11. Hello @MrNaz, Thank you for the report. We have identified the problem and we're working on a fix. The fix will be included in the next release which is due to be out next week. -Paul
  12. Hi Renier, Make sure you tick the use custom server and enter the Pulseway instance name in the server address bellow. -Paul
  13. Hey Sonny, I've activated the trial subscription for 2 weeks. Enjoy ! -Paul
  14. Hi @TCTS, You can avoid having to type in those commands by simply opening the Pulseway app and going into the About -> Uninstall tabs and from there there's an uninstall button that will run the commands for you. -Paul
  15. Hi there, Please run the installer with verbose logging and attach the logs: msiexec /i Pulseway_x64.msi /l*v install.log -Paul
  16. Hi there, This is for HDD temperature sensor monitoring, the original post is here: This will prevent some backup software from creating VSS snapshots, yes, you should still disable it if you see problems with your backup software. -Paul
  17. You could use the msg command: msg * "Your message goes here" -Paul
  18. Thanks for the update Maruco. Glad to hear everything is clear now. We'll see how we can improve on the UX of the Agent Status page, I agree, this can be confusing. -Paul
  19. Hey Tony, This is probably audit traces but I will have to check with the PSA team to confirm. For now you should be able to deactivate the workflow. -Paul
  20. Hi Tony, Are you referring to the Pulseway PSA? If so, you will need to enable a workflow for that under Admin -> Business Process -> Workflows (like 'Notify Client when a Note is Added'). -Paul
  21. Hi there, I'd like to look into your case. Can you please create a read-only account for me on your Pulseway instance using the email address paul.csiki [at] pulseway [dot] com? There's no need to tell me the password, I will just reset it when you've created the account. I'll investigate the problem right away. -Paul
  22. You can do that but why not use the built-in script that enables the Pulseway Maintenance Mode a few minutes before your snapshot starts? -Paul
  23. Hello Maruco, Thank you for raising this issue with us. We will definitely review your support case to improve the quality of our support responses, let me apologize for the poor experience you've had with us. While it is true that most of our development team is booked with an upcoming release we definitely can handle escalations. For the systems that you no longer have access to, you should be able to remove the RMM agent registration from the Account -> Manage Systems section of the WebApp, this will also free any allocated addon licenses too. Do remove the systems that you no longer have access to in order to release your AV licenses and then send me a PM. I'll arrange a refund for the antivirus licenses you were charged for and did not use. -Paul
  24. Pulseway doesn't require any ports to be opened in inbound. We only use 443 in outbound. I'd suggest whitelisting the Pulseway executables in the firewall. -Paul
  25. Hi Jason, The network monitoring feature is only available for the Team plan. If you are on the Team plan it should show up on the left menu as "Networks" underneath "Systems". -Paul
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