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Posts posted by Paul

  1. Well $env:USERNAME relies on the current user and Pulseway runs in the context of the SYSTEM account. Try using this instead:

    $user= get-wmiobject -class win32_computersystem | select-object username
    wmic UserAccount where name=$user set Passwordexpires=true
    $username = $user.username
    if ($username -like '*\*')
        $idx = $username.LastIndexOf('\')
        $username = $username.Substring($idx + 1)
    net user $username /logonpasswordchg:yes

    It just removes the domain name or computer name from the username you get from WMI.


  2. Hi there,

    That's very concerning indeed. Can you please enable diagnostic logging from the Pulseway Manager -> Settings -> Diagnostics then set the patch policy again and force it to run once. If you notice it goes into a restart loop again remove the policy and PM me the trace.log file. I'll investigate it right away.



  3. Hi @DuarteV,

    Does it work to perform a CRAWL with another SNMP browser? Can you tell us what's the name of the tool? It's possible it's just trying to match some OIDs and use the values returned to determine the device type and from there it loads built-in MIBs. Our crawl function actually tries to iterate the values on the device itself but it's not an operation that all devices support.


  4. 16 hours ago, Bren said:

    Currently, any machine that is offline displays only the last know public IP address. It would be very useful if it could display all last known information. Such as serial number for example.

    Hi Bren,

    I do agree that it would be nice to display last known information for offline systems however right know you can still access certain information by running the asset report. It will still include the information it has on online systems.


  5. 7 hours ago, CCPCTech said:

    Thank you Paul on my second question. 

    It's been a week and my first question as to how I get the remote control feature to work and test before I commit to several hundred dollars a year hasn't been resolved. The sales department has not responded either.

    I am preliminarily interested in purchasing this.

    My main objective is remote access without EU input and always on, waiting for me to connect anytime I need to.

    I have several stations this will be purchased for.

    How may I try out the remote control feature?

    I've activated a subscription for two weeks so you can give it a go. Let me know what you think of it :lol:.


  6. Hi @StephenTheTech,

    Configure the password on one agent then copy the following registry values from HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor: PreventChanges, PreventChangesPassword, PreventChangesPasswordCtrl and then simply use an automation script to push those registry settings. Look for the Set-ItemProperty powershell cmdlet.


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