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  1. Sometimes i am creating a ticket after i have already started work on the problem. Not ideal I know, but it happens. It happens enough that i would really like to be able to put in the time i started working on the problem and then hit the now choice and then hit a "Add time" or start tracking time button that continues to update the "now" or "end" field. that way i dont have to remember to hit that now button when i am done and hit the save button.
  2. It would be nice if we also can monitor/manage the smart devices like Android and IOS.
  3. I swore I already created this feature req, but I can't find it anywhere here, so forgive me if this is duplicating. I see OKTA was added as a SSO option with latest PSA release. Is there anything on roadmap for O365/Azure SSO? I want to drive clients' users to the customer portal, but they are just not going to remember another password. It needs to have O365 authentication. This is having a major productivity impact on opened service tickets, because otherwise users just email help ticket requests and often do not provide all needed information. Another option to to create some sort of client specific Submit help ticket webpage that has all required fields. For other PSA users out there, how to you handle user submitted help tickets and proper data collection for the help ticket?
  4. I have a support ticket where I asked this question and got a reply that it could be looked at in the future. Just placing it here to ensure it gets put on Feature request list and so others can comment. When sales tax is added to invoice in PSA then synced to Quickbooks via PSA QB SYNC, it defaults to sales tax code G. In Canada, G is GST @ 5% by default (and correctly so) out of the box. H is for HST is dependent on province. In my case, HST at 13% is setup in PSA, but when the invoice syncs over to Quickbooks, it imports/syncs as tax code G (at 5%). I have to edit EVERY SINGLE INVOICE.I just need to tell PSA to use a defined sales tax code when syncing to QB. I would consider this more of a bug than a feature. What's the point of automation if you have to go back and edit everything? Connected...I sync invoices over to QB so I can use my custom invoice template. Its been said elsewhere, but we REALLY need a way to edit/create our own HIGH QUALITY professional and modern looking invoices in PSA. No offense, but the few invoice templates that exist look horrible. As always, I appreciate all you guys are doing and know you are swamped with current RD and RMM centralized rollout. Keep up the good work!
  5. Hey Guys, Not sure if this is going to be in the next update already however, it'd be great if we could create Categories under tasks just like under scripts to help organize them better. Cheers, Quenten
  6. Hey Guys, It would be great if we had some integration with https://chocolatey.org for windows package management, its basically like apt-get or yum for windows which seems a lot better IMHO then ninite type solutions. Having its own tab under group policy for example to install selected apps across multiple machines and keep them updated within patch windows for example. This would be a huge benefit for Pulseway if done well. https://chocolatey.org/about https://chocolatey.org/pricing at only $3/year per machine its pretty competitive pricing. Cheers, Quenten
  7. Hi, I'd like to submit a feature request to be able to disable items which are not being used such as NOC, Setup, Slack Integrations, Backup Plugin for example. maybe under server admin -> settings -> option under here for example? Cheers, Quenten
  8. Hey guys, I am aware that I can add an invoice-wide discount, but we really need a way to invoice line items. The only work around is to generate multiple invoices when you don't want the discount to apply to entire invoice. I want customer's to see the actual normal price, I don't just want to edit the extended price. Also, I like the new billing automation feature. But we also need to a way to add a (hopefully future line item) discount to the billing automation. We generally offer a discount on recurring flat fee services for the first 6 or 12 months of the term, and I need a way to put this in so that I don't have to manually change everything on each invoice after it is generated and/or exported to QB like I do now. Manual invoicing is such a time waster. As always, Thanks so much!!
  9. Hi, I'm currently running through a lot of notification. Running through 30 different notification, I notice that I should focus on probably 6 of those and delete the others. Currently I can only delete 1 notification at a time. Do you think it will be awesome for us to have the ability to sort, multiple select and delete *some* notifications?
  10. I had a big issue today where replies from clients were not adding the reply as a note, but instead creating a new ticket altogether. In the end, there were 2 causes. 1) In the default PSA email templates, the Ticket number was set as #Ticket No#. This looks really weird in my opinion, when referring to a ticket number its generally "Ticket Number" or "#Ticket Number". I had removed the trailing # on most of the templates. I searched the knowledge base and forums and there was no mention, so it was only through trial and error that I realized that you HAVE to have both # at front and end of ticket number for replies to work. 2) In some templates, I removed the Ticket number all together as it really had no purpose. I would much rather use a Subject line like: "A note has been added to your ticket regarding [%Ticket Title%]" Again, through trial and error I realized for replies to work the ticket number (formatted per 1 above) must be included in the subject. There was another forum post from someone having issues with replies on CC's. In that thread they thought the same thing I did, that adding the Reply Separator field in the message body had all the needed coding to enable replies to the ticket. I am posting this for anyone else who may be searching for this and to also request that header info be embedded in the Reply Separator field so that it is all that is needed to enable replies as notes back to the originating ticket. Also, some documentation on this feature and associated troubleshooting may be a good knowledge base article to post.
  11. I've mentioned this to the sales team before, not sure if its on your list or not. One of the reasons I like PSA so much is because of its good UX. Its a good looking console. It appears that a lot of time has gone into the visual design. However, in most free form text boxes the default font is the horrible Times New Roman, a serif font when the rest of the system uses non-serif fonts. Even in text boxes that you can change the font, the default is still Times New Roman and its a pain to constantly highlight the text and change it. Also, there are numerous text boxes where you cannot set the font. Times New Roman is the font that appears in the time log and note entries at the bottom of the main ticket page too. I know it may seem like a small issue, but it really affects the professional appearance of the system.
  12. Can you guys please expand the space allowed in Email template subject lines? We are frequently limited in what fields we can put in the subject due to limited space.
  13. I use PSA for billing but do NOT use the PSA generated invoices since they don't look great and have no customization. Once the invoice syncs to Quickbooks via QBsync, I send the client the invoice from QB using a custom invoice template. This works great except some clients use the Client Portal to view status of invoices and payments. I want their invoices to post to the client portal, but they won't until you click the "Send to Client" button. There needs to be a way to post the invoice to the Clients' Portal without sending the email. A button on the invoice would suffice. Right now I get around this by creating a dummy contact with fake email address and marking it as invoice email address. Please consider adding this guys!
  14. Chris/Paul/Cliff, Thanks for all the work you guys are doing to make PSA usable in a production environment. I love the latest improvements. I have a priority request regarding Client Portal authentication. I see that AuthAnvil is supported. Can you guys please look at adding 365 Azure AD integration as well? There is no way my client end-users are going to remember a separate password for their PSA login to open and view tickets. We really want to push them to it, but its not going be useful. I image that Azure AD would be the most common platform for most companies. In the meantime, can we have a way to manually set a secure password for each user for Client Portal? A work around would be to set a secure password for each user and then distribute it to the users. Without one of these options, we just don't see the Client Portal for end users accessible.
  15. It would be beneficial to add either the percentage of uptime or downtime to the Executive Report.
  16. One thing that I would really like to see is the ability to bulk edit Hardware Assets, it might be okay to edit a couple dozen manually but when you have hundreds, or thousands of them sat in your system, I doubt very much that anyone will have the patience to edit each of them individually. Cheers, Martin
  17. Hey guys! I've been testing the Webroot trial recently and it has been working fine, but I found something where there is room for improvement.. The Webroot installation can be done through Pulseway already, and everything that's needed is basically the Key Code assigning the client to the corresponding Webroot dashboard. This method works fine, but my idea is to automate as many of these tasks as possible, hence Powershell come in to play. Webroot have published a document with other deployment methods, such as GPO or MSI, and I'm mostly interested in the latter. So I created a script for the installation task, which is working fine in itself. But I also found out that the client is shown as "Not installed" in Pulseway afterwards. I spoke with support representatives from Pulseway about this, and a workaround is to use the "Install"-button in Pulseway to create the connection. They told me that the software won't be reinstalled by doing this, but simply associate the agent with Pulseway.. It got me thinking.. There should be a way to trigger this "Install"-function elsewhere, and a smooth solution would be if it could be triggered from the same script as the installation. Maybe something is written in the registry (client side), that we could use? Does anyone else have a solution on how to perform such a task? Webroot deployment documentation (Command line options and other install methods) Here is the script that I've got so far, feel free to use it, if you find it useful! #Replace "KEYCODEHERE" at the arguments-variable with the Key Code shown in your own Webroot Dashboard. #Example: 'GUILIC=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX CMDLINE=SME,quiet /qn /l*v install.log' $tempdir = get-item -Path "$Env:SystemDrive\Temp" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($tempdir -eq $null) { New-Item -ItemType "Directory" -Path "$Env:SystemDrive\Temp" Write-Host 'Creating Temp-Dir.' } $Downloadurl = 'http://anywhere.webrootcloudav.com/zerol/wsasme.msi' Write-Host 'Downloading executable to local storage.' $Executable = "$Env:SystemDrive\Temp\wsasme.msi" $Arguments = 'GUILIC=KEYCODEHERE CMDLINE=SME,quiet /qn /l*v install.log' $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $wc.DownloadFile($Downloadurl, $Executable) Start-Process $Executable -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait Write-Host 'Installing' Remove-Item -Path $Executable Write-Host 'Cleaning up locally stored data.' Start-Sleep -s 30 $program = 'Webroot' Write-Host 'Verifying installation...' $32bit = ((Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") | Where-Object { $_.GetValue( "DisplayName" ) -like "*$program*" } ).Length -gt 0; $64bit = ((Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") | Where-Object { $_.GetValue( "DisplayName" ) -like "*$program*" } ).Length -gt 0; if ($32bit -eq $True -or $64bit -eq $True) { Write-Host "$program has been successfully installed." } // Martin Johansson
  18. I'd love to see remote desktop for Mac OS added. Thanks, SCIT
  19. Hi guys, One thing which I think would be super useful is the automatic selection of hard drives within the machine so rather than having to select a drive then set thresholds, we can skip the additional step of having to select the drives. Don't want to monitor a drive? Don't select a threshold. Cheers,
  20. Could we add an alias to be displayed along side the device name in the systems view? Or maybe display the last logged in user. Just so it's easier to find a user machine without having to remember/find the device name.
  21. It would massively expand Pulseway's capabilities if Netflow/sflow analysis was added to its feature set.
  22. Hi, We have a lot of customer tasks to run by the end of a month and this means on every last Monday, last Tuesday, last Wednesday... etc. of the month. Could you guys please implement this little feature which should be in todays time a standard option in the schedule settings. Thanks!
  23. Hi Currently having big problems whereby a lot of DNS records have been changed at my hosting company. I know there are third party tools that can monitor DNS changes but is there any way we could incorporate into Pukseway for clients' domains. Regards, Andy
  24. At the moment we use Windows Dashboard 5.1.2 to monitor configured systems during office hours. As not all customers are under the same SLA, we don't need all notifications at all times. Outside office hours our support staff is mobile and would like to use Pulseway Android App to receive notifications on problematic systems. But unfortunately there is no option to include or exclude groups, tags, roles or scopes. And there is no way to tell the app just to show critical notifications. Are these features already planned for a future release of Android App?
  25. I have Pulseway configured on 60 servers all at different locations. I'm waiting to deploy to the workstations until I get it configured just right. My question is: is there a way to get a list of installed programs across all devices? Say I need to know what version of chrome is installed on all the devices, to gauge which ones need updated etc -how would I go about doing that if it's possible?
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