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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Usually software companies prioritize features that are highly requested by a large amount of people, that's why I'm asking everyone to post their stories and ideas on this topic to attract attention of the development team. Also referring people to this topic and asking them to post feedback about the idea will only increase it's chances to get implemented. So, let's see how many persons think this would be a good feature for Mobile PC Monitor.
  2. Ofcourse having a public repository of plugins would be a great idea, combined with the current PC Monitor Group Policy you would be able to choose which groups to download and install a set of plugins. However this can be further extended to the point of Provisioning computers and automating maintenance tasks. The part with high traffic loads on the server due to patch file sizes can be easily solved by enabling this feature only on the Enterprise Servers and providing a limited trial on the cloud ones. After all I'm not sure if large enterprises would even consider sending to foreign server scripts that contain sensitive information like private keys, encription passwords, user tables and so on. In few words you are giving a system administrator the power to perform complex (pre-configured) maintenance tasks from his phone while he is on the go to any computer even road-warriors (computers that are not in intranet). Edit: Can you think of any other usages of this solution? If so, please post them here.
  3. The only way (at this moment) to do this is by Group Policy if all your computers are in an Active Directory environment by having startup scripts. If we would have this sort of Bulk Provisioning system all of this work would have been replace with a 10 minute job on a patch. Deploying updates to plugins, that's another great scenario where this feature could be used.
  4. Hello Everyone, These days I had to update all my server's software and I was wondering if it would be possible to be able to do this kind of provisioning via Mobile PC Monitor. Consider this scenario: You have 10 servers that have a variety of roles / features installed. And you decide to add a new piece of software you just acquired that adds a SaaS managing application in all your offices. You create a Mobile PC Monitor Patch that contains steps (just like rules with conditions and actions): 1. If IIS Server is not installed on local server: - Install IIS Server - If Restart Is Required - Restart Machine 2. If Website "ACME Corp. Manager" is not installed in IIS: - Create application pool "ACME Corp. Manager App Pool" - Set application pool "ACME Corp. Manager App Pool" functionality level at .NET FW 4.0 - Create website "ACME Corp. Manager" with "ACME Corp. Manager App Pool" - Extract patch files at c:\www - Start Website 3. Notify patch result Then assign this patch to a group of computers and watch it propagate in real time! Also a lot of features are not already implemented into Mobile PC Monitor such as IIS website creation but it can be done via powershell scripts so a patch should be able to: Execute any PC Monitor command such as Shutdown, Restart, Logoff, GetEventLog, GetPublicIPAddress, ActiveDirectorySearch, SendNotification, RunPluginCommand, RegisterPlugin, MaintenanceModeControl Embed files into the patch Run Powershell scripts Modify Registry (can be done by powershell I know but if it can be done via PC Monitor, why not?) Another scenario: You've been assigned to install 50 servers that contain Mobile PC Monitor, DNS Server installed and configured and Terminal Services installed and configure. You create an unattended install of your server operating system to include Mobile PC Monitor to autoinstall and configure by executing a registry script. This will set it's username, password and group. Then you just install the operating system on your virtual machines / servers, and watch them configure themselves. Any feedback on my idea is greatly appreciated! Paul.
  5. Awesome work Johnni! It will do just well on my servers. Thank you!
  6. Implementing PC Monitor on a Netduino Plus board.

  7. Hello, If you would run the windows update process from the machine will it work? I mean it can be because something is wrong with the specific machine, I am using Windows Update feature on Mobile PC Monitor for a long time now and I never had any problems like this. Please enable Diagnostic Logging from PC Monitor Manager -> Settings tab -> Diagnostics subtab. This will logging to a trace.log file in your PC Monitor installation folder. After you enabled the diagnosting logging feature try to replicate the problem by running a Windows Update request from your phone or web app. If you notice any errors in the log please copy and paste them here in a post. Note: Please do not post any personal data that may be included into the diagnostic logging.
  8. Everything works well on Hyper-v 2012. Just download the installer, install PC Monitor and run manager: powershell $webclient = New-Object System.Net.Webclient $url = "http://pulseway.com/download/PCMonitor_x64.msi" $file = "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\PCMonitor_x64.msi" $webclient.DownloadFile($url, $file) C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\PCMonitor_x64.msi "C:\Program Files\PC Monitor\PCMonitorManager.exe"
  9. Hello MJR, I'm not sure why you are not receiving emails. In your situation I can only think of two solutions: If you receive the emails but they go into the Junk folder click the "Not Junk" button and future emails will go into Inbox. If you don't receive emails at all add "noreply@pulseway.com" as a contact on your mailbox and it will force the mailserver to deliver the emails into your Inbox. I hope this helps, Paul.
  10. Paul

    Firewall config

    I've done nslookups to ws0 to ws19 and it seems that ws0 to ws9 resolve and ws10 to ws19 resolve . Please take in consideration what Marius said, these records are subject to changes without notice so it might be better if you change your firewall or create a script that updates your firewall configuration based on nslookup results. I hope this helps, Paul.
  11. On windows version you can stop Mobile PC Monitor service by running this command in run: also in linux you can Kill the process by going into activity monitor and forcing PCMonitorHelper to close.
  12. The Mac version is constantly being updated to match all features the Windows agent has, that's why at the moment you don't see everything like the Quick Start guide.
  13. This can be done with a plugin that's using HttpWebRequest and comparing the output. Here is some code that can get you starting: public static string GetPublicIPAddress() { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create("http://checkip.dyndns.org"); request.Method = "GET"; WebResponse response = null; StreamReader reader = null; try { response = request.GetResponse(); // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); result = result.Remove(0, result.IndexOf("Address:", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 9); return result.Remove(result.IndexOf("</body>", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } catch { return null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); } if (response != null) response.Close(); request.Abort(); } } This is a code that will open up http://checkip.dyndns.org and parse the html output. Also if you are insterested into creating a plugin or a cloud instance you can check out the user friendly tutorial that show you step by step how to get a plugin or a cloud instance in no time! Windows Plugins 101 Tutorial or Cloud API 101 Tutorial Also if you run into trouble and don't know what to do feel free to ask on the forums and people will gladly help you! Good Luck, Paul.
  14. Hello kramttocs, Normally you should be seeing that the session is locked if the desktop is indeed locked. Maybe you should have waited a bit more to 'update' itself. As for your requests: 1. Yes you may request as many features as you want, I don't think you need to created another topic about that because Mobile PC Monitor's team carefully watches all posts on the forums and I don't think that your topic will be overlooked. 2. If you would like to create a plugin yes, you can put your code on the method that gets called every 15 seconds OR you could completely ignore that method and just subscribe to windows events the notify if anything fires. I've done a bit of research on the topic and I've found out that you can do it fairly easy by subscribing to windows events using Win32 API. Here are some links that will guide you: 1. Mobile PC Monitor API All In One Page: http://www.pulseway.com/api.php 2. https://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnfa/archive/2005/05/17/418891.aspx?Redirected=true 3. http://bytes.com/topic/c-sharp/answers/276963-trapping-when-workstation-locked 4. http://pinvoke.net/default.aspx/wtsapi32.WTSRegisterSessionNotification Good luck and let me know if you don't know how to do something as I would gladly help, Paul.
  15. Hello kramttocs, This feature is already available however it's complicated to achieve what you asked. If you have a terminal server with 10 locked sessions and 5 unlocked, what icon will you display? In order to check if a user session is locked or unlocked you need to go to 'Users' page from a mobile client or a web ui and from there you will see a list of all the active sessions and their status.
  16. Paul

    Quick Setup Guide

    Also I would like to add that there is a User Manual available to download just in case you find something you are not sure how it works. You can download it for free from here.
  17. Really? Well there are millions of apps on sourceforge.net that are not bundled into a rpm or a deb but are mature applications being used by thousands of users. I don't see the point of having a .deb when the application requires some installation steps to be completed by the end user. In my opinion the current installation system is more than enough.
  18. Hello tsauter102, From my experience with plugins, CanSendNotifications will get it's value after 10-20 seconds after the plugin loads. If you are sure that there is no notification on your account for that computer and that CanSendNotifications is false for a long time then I'm lost too. Do you see anything out of the ordinary in the diagnostic log? Paul.
  19. Normally it can take a while to upload a file, usually you receive it after 30 seconds if it's a document. If you don't receive the file you can try enabling Diagnostic Logging to see what really happens. Try turning the Diagnostic loggin on in the Manager -> Settings -> Diagnostics and then issue the Email command to that computer from your mobile. If the email doesn't arrive please send reply here anything you see suspicious in the trace.log file you can find in the PC Monitor installation folder.
  20. Well you would be able to monitor your personal computers if you purchase an enterprise server and move them to your server. Or you can get email notifications from your home account and push from the work account. There are various ways to do this.
  21. I noticed this once on my iPad too. I never thought it was worth to report it. I think its Apple's fault.
  22. Hello, I've created an example based on your code to see how creating dinamic pages can be done by using a List's index. On more complex plugins you can see that I've used a number to contain multiple ids that fit my needs (check my StoreGrid plugin). If you have any questions please let me know! Good Luck , Paul. ServiceViewPlugin.zip
  23. Hello, The best way to approach this is by creating a way for users to write down a list of commands then providing a way of executing them from the mobile device. This way everyone will have the commands they need at their fingertips. You can't have a pre-written list of commands because there are a lot of users that have a lot of custom needs, you can't please every single one of them.
  24. When I attempted to create a plugin for Windows Server Backup I got stuck at their API. They expose two types of APIs: function calls that only exposes the job list, without the any status nor history of backup logs. The other type of API is the PowerShell addin for WSB, which does not return backup history, only job list in a very weird way and a list of backed up files. In other words Microsoft has made it almost impossible to make other applications work with WSB.
  25. Paul

    E-Mail Prob

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