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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hi David, Is that machine part of a domain? If so, make sure that the domain name is correct. For Windows 10 make sure you're entering the username and not the user display name. You can see the username if you run this batch command: echo %USERNAME% -Paul
  2. Hi Ben, Please check that you haven't disabled TLS 1.0 on your machine. -Paul
  3. Thanks for the update. Would it be possible for you to export your event log filters and attach it to this topic? It will help the community. -Paul
  4. This is scheduled to happen in Q2-Q3 2017 along with the Autotask/PagerDuty migration. -Paul
  5. You could test the exit code of the installer. If it's msi based then these are some known exit codes: http://www.msierrors.com/tag/msiexec-return-codes/ -Paul
  6. And here is a script to uninstall malwarebytes: -Paul
  7. Hi, Thanks for letting us know. There was a faulty switch in our datacenter which got replaced by the operations team within 5 minutes however the failover cluster took over. It's possible that while the failover cluster was initializing the accounts some offline notifications were triggered. We apologize for the inconvenience. -Paul
  8. Did you get any output from the script? @kavaaI'd also return an exit code of 1 or higher when there's a problem so Pulseway will mark the script execution as failed. -Paul
  9. This and commands for tags would be amazing. Added to our wishlist. -Paul
  10. Which reminds me that we still don't have support for inputs on the webapp. I'll see if we can prioritize this. -Paul
  11. Paul


    No update yet however we have on our Roadmap a backup addon which might just be Veeam: -Paul
  12. Remote Desktop is planned to be introduced to the WebApp (which will work beautifully on a Mac too): -Paul
  13. Check out this plugin by @digbyp: We're considering on moving the agent configuration on the webapp for easier configuration management. -Paul
  14. Thank you for your scripts. BTW: You can use -Wait on the Start-Process to wait for the process to exit. An alternative would be Wait-Process which also supports -Timeout. Great job. -Paul
  15. I recommend you to use SNMP for sensor monitoring. See the following screenshot for an example and google for the MIBs (mib1 and mib2). (Credits go to Luis for his extensive research in the DELL MIBs) -Paul
  16. For RAID monitoring we've seen successful implementations through SNMP and Event Log. I could give some examples if you would tell me what RAID adapters you're using. -Paul
  17. Glad to hear it works . -Paul
  18. Thank you for your contribution . -Paul
  19. If you configure two tasks then it will work. The registry change is detected within 15 seconds. -Paul
  20. I absolutely love this. I'm using the Android app a lot and this would greatly improve my productivity. I'll notify the development team of this. -Paul
  21. Hi Martin, Thanks. I've pushed this into our todo list. It will be picked by the development team and we'll notify you when this is implemented. -Paul
  22. Hi Martin, Thanks. I've pushed this into our todo list. It will be picked by the development team and we'll notify you when this is implemented. -Paul
  23. Linking a similar thread:
  24. Paul

    SNMP Server Module

    Hi Michel, It's part of our wish list but due to the very little popularity of the Linux agent compared with the immense amount of feedback we receive for the Windows agent this was pushed from the Roadmap. I've brought this up in a meeting today and we're trying on bringing it back on the Roadmap. I apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime you can create a bash script that will use SNMPGET to query SNMP devices and if the value doesn't meet your criteria then return an exit code (exit [number]) that's not zero to mark the script as failed (which can send a notification if enabled). -Paul
  25. I doubt that script 3 will execute. We don't continue a task execution after a reboot. If you need to schedule a reboot for your systems I recommend you to configure the Maintenance Schedule on your machines (can also be done via a Pulseway Group Policy). Powershell to control the maintenance mode: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" -Name "MaintenanceMode" -Value "1" -Paul
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