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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hi, To stop monitoring a system (and remotely deconfigure it), login to your account here: www.pulseway.com/account and from the Monitored Systems sub-menu entry you have the option to remove systems. If the system is online it will receive a command to erase it's configuration and stop. Chris
  2. Hi Erkin, You can create a pulseway plugin as it's a .NET interface and it might be easier for you to integrate. Download this sample plugin: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/782-create-plugin-in-visual-studio-vb/?do=findComment&comment=3239
  3. Chris

    google play problem

    Hi, We're sorry to hear that you can't download Pulseway from Play Store. Unfortunately this is out of our control and there is little we can do, it may be some incompatibility with the custom ROM. Chris
  4. Chris

    Remote Desktop Bug??

    Thanks, I've notified the development team, I'll keep you posted with updates on this case.
  5. Hi, There is a known issue on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 if it's installed on systems that run .NET Framework 4.5 (or higher). The powershell cmdlets stop working and the only workaround is to uninstall all .NET Framework versions (4.5 or higher) and repair the .NET Framework 4.0 installation. Do not do this on Windows Server 2012 (or higher) as this will break your operating system. This bug was acknowledged by Microsoft however the official bug report got deleted so here is a cached copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20121129073751/http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/770748/powershell-exception-after-4-5-upgrade Exchange 2007, 2013 and 2016 are not affected by this bug. Chris
  6. Hi Matt, We've sent you a PM with a beta agent for you to test. This filter was introduced by the development team. Chris
  7. Hi Ronald, Can you please send an email to support [at] pulseway [dot] com? Chris
  8. We don't have an ETA on the update just yet. We apologize for the inconvenience. Chris
  9. Hi Ofir, We are working on the Mac OS X agent issues as we speak. We will keep you posted with updates on this case. Chris
  10. Hi Steve, We are unaware of any outages on our website. Can you please contact support [at] pulseway [dot] com? They will be able to assist you with this. Chris
  11. Hi, Can you please contact our support team at support [at] pulseway [dot] com? I will escalate your request to the operations team and they will be able to assist you further. Chris
  12. Chris

    Notification Tones

    Hi, The notification tone list is provided by the operating system. You need to install new tones on the phone if you don't like the defaults. Chris
  13. Hi Dre, You mentioned that you can't get 'it' to work. Have you tried building a plugin? How did that go? Maybe I can help you. Chris
  14. This is still under research, no progress yet.
  15. Hi Dre, We've released the HTML5 web application to the public (systems module is still in development) however the dashboard module is not yet started. Chris
  16. Hi Dre, No progress yet I'm afraid. Chris
  17. Hi Toby, Yes, can you please send the logs to support [at] pulseway [dot] com. Chris
  18. Hi, Pulseway doesn't create user accounts on the system it runs. This is not caused by the Pulseway agent. Chris
  19. Hi, Do not put quotes for sources that contain spaces. Sources are comma delimited so spaces will not be trimmed out. Chris
  20. Hi, The reason why you see the Login screen always black is that there is a screensaver set by default to blank. On the other hand, RDP sessions when they disconnect no process can capture the screen (limitation of Microsoft). Try connecting to the console session (mstsc /admin) and see if that session remain active after you disconnect. Chris
  21. Hi, Wrote down the request on our list. I bet this would improve visibility to identify which group has ongoing issues. Chris
  22. Great idea. I've notified the team lead about this post and we will definitely be considering this. You are right, there is no way to tell if a case is 'in progress' or acknowledged by some engineer. Chris
  23. Hi, At this moment Pulseway Remote Desktop connections can be made using the Pulseway Dashboard or Pulseway Remote Desktop Client applications (available in the Desktop Apps section of the Downloads page). Support for the mobile apps, Windows modern app and HTML web application will be introduced in the future. Chris
  24. Hi Toby, Thank you for your report. Please run the following commands as root: launchctl remove com.pulseway.PulsewayHelper rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.pulseway.PulsewayHelper.plist rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.pulseway.PulsewayHelper rm -rf /var/root/Library/Application\ Support/Pulseway/and then download and install Pulseway agent for Mac one more time. Chris
  25. Hi, Welcome to the Pulseway community. At this moment there is no support for notifying you if a file hasn't changed for a while however one could write a very simple plugin that does just that. You can check if the file didn't change and send a notification. The logic would involve you calling this method: System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime which returns the DateTime of the last modification date. You would create an if statement that compares the current DateTime (DateTime.Now) with the last write time and if it's been a while then send a notification. if ((DateTime.Now - File.GetLastWriteTime(fileName)).TotalMinutes >= notificationThreshold) SendNotificationToAllDevices(fileName + " didn't change in " + notificationThreshold + " minute(s).");I would put this check in the ClientPlugin.DataCheck method. Check out the plugin tutorial here: http://www.pulseway.com/api/client. The reason why you see blank screenshots is that the server has a blank screensaver . Chris
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