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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hi Daragh, You should create a user account for your customer, install the agent and configure it with the customer account. Once that is ready you need to share the customer's system to your account from the Server Admin panel (see blog). Chris
  2. Hi Shane, Did you also configure the Pulseway agent to use the proxy? Does your proxy require authentication? If so, what authentication mechanism does it use? Chris
  3. Chris

    Calculations on variables

    Hi Jaapyse, Unfortunately there is no workaround for this. The values can be converted using an online conversion tool such as: http://www.whatsabyte.com/P1/byteconverter.htm . Chris
  4. Chris

    Calculations on variables

    Hi Jaapyse, Thank you for your feedback. Pulseway doesn't support converting SNMP variables to other data storage units of measurement at this moment but it's a great idea, we will consider it for the future. Chris
  5. Hi Martin, You can export the report as a PDF and send it to your email address just for a subset of groups from the mobile apps. We are currently working on a better reporting engine which will provide you with a greater flexibility on the report scope. Chris
  6. Hi, Can you PM me your arguments and the configuration file? Does Pulseway Manager import the configuration file when attempting to do it from the UI? Are you invoking the PulsewayManager app with administrative rights? Chris
  7. Hi Jaapyse, Try exporting the following registry keys from a configured system: HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\SNMPAgents HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\SNMPAgentVariableKeysForDisplay HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\SNMPNotifications And import it to the systems you wish to copy the SNMP configuration. Please note that this procedure will overwrite existing SNMP configuration on the destination systems. Chris
  8. Hi Paul, Thanks for your update, this was a very odd issue. Chris
  9. Hi, Can you also paste here the output of the following PowerShell command: Get-Process -Name store Chris
  10. Chris


    Hi Sander, There is no progress on this I'm afraid, however we do have Veeam on our Roadmap so it's very likely that Veeam is going to be supported in the future. Chris
  11. Hi Mario, You can get the OIDs from here: https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/MIBGuide/Synology_DiskStation_MIB_Guide.pdf. Chris
  12. Hi, Can you send us a screenshot of the Task Manager showing the Microsoft Exchange Store and the Private Memory Size column. Also can you check the memory performance counters of the process to see if there any anomalies there? Chris
  13. Hi Johnny, You're right, that was very silly of me, I didn't notice that the thread was in the Linux subform . For Linux agents the identifier is located at: /var/pulseway/pulseway.id as you've already figured it out. Chris
  14. Hi Ryan, Welcome to the Pulseway community and thank you for your feedback. You can enable the chart data collection for performance counters from the Pulseway Manager -> System -> Performance Counters at the bottom of the view: We agree that our charts need some sort of a time scale, this is going to be supported in the future. Chris
  15. If you believe that your Pulseway Enterprise server is not updating and you have an old installation follow these instructions to install the latest version of the server updater service: Uninstall the PC Monitor Enterprise Server Updater software Download and install the Pulseway Enterprise Server Updater software using this link. Start the Pulseway Enterprise Server Updater service Watch the C:\Logs for a server update log file which tells you the progress of the update procedure Contact support [at] pulseway [dot] com if you require further assistance.
  16. Hi, Can you ping the IP address from your terminal? Chris
  17. Hi, The only way to track bluescreens on monitored systems is to enable the offline notification. This way when the system stops due to a bluescreen you will be notified that the system is not responding for an extended period of time. Chris
  18. Hi, There is a chance that we don't support your chipset yet. What motherboard do you have? Chris
  19. Hi Daragh, Please send an email to support [at] pulseway.com, I'll escalate your request to L2 technical support. Chris
  20. Hi, We do have support for monitoring the hardware sensors for HP and DELL servers. You can setup notification rules from Pulseway Manager -> Notifications -> Hardware. Chris
  21. Hi, Are you using a proxy to connect to the internet? If so, what authentication protocol does it use? Chris
  22. Hi Aloyse, Thank you for letting us know, can you please PM me your Pulseway username so that I can reactivate your account? Chris
  23. Hi Michael, Can you please send an email to support [at] pulseway [dot] com ? I will escalate this to L2 technical support who will take a look at this. Chris
  24. Hi Darryl, If you open the backup history on the mobile/web app does the backups report as failed or successful? Chris
  25. Chris

    MySQL Monitoring?

    Thanks, this helps a lot! Chris
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