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  1. For example i have 500 monitored systems and want to collect historical data or change the group name or add / change tags. i then have to dive in every system to change or add the settings. Come on people! Its 2016!! In 5.0 release this should be added!
  2. It would really be nice for when you are at the system level.. i can just select a script (let say cleanup Temp Files) to just run quickly on this system.
  3. When i search there.. i Want to be able to do a "Search as you type" on Groups, Tags, System Name, Logged on Users (usernames or part of usernames).
  4. Now.. i can see if updates need to be installed and give the install command. What about automating this.. or even scheduling this.. even better... When its a vmware environment.. schedule windows update install. But first automatically create snapshots of all systems and then install the windows updates. Afterwards .. sent a notification that the maintenance is done.. we can then check if the updates did not break anything.. and with a simple one click remove all the created snapshots and maintenance would be done.
  5. No more explaination needed.. now only to 2013 is supported
  6. Now the tool is mostly based on getting some basic notifications.. and is very strong at doing stuf from the mobile.. But i really am missing some piecharts and graphs with historical data of everything that can be monitored like.. CPU trends Memory Trends Disk usage Trends Mail Queue Trends SQL deadlock trends.. just to name a few.. you catch my drift..
  7. This is a very cool and very much the same (in pricing) solution as you guys.. Saw you already had Zendesk integration etc.. LiveAgent should really also be added.
  8. Add options to use certain Third Party Remote Control instead of your builtin Solution
  9. Add support to check signature and other warnings of all the common Antivirus products. Vipre Bitdefender Kaspersky etc...
  10. Please enhance the graphs that are generated in the applications. For instance, the network graph does not even specify the time scale at the bottom (See image attached). It should also have the ability to scale the graph to look at different time ranges. Also it would be nice to be able to see a graph of things like the performance counters. We are loving just about everything about PulseWay at our company, the biggest wish here though is to be able to see historical information over time in graphs for the various monitored metrics. This is a pretty standard feature of every other monitoring product on the market, please bring it to PulseWay! Thanks, Ryan Waldron Senior Systems Engineer Intelity Hospitality Solutions
  11. Now i have to go to a local installed Maager.. do Managed devices (for Example).. and then One by One open devices.. and TYPE in a certain Group.. This is not of this time.. It should be that we only have to install an agent.. connect it to our server.. and then to the management... multiple select / group sorting... policy application etc.. centrally.. with Bulk Actions and all.. Please add this.. the product needs it.
  12. Show in the roadmap what you are working on.. and what is scheduled for the next release.. and what is plant for coming releases. Coming release + next release is enough i guess.. then people know what they can expect.. when.
  13. At this moment we use groups to see logical seperation between our customers that we monitor. But when we select Roles.. for AD, Vmware or whaterver management.. we do not see a logical seperation.. When customers have alot of the same (standard) server names.. we cannot see which server is for which customer.. As you set this product in the market as an MSP product (also) more logical seperation should be possible...
  14. Hey guys, What do you think about adding a search function to easily find any device in the 'Remote Desktop Manger' - we have several pages of agents and at the end of the day they all look the same... making it searchable would be sure winner.. Cheers - Grunta
  15. Is it possible to retrieve the current notification via som API/OData/Webservice. And is it posible to to delete a noticifation this way Well, the mobile apps can do it, so I guess teh webservice exists - but is it public available? Altso it would be cool if the notification archive of Enterprise server were availabe as OData so it could be used in PowerBI. Br, Martin.
  16. Hi guys I've already contacted Pulseway support about this last year and I was told that they are looking into it. Now I'd like to get a quick update, if it's still being considered, and what other users think. I would like to have a (REST) API where I can get different values (especially the screens) like they are provided via the official apps. And is there any chance we could get a more capable API until summer 2016? (Otherwise I'll have to code it myself. :-D) In my specific case I want to build a web-based dashboard which displays frequently updated screenshots of each system. This would be very useful if you run digital signage computers or similar systems and want to check, if the displayed contents are okay. When digging into the official web-app I saw that Pulseway is already using such an API with AngularJS. Would it be possible to make this API (or parts of it) public? Alternatively displaying the screen contents could also be implemented into the Dashboard app. (It wouldn't quite solve my case but it's something. :-) )
  17. Hi. We have the idea, that it would be great if you could define two separate configurations sets for a server. The second set could be a transparent version of the real configuration set, but with possibility to disable every notification fine grained. Then it should be possible to set up a week schedule for when to use each configuration set, like "service hours" and "off-service hours". Perhaps also an option to "postpone notifications durring off-service hours" to first let them be send, when entering service hours again. Today most of our servers is not services 24/7, and we get a lot of performance notifications durring night, related to backup (like, cpu, memory and disk i/o). We have thought about setting servers in maintenance mode for nights and weekends, but we are afraid of missing backup errors (that we monitors through eventlog monitoring). Do you have any thoughts about this. How is everyone else handling this? Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  18. Hi. It it possible to download some of your extra components durring unattended setup, or afterwards by command line etc.? Specificly we are talking about: System --> Remote Desktop --> Enable Remote Desktop --> Yes to download Monitor and Manage SQL Server --> Monitor and Manage SQL Server --> Yes to download Br, Martin.
  19. Hi. I have a problem with moving performance counters between servers with different Windows Languange Pack. The problem is that many of the build in Performance Counters are localized by Microsoft, so they cannot be found. Tragic But True Here is a few examples: en-US : \LogicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length da-DK : \Logisk disk(*)\Gennemsnitslængde af diskkø en-US : \Paging File(*)\% Usage da-DK : \Sidefil(*)\% anvendelse I have found a webpage describing how to substitude the strings with IDs. http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2013/07/19/querying-performance-counters-from-powershell/ Perhaps you could look into something like that in the future? Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  20. I would like to see a feature that you can create some basic custom commands. For instance, a button on the app that allows you to empty the trashcan, delete temporary files, clear Internet data, or even just run a full system cleaner session. However, having a button that leads to a new menu, and being able to add a wide variety of commands to that that are preprogrammed by pulse way, then preselected by the user to be in that list. Then make sure it is open to custom API's for even more functionality.
  21. Hey We use Pluseway is a setup where we would have grater insight of our current status of our server farm, so we have a need for combining data from pulseway with data from newrelic this would be easy if there where an Public "Dashboard" api. Could be a super nice feture, and make it super easy to combine data for better oversight, Best regards Jacob Ipsen - CEO FlexPOS.com
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