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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hello, Thank you for letting me know. I will take a look and I will post a fix asap. Paul.
  2. I've finished my plugin that sends notifications to PC Monitor. Using this you can update your script to use the console application included in the plugin so that you receive a PC Monitor notification instead of an email. As for a plugin for OpenManage itself I cannot help you until you provide more information about the platform. Does it have any public SDK or API you can use to gather the data you want to see on your phone. The file used in the powershell script outputs string data to the standard output and I'd rather not perform string comparison inside my plugins so unless you can properly integrate the plugin on dell's dataset you will have to use your current script to get real-time updates. Plugin link: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/962-notification-bridge/ Cheers, Paul.
  3. Hi everyone, Use this plugin to open up a local WCF using net pipes so that a console application can use it to sent notifications to Pulseway. Using this solution you can easily send Pulseway notifications from your scripts. Version 1.3 =Installation= Add the NotificationBridgePlugin.dll plugin into Pulseway Manager -> Plugins. Configure your scripts to call NotificationBridge console application. =Usage= -p (Priority: 0=Low, 1=Normal, 2=Elevated, 3=Critical) -t (Text message, use double quotes if the message includes a space) -f (Include the text from a file) -r (Allow repeating notifications) Exit Codes: 0 - Notification was successfully forwarded to Pulseway 1 - Notification was rejected by Pulseway (Maintenance mode, Old notification was not deleted, Pulseway is stopped. As always my plugin is open-source bound by no license. You may claim it your own. Source Code: https://bitbucket.org/paulcsiki/notification-bridge-plugin/src Download Link: Click Paul.
  4. Something like this? http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/551-bulk-provisioning/ Paul.
  5. Paul

    Windows 8.1

    Try running: sfc /scannow Then restart your computer. I strongly believe that the upgrade process has corrupted the ntdll.dll on your operating system and the repair wizards are not detecting the corruption. If this doesn't fix the problem my only other advice is to perform a clean reinstall of your operating system without performing any upgrades except windows update but no upgrades from windows 8 to 8.1. Good Luck, Paul
  6. Paul

    Windows 8.1

    The .NET problem was not removed. First write down all the .NET Frameworks you have installed on your machine (Look in c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework64 I guess, then try removing all .NET frameworks using the .NET removal tool (link). After you removed the .NET frameworks reinstall them back. Try avoiding making any restarts in the mean time. I don't think windows 8.1 likes that you remove it's .net fw. Warning: This is an experimental action. I cannot guarantee that will work well on 8.1 as I only tested it out on windows 7. Good luck, Paul.
  7. Can you please try to use a different browser? Also are you using the latest version of flash player? If the problem persists ask here http://forum.pulseway.com/forum/35-web-application and a support representative will respond.
  8. Hello Meta, Congrats on finding the problem. I did copy your code and test it out but only in a debugger. I did see that some values were null but it never occurred to me that I was actually referencing a null instance. Thanks for the heads-up! Paul.
  9. Hello Metta, I have tested your code and it seems to be working good on my end. Can you please try again on a different machine?
  10. You can either uninstall the old version and install the new one, or use the mobile client to upgrade your agent by tapping on the agent version and selecting upgrade or by waiting up to 24 hours for the agent to auto update itself (if not auto updates were manually disabled).
  11. This happens when the FQDN resolves to your public ip and your NAT doesn't support loopback packets. Please refer to this post: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/951-new-user-need-help-with-installation/?p=3868
  12. True that, however I still need to know that something bad happened at a moment thus the red light still being there. I need to know something went wrong and it goes back to normal only after I remove the notification meaning that I have solved the issue or have understood what the problem was. I guess an option to clear notification if another positive one occurs would be nice, or maybe to merge the positive one with the negative and lowering it's priority.
  13. AutoUpdate will stop the services starting the offline countdown on the cloud servers but you should only be getting an offline notification if the agent is unreachable for something like 10-15 minutes I think.
  14. Paul

    Wake PC Command

    Can you please try the solutions posted here? http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/630-help-with-wol-wake-up-didnt-works-for-me/ Also please consult this article too: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2776718
  15. Since the value changed in the table I am gussing you changed the value well, however you need to wait for the cache to expire. Try again after one day.
  16. I am guessing that PC Monitor gathers it's data from the same place "Programs and Features" so if the build number is wrong over there will end up wrong on PC Monitor too.
  17. No, sorry I keep pushing forward on my schedule. I will try doing it during the weekend.
  18. Does this work if there is no user logged in?
  19. Do you see the correct version in "Programs and Features" (appwiz.cpl)?
  20. Looks cool, thank you. Does it force a shutdown or restart or it will issue a plain shutdown command?
  21. I am guessing that your NAT is not supporting loopbacks and that's why you can't connect to your server using the hostname. If you have a DNS server inside your local network add a new primary zone for your domain and copy all your current DNS records except pcmonitor. For pcmonitor create an A type record that points to your server's local IP address. Don't forget to setup DNS forward servers and change your primary DNS entry on all local machines to your local DNS server. This workaround will avoid the NAT loopback problem. If you are using Active Directory then you are in luck because you already have a local DNS server and all your clients use it as a primary DNS server, you just need to configure the new zone.
  22. Yes, one agent = 1 monitored system.
  23. 5 ms is pretty bad I might say. On a loaded network 5 ms can happen whenever there is a considerable amount of traffic in that moment. For instance you might have a really nice 10/100/1000 network over there, all patched up fancy but spikes can occur due to switches and other transport issues. 5 ms is very sensitive... From my research I found out that there already exists a Ping class inside .NET which offers the same functionality of the win32 ping application. Further more I dug up that the .NET ping class uses an unmanaged method IcmpSendEcho2 from the iphlpapi.dll which is the exact same method used by the native ping application judging from unmanaged method imports from a debugger's point of view. So it's fair to say that PC Monitor does that exact same thing as you would do when you test out your network connectivity so we can exclude the first and second possibilities you pointed out. For the third way there is no way of knowing unless someone from PC Monitor will say how their ping logic works.
  24. Right so you pretty much have two solutions over here: Reduce the time to kill amount to something acceptable (20 seconds maybe?). This value controls the amount of milliseconds it allows a service to shutdown before the system will actually kill it in order to proceed with shutdown. You will find that value here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WaitToKillServiceTimeout Manually stop Exchange services before shutting down the machine. Create a batch script called shutdown_properly.bat and put it into a directory that's inside your PATH variable. In that batch script put something like this: @echo off echo 'Stopping Microsoft Exchange Services' net stop MSExchangeAB net stop MSExchangeADTopology net stop MSExchangeAntispamUpdate net stop MSExchangeEdgeSync net stop MSExchangeFBA net stop MSExchangeFDS net stop MSExchangeIS net stop MSExchangeMailboxAssistants net stop MSExchangeMailboxReplication net stop MSExchangeMailSubmission net stop MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost net stop MSExchangeRepl net stop MSExchangeRPC net stop MSExchangeSA net stop MSExchangeSearch net stop MSExchangeServiceHost net stop MSExchangeThrottling net stop MSExchangeTransport net stop MSExchangeTransportLogSearch shutdown -s -t 00 The last line on the batch script will call the system shutdown without forcing applications to close. In other words it will be a nice and clean shutdown just the way your server likes it. If you would like a reboot instead you can modify the last line to something like this: shutdown -r -t 00 Please note that the batch script will differ from Microsoft Exchange Server versions. The one I wrote to you works only with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. If you are using a different version I recommend you to add the correct exchange services and remove the ones that are not installed on your system. Then if you would like to shutdown or restart you machine from your PC Monitor client open up terminal and write the batch file's name (Now you see why I made you place it into a directory inside the PATH variable, otherwise you would have to write the full path to the file too).
  25. Plugins are extensions to the agent you install on your systems. All my plugins are windows based but some can be easily adapted to work on linux too. You can consult the user manual or cheat by reading below. To install a plugin: Open up PC Monitor Manager on a monitored system Go to the Plugins tab Click Add Browse to the location of a downloaded plugin (Note: all Windows based PC Monitor plugins have an extension of .dll and it it's filename is not PCMonitorClient.dll as that is a dependency) On the following screen where you have to select which class you would like to activate make sure that everything is selected (usually there is only one entry) and then click on OK Optionally if the plugin requires additional configuration you can click on the plugin entry in PC Monitor and click on the Configure button on the right side of the application Click Apply or Ok button on PC Monitor Manager to save your settings Once the plugin is installed you are good to go, just use your mobile device / web app / windows 8 app to browse to your monitored system and beneath the system commands you will see plugin controls. Also it's worth adding that most of the plugins (well at least my plugins) are opensource and without any licenses which means you can freely get their source code and modify them then release them as your own. Good luck, Paul.
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