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Tara Bennet

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  1. Hi, the pulsewayaddonmanager.exe is responsible for running integrations with the Antivirus application. This Program will start only if the System has an Antivirus installed. If the program runs even without an AV installed on the System, kindly check if the Pulseway Agent is on the latest version - i.e. v8.8.7 . If not, please restart the Pusleway Service on the concerned system to ensure the agent is upgraded and check if the issue persists. Thank you.
  2. Hi Gary, Please be assured that we have only granted Users the access to run the Remote Control Application on their Systems without Admin rights. They would still need to authenticate with their credentials to be able to use the application. Hence the security concern does not arise. Thank you.
  3. Hi, We have automatic Asset Synchronization (along with Account Synchronization and Remote Control from PSA ticket) scheduled to be released later this month. These features are part of a release exclusively meant to render the RMM-PSA integration more effective. Thanks!
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