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UTS Brian

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Everything posted by UTS Brian

  1. Pulseway has had Slack Integration for a long time now but those of us who use Microsoft Teams get no love or have to run Slack just for alerts. Please look at adding Teams Channel Integration also.
  2. Unfortunately API is out of our skill set right now, something I'll have to look into since I'd like to build a useable states board anyways. I ended up hand scrolling 400 endpoints and was able to find a few with issues. P.S. I opened a support ticket on the sorting issue, will see what they say.
  3. @Mark G38It sorts it by something, but its definitely not by the last seen date! It appears it starts on todays date, but after that it puts Nov 2020 next and rolls from there ignoring the year as best I can tell.
  4. Following
  5. You need to go into your Webroot console and choose uninstall there. https://mypcsecurity.webrootanywhere.com
  6. Maybe I'm just missing something but how do I run a report on the last time a PC has checked in? We have had a few PCs that the Pulseway client disappeared and managing hundreds of PCs it is too hard to manually check them all. If we could run a report of PCs offline for more then X days it would greatly reduce the number of PCs we would need to check.
  7. This should not happen as long as they don't modify the subject line besides the added RE:, you need to reach out to support as something is wrong.
  8. I don't disagree, I was just trying to provide you a workaround for the current setup.
  9. We just created scopes called "All Server" and "All Workstations" that are based on System Type. We then use the scopes as a condition in the workflow.
  10. Just a note we would also find this very useful.
  11. Sorry this one I disagree with, the whole point of grouping is so the policies will be the same between them. I wouldn't even want the ability to have something in that group have a policy outside the norm. If it needs a exception it gets a new group. Now if we were talking about the ability to layer policies I could possibly get behind that.
  12. I went and tested and can confirm it is not just you, my tasks are saying "skipped" if manually run but they seem to work fine if they are scheduled. Actually it seems to be random if they are manually run whether they work or not, some do and some don't.
  13. I tried to vote for this suggestion but after 15 days it is still "awaiting moderation." I will try and remember to come back and vote for it but I don't know why it takes this long for them to approve a post or when they will get around to it.
  14. There is currently a feature request in for Huntress to build a ticket integration for the Pulseway PSA. Whether you use Huntress or not, getting integrations like this with major products can only help the product and its community grow. Please go add your vote for Pulseway to build this integration here: https://huntress.canny.io/integrations/p/pulseway-psa-integration
  15. Any timeline on implementation... and please don't say "Coming Soon" "near future" or any variation of that because it is obvious at this point the definition of that term to Pulseway varies widely from the rest of the worlds.
  16. I think iTunes is already supported. (EDIT: I'm sure it is!)
  17. I love the third party patching, but you guys may want to start asking the community what software to work on adding, for example I love Putty and use it all the time... but not a single one of the PCs I manage need it for a standard user. Same with Git, VMWare, and Java Development kits. iTunes is cool, but not really for a business PC... and the only good thing about Quicktime is I can now remove it as Apple no longer supports or recommends using it on Windows. From a business point of view I'd like to see: AdoptOpenJDK (Now that Java needs to be licensed) 7-ZIP Paint.net VLC DropBox Microsoft Essentials Malware Bytes
  18. I can confirm the logging appears to be working now! I also see you added some new software which is great but I have a request... with the licensing changes with Java its great we can remove it using Pulseway, but can you look at adding its free replacement OpenJDK? This would be very valuable as many Admins need to make this change soon.
  19. Another Engineer reached out to me, I am waiting for them to review the info I sent but it may just be the logging of updates has stopped and not the updates themselves.
  20. Let me guess, now planned for Q3 2019? Funny thing is I'm I found this thread because I was trying to collect a file to send to support to troubleshoot another Pulseway issue, and turns out I have to fire up my other support tool to do it.
  21. DO NOT INSTALL THE 3RD PARTY PATCH DEMO - all of my OS patching ceased working, the best solution support can offer is to delete all 3rd party patch rules and hope it starts working again!
  22. So the 9 new titles won't be till later this month now?
  23. @Paul Do you have an ETA for the next release with the new software?
  24. It is $0.30 per month per agent in the US. We are on the trial right now, but the list of software is so small we are not sure we will keep it.
  25. Any updates on this, also very interested as we have a few systems where monitoring the number of files or size of a queue folder would be very helpfull. As buildup means they are not being processed.
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