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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Hi @jbohnenstiehl,

    Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider the possibility to introduce this functionality into the future release.

    In a mean time you might use the Pulseway WebApp -> Server Admin -> Notifications section to accomplish this task (if are you using Team subscription).

  2. Hi @mitch,

    The access points like all other devices can be monitored via SNMP if the device supports it. In order to register this device as the separate system you will need to use the Pulseway REST API. Note: in order to monitor this device you will need to build the application which will check the SNMP variable and then use the Pulseway REST API to send the notifications to the Pulseway Dashboard.

    Currently SNMP module is built into the Pulseway agent on Windows systems therefore the Access point which will be monitored via it will not be shown as separate device. For more details about this please check out the following link.


  3. Hi @dpbklyn,

    Please try to explain to us. Who is sending these emails?

    It is possible that workflow is not con figured to be triggered if the email is coming from the email parser? Please share the images showing the workflow, so we can assist you with the configuration for it?

  4. Hi @dpbklyn,

    Thank you for contacting us. We already supporting the option to assign policies in batches, therefore if you will configure the search filter to show the required systems, then at the bottom you will see the batch options.

  5. Hi @gacpac,

    This error indicate that Pulseway agent on your system can not establish the connection with your Pulseway instance or that the server to which it tries to connect is not the Pulseway server.

    Also, I have checked our licensing server and it looks, that your account which is registered using your email address is disabled. Can you log on it using the Pulseway WebApp?

  6. Hi @boostinu13,

    Please check out the following post:


    Regarding scheduled tasks - If the scheduled task is scheduled to run as currently logged in user, then you will see that the application is started in currently logged in users session.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding this.

  7. Hi @Comissha,

    My mistake, the batch script should do this.

    REG ADD "HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v PowerShellUserImpersonation /t REG_SZ /d value_here /f
    REG ADD "HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v PowerShellUserImpersonationDomain /t REG_SZ /d value_here /f
    REG ADD "HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v PowerShellUserImpersonationPassword /t REG_SZ /d value_here /f
    REG ADD "HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v PowerShellUserImpersonationPasswordCtrl /t REG_SZ /d value_here /f
    REG ADD "HKLM\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v PowerShellUserImpersonationUsername /t REG_SZ /d value_here /f

  8. Hi @Muse2Me,

    All systems which are registered with your Pulseway account are shown into the Pulseway WebApp. For more details how to delete the system, please check out the following links:

    1. how-to-remove-a-monitored-system-pro/free-plan-60

    2. how-to-remove-a-monitored-system-team-plan-pulseway-60

    By default all systems are placed into the default group unless you create new Organizations-Sites-Groups. For more details please check out the following links.

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