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Everything posted by Paul

  1. You must add PCMonitorSvc.exe to the safe application list and allow connection to ws0->ws20.pulseway.com (ws0,ws1,ws2,...,ws19,ws20). Paul
  2. Paul

    wake up lan/wan

    Have you forwarded your WoL port in your router? Try the solution in this post: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/630-help-with-wol-wake-up-didnt-works-for-me/
  3. PC Monitor is already trying to add remote control support and already has a beta implementation however it's only available for Enterprise Servers at the moment. There is another topic regarding remote desktop, maybe you can add your ideas there too.
  4. You can change the session timeout only if you own a PC Monitor Enterprise Server.
  5. Can you please check to see if the msi file downloaded correctly and is not corrupted also make sure you are trying to install the correct msi that is for your CPU architecture.
  6. There is a registry value value inside HKEYLM/Software/MMOSFT Design Ltd/PC Monitor called ComputerName. If both computers come online at the same time I believe one of them will change it's identifier. If not then clone a machine without computer name and identifier.
  7. Paul

    Add a user

    As far as I know there is no way to filter which notifications get sent from a monitored system unless you disable them for everybody.
  8. Did he write anything in windows event log?
  9. You can use this feature even after the trial ends, it's just that you have to open remote desktop ports (plain rdp) and dashboard will just automate the connection for you. If you wish to try out PC Monitor's remote desktop feature you will have to request a trial of the Enterprise server, install it and then try it out.
  10. You can refer to this thread too: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/959-windows-81/
  11. As far as I know PC Monitor has a working beta Remote Desktop feature inside the dashboard application however it's only available for PC Monitor Enterprise Customers. But you can use the dashboard to quickly connect to the computers using windows remote desktop however this will require that you would open up the ports in your NAT/firewall.
  12. What is the exact error message? Also what operating system are you using?
  13. Paul

    SQL Backup

    You can setup with SSMS a backup job that is set to only run manually. Then if you have SQL Server Agent server set to start automatically you can control the backup job from PC Monitor and you can see the output too.
  14. Paul

    Notes in all Apps

    I believe Calin was asking what type of client are you using (Android, iOS, Windows 8, Windows Phone, Web App) and it would help if you would be specify the operating system version (if it's a smartphone).
  15. In this case you can use an exported configuration (.pcmcfg) that includes your authentication details as encrypted text. This way you can provide your clients with a configuration file and a password for the configuration without having to share the account details that can potentially expose your other systems.
  16. Hello, At this moment there is no dedicated module for Cisco hardware but you can use the SNMP server module to monitor your switch in realtime. Let me know if you need assistance with understanding which SNMP variables you need to monitor.
  17. Can you wake your computer with any other WoL application from outside your home network?
  18. Try the solutions in this topic : http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/630-help-with-wol-wake-up-didnt-works-for-me/
  19. Please check that the device has full access to the machine, that the shutdown command is enables in system tab in PC Monitor Manager and the command is not hidden inside the Display tab in PC Monitor Manager. Also if you are using associated accounts make sure you have full access. Paul
  20. Those are two diferent actions. While the computer is online the application can comunicate with PC Monitor but while the computer is offline PC Monitor must ask your computer's hardware to wake up and depending on the network's arhitecture this request is most likely blocked. Most residential networks are behind one or more NAT which prevent the wake command from being forwarded to your computer. Have you tried opening the WOL port in your router/modem?
  21. Paul

    Windows 8.1

    Step 1. Locate ntdll in your system drive\windows\system32 folder. Step 2. Run cmd as an administrator. Step 3. Execute: takeown /f systemdrive:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll Step 4. Execute: icacls systemdrive:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll /grant yourusername:f Step 5. Rename ntdll.dll to something else: move systemdrive:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll systemdrive:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll.old Step 6: Execute sfc /scannow Execute the steps at your own risk, always make a full backup before messing with system files. Paul.
  22. No extra rights are required to run the Windows 8 app. Can you reach the web app from a browser on the computer that is causing the problem?
  23. Paul

    Windows 8.1

    Thanks for posting the solution.
  24. Hello, I've created another build. Check this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0g0oxy219gxv5q5/Release.zip . Then try entering \\serverip\c$ and see if you see any opened session. Paul. Edit: I tested it on a Windows Server 2008R2 Standard x64 and it works.
  25. I've updated my first post with an updated version of the plugin. Thank you again for the bug report, Paul.
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