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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Script Ideas

    Hi, We've just published 14 new built-in scripts and more will be added soon. Please post here what scripts you'd like to see in the Pulseway automation module. -Paul
  2. That is not supported because the SSL trust will fail. -Paul
  3. Here you go: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" -Name "EnableRemoteDesktop" -Value "1" -Paul
  4. Just to confirm, you'd like to have multiple .pulseway.com subdomains (company1.pulseway.com / company2.pulseway.com)?
  5. A Raspberry Pi 3 will work too . Let me know if the RPI in network manages to wake up your system every time. -Paul
  6. Hi, I'm afraid that the file browser support for the Linux agent is not yet supported. -Paul
  7. It's worth noting that 'fast startup' might interfere with the WOL packets (link). Another thing to look would be the driver manufacturer, make sure you're using the NIC drivers from the device manufacturer and not the built-in drivers from Microsoft. -Paul
  8. Do you happen to have other systems in the same LAN that are online when the Wake Up command works? We send a command to any online systems that have the same public IP address as the system you're trying to wake and are part of the same Pulseway group. -Paul
  9. Product branding is only available for the Team / MSP plans (previously called Enterprise). Check out this blog post. -Paul
  10. We've updated the webapp/mobile apps to show a different icon for scheduled reports / automation tasks: We're considering on having a column that shows the schedule summary. -Paul
  11. Hi everyone, Unfortunately we've took out the ESET Remote Administrator 6 feature from our Roadmap because we've integrated with the Kaspersky Endpoint Security product. -Paul
  12. Hi Christian, The Pulseway Maintenance Mode prevents any notifications from being sent. -Paul
  13. Hi Christian, 1. The Windows App is missing the possibility to browse systems by tags / create tags. This is will be included in the next release. 2. This is a bug which we will resolve in the next release. Thanks for the report. 3. You can add tags from the computer details, tags. -Paul
  14. Hi Christian, We already support creating plugins, it's just that they won't create tabs inside the server module but they are configured from the Plugins page. You can find a list of our plugins here: -Paul
  15. Hi Christian, The image bellow shows how to setup an agent to go into the maintenance mode on Friday and Saturday between 11PM and 4AM: -Paul
  16. We don't count optional windows updates in our reports at this moment but this would be awesome to have. Thanks. -Paul
  17. You could make use of the Maintenance Schedule from the Pulseway Manager in the Settings tab, Maintenance Schedule subtab. This schedule is also configurable from a Pulseway Group Policy. -Paul
  18. This is confirmed to be coming over here: Once we have the settings on the webapp, we will also help you get a better understanding which settings are overridden by a Pulseway Group Policy and offline changes will become supported at the same time. -Paul
  19. Hi Phil, Thank you for your feedback. We're trying to make things easier by implementing some features on the mobile app as well (Scope editing is now available on iOS and it's coming for Android too). Running scripts per group is on our todo list so we'll be adding this but group terminal is going to be tricky because you will want to see the output for that command as well. We'll investigate what are the implications for that. More AV control from the mobile app is also coming, install, uninstall, change policy and browse active events for individual machines. -Paul
  20. Paul

    This is not 2FA

    We will not be removing the timeout on the webapp for security purposes. We are considering on implementing a way to gradually slow down the refresh timer to a point where it stops and asks if you're still around but not logging you out only after a couple of hours. -Paul
  21. Hi Steve, This appears to be a timezone issue after all. Our engineers are working on it as we speak to resolve it. In the meantime you can change the schedule type to daily and have it repeat every 7 days: -Paul
  22. This would be one of those 'magic' features . Each hardware manufacturer has it's own way of delivering driver updates and there is no 'universal' driver store where you can check for updates. -Paul
  23. Cool, let me know how it goes. -Paul
  24. No problem. It's nice knowing that I'm not going crazy . -Paul
  25. I have a big deja-vu on this topic, did you post it in two forums by any chance? I feel like I've answered it already. If not, here it goes again: While we don't support sorting the columns in tables, most of them have a custom context menu so you can right click on the table to select automatically started services and other options for other tables. -Paul
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