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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Older Versions

    Hi there, No, Pulseway's oldest supported Windows operating system is Windows XP and the server equivalent Windows Server 2003. -Paul
  2. When you run scripts through Pulseway they run as the local SYSTEM user which is the computer name with a dollar sign at the end. You could use a WMI query to get the username instead like this: But make sure that you account for the case when there's no user logged into the system. -Paul
  3. Hi there, Yes, if you must use an executable installer then the automation scripts are there for you. Just upload the file on one of your web servers so your systems can reach it (dropbox works too but make sure you copy the direct link to the file) and then write a script that does the following: a) Check to see if the software is installed b) If the software is not installed, download and silently install it (make sure there's no user interaction required) c) Reboot if necessary -Paul
  4. Hi @spinto, We use load balancers for high availability. Make sure you add all IP addresses that are resolved by the DNS lookup to your whitelist. -Paul
  5. Hi, There shouldn't be a problem if you select Caribbean from the list. -Paul
  6. Glad I could help. Enjoy using Pulseway ! -Paul
  7. For sure! I've activated the trial subscription . -Paul
  8. Paul

    Agent 7.0 crash

    Thanks for the report. We'll look into it. -Paul
  9. Before you do that, drop me a message so I can revert the "free" status on your account so you won't end up paying for the 2 systems. -Paul
  10. For sure. I've activated a two week trials subscription. Let me know what you think of our remote control feature . -Paul
  11. Hi there, The first two systems remain free, you only need to pay for the additional ones you wish to monitor. At this moment we only have volume discounts (through tiers and this is reflected on the pricing page on our website). -Paul
  12. I'd recommend disabling the IP change notification because you don't care to be notified whenever the IP address changes, you only want to know what was the last known IP address which is displayed in the Pulseway app when the system is offline. -Paul
  13. There's a minimum of 20 licenses for the Team plan (which supports the on-premise installation) and the cost is per license purchased (one workstation or server license per monitoring agent installation). -Paul
  14. That would be exactly the same as the SaaS offering. You can check our prices at this link: www.pulseway.com/pricing. -Paul
  15. Hey Voriana, I'd be glad to answer your questions. As documented in the security white-paper we use industry standard security mechanism to prevent unauthorized access to your systems and to prevent others from listening to the communication between our applications. That being said, we also offer an on-premise offering where you can host your Pulseway server on your own infrastructure so you have a fully closed network monitoring solution. -Paul
  16. That would be: s1.pulseway.com s2.pulseway.com s3.pulseway.com -Paul
  17. Hi Dan, This is not yet available as a native feature on Pulseway however I personally remembered the following powershell line whenever I needed to tell two processes apart using Pulseway: gwmi win32_process -Filter "name='svchost.exe'" | select processid, name, commandline | fl -Paul
  18. Well $env:USERNAME relies on the current user and Pulseway runs in the context of the SYSTEM account. Try using this instead: $user= get-wmiobject -class win32_computersystem | select-object username wmic UserAccount where name=$user set Passwordexpires=true $username = $user.username if ($username -like '*\*') { $idx = $username.LastIndexOf('\') $username = $username.Substring($idx + 1) } net user $username /logonpasswordchg:yes It just removes the domain name or computer name from the username you get from WMI. -Paul
  19. Hi Stephen, At a quick glance I do notice a space missing before the -class in the first line. Maybe this is the error you're seeing? -Paul
  20. We are considering on implementing a different color for destructive actions. Would this work for you? -Paul
  21. Hello, You can put in "Personal" as the company name and it will let you go through. It's a valid point though, we'll discuss this internally. -Paul
  22. It's coming out early next week. -Paul
  23. Paul

    Cannot tag macs

    Hi Cory, It appears that there's a defect on this, we'll definitely be fixing this. Thanks for the report! -Paul
  24. Hi, You can enable a setting that will only trigger 2FA prompts when you login into the Remote Control app rather than on login and on each session. You can find the setting in Server Admin (only available on the Team plan) -> Settings -> Security -> "Reduce 2FA Prompts on the Remote Control app". -Paul
  25. Hi everyone, We're rolling out the update with the custom titles support for third party patch management. It's awesome!! -Paul
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