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Gary Haberl

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Everything posted by Gary Haberl

  1. Hi John, Until they create this type of feature, you can do what I do. I have multiple tabs open for tickets. One sorted one way, and another sorted another. Not sure if this solves the issue of finding the ticket you want, but it would stop you from having to change your sort view all the time. Another idea one of our techs uses: He has created a few views so he can switch fast between searches. Not sure if this helps for now or not. Gary
  2. Hi all, During the 5.4.4 update, I have seen a few systems that have not restarted the Pulseway service. I thought the systems were offline, but it was only the Pulseway service not running. Has anyone else seen this?
  3. Hi, In the tickets, Batch Actions, I do not see Update "Contract" for Tickets. Is there a way to change tickets already in the system so they use the Contracts we setup "after" we started adding tickets? Gary
  4. Hi all, In the Ad-Hoc reports, I ask the user for a date range for the report (Filter). Does anyone know how to capture the dates (Between) and display them on the report? Gary
  5. Gary Haberl


    Hi, In our RMM, the alerts do not automatically resolve if an issue is fixed. BUT, they do clear if you are also using the PSA Help Desk. When the RMM starts a help desk ticket, and you resolve the ticket, the RMM issue is then resolved when you resolve the ticket. This is the way our RMM and PSA are setup together.
  6. Hi Paul, It may be OK now. Our Techs have updated everything over the last 2 weeks, and have left me with no issues in the RMM. If I see the issue again, I will post it here. Maybe the system I noticed the error on had not updated it's client.?? Thanks.
  7. Hi Paul, Does this mean we should have 4.0.11 of the PSA now? Looks like we are still on 4.0.10.
  8. Hi Chris, I think Greg is looking for how to put in Inventory Items so they show up in service quotes under "Product Items". Or am I misunderstanding the issue?
  9. Hi Greg, Is Inventory...Products...Manage Products what you are looking for? Gary
  10. Still broken... I am having the same issue. (Important updates showing up as optional.) We are using Pulseway 5.4.3 and Windows 2012 R2 shows a bunch of updates as optional that should be important (75).
  11. Hi, Just an idea for you. Right click on the background and choose the groups button (bottom left). Now you will see the groups of systems and their state.
  12. Chris, Thank you for this info, I'll watch out for this issue. I have most of this working, but I have run into a small issue that I am working with Arcserve on. Once we get this issue resolved, I hope to have our RMM monitor all of our Arcserve RPS and UDP servers. ☺
  13. Any ideas on this?
  14. Hi, We bill our clients on an hourly rate, but can have different rates for different clients. (i.e. $ 100/hr or $ 110/hr) Is there a way to tag each client with their individual hourly rate so when Techs put in time, the proper rate for the proper client is billed? I see Roles and work types (Custom rate). I just don't want Techs to have to choose a type of work or role to have the proper billing rate. Too many mistakes that way. Gary
  15. Hi Colm, That is what we are starting to do, but this causes issues on keeping track of what products sell. It is bringing our QuickBooks reports back in time.
  16. Has anyone found a way to import non inventory 'Items' on a product quote into QuickBooks? This is a show stopper for QuickBooks users.
  17. Has anyone else seen this issue with the outlook plugin?
  18. Hi, Question about the Outlook plugin. Is the plugin 2 way sync? I have it pulling and pushing my Calendar items. It also pulls tasks from the PSA to my outlook, but does not PUSH or update the tasks. I have a task I added via a ticket, finished it and checked it off as done in my outlook. But PSA is not updating from my Outlook. Is this correct...Only 2 way sync on the calendar?
  19. Hi Chris. DONE Had to CUT/Past the message and link as I can't send a message from the PSA Messages to support. Gary
  20. Hi, When entering a quote by opportunity or a service quote, you can choose an "item" to sell (inventory item) and then change the item description. When you are quoting products this way, you can NOT change the item description. Is there a way to change an item description when quoting an inventory item via a product quote? We want to have a generic item we can choose and then change the description for the quote. (i.e. We want to put in Generic Cable, and use if for cable sales, like HDMI cable.) From Product Quote From service Quote
  21. Hi, Is there a way to sort the "My Timesheet" output when working on hours. Here is our issue. Our ticket system uses the date format of (DDMMYYY) for tickets. So the system throws a number in front of the date. So the ticket number looks like this (1-21022018). So when I work on a bunch of tickets (over a week) I get all of the "1-, 10-, 11-,..." first, then all of the "2-, 20-" and so on. So all tickets for "Monday" and all over the place. This makes it hard to work on one day to see what I have done as I need to scroll all over the page. So...Is there a way to sort the output in "My Timesheet" they way I want to work, or does it just sort by ticket number. Gary
  22. HI, Is there a way to change the quote template for service quotes to add the period field. When creating the quote, you end up with services, and the period (monthly, yearly, other). But when you print the quote, the "Period" filed is not printed. So, if you have a mix of items (Monthly and Yearly) there is no way of knowing in the quote. Gary
  23. Hi Chris, Now when working on Opportunities, the "Distribution" and "Whole Sale" items show up again under Price Level even though they are disabled. Opportunities...Quote Tab...Choose or create new quote from here...Add or edit a product item...Click on Price Level and you get all the price levels again.
  24. Thank you Chris. But, when you do a Product Quote, and do not have inventory items, you can click on the "Items" tab and input items from there " Add/Edit SO Free Item ". You can give it a name, QTY, price, etc. But you can not attach it to an Expense or Income account. Then when you push the Quote to a Sales Order, Post and Invoice all works well. But you can not import that invoice into Quickbooks as the items do not have income accounts associated to them. I was wondering if there is a way to set a default Income and Expense account that will catch these items so the QuickBooks import will work. Gary
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