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Everything posted by Marius

  1. Thank you. We will process the payment and apply 10% discount.
  2. We are working on a reporting module but it will be available for Enterprise Server version only.
  3. This is part of the server protection. The account will automatically unlock after 15 minutes - however if too many bad requests are issued the IP address is locked too. This feature has been added to protect the user accounts.
  4. I have sent you an email with instructions on how to enable the log. We have been monitoring the Dashboard for the last couple of days and we had no issues.
  5. Is it happening for one particular computer? We will need to investigate that and enable debug log. And F5 is not a solution, it's just a way of forcing a data refresh.
  6. The account will unlock automatically after 15 minutes (if it was the first lock). You can reset the password using PC Monitor app installed on your PC. As for the password reminder, we only store a hash of your password in our database so we won't be able to send you the original password by email.
  7. I'll be surprised if it did... 2.6 beta adds support for VMware, fixes 2 issues and adds some improvements in the PC Monitor app - nothing changed in the engine. Have you enabled the VMware server module?
  8. This will happen at least once a day - the application pools are recycled automatically around 5AM GMT. As well, we might deploy a new version of the server as well. It usually takes 10-20 seconds for all the computers to appear online again and if the Dashboard just did a refresh it will see the computers offline for one minute as the refresh interval for the Dashboard is 1 minute. When this happens press F5 to force a refresh.
  9. How often does this happen?
  10. You're very welcome, glad we could help.
  11. You're welcome Daniele, thank you for your help. 2.6 beta 3 is now available for download on the forum download section.
  12. Thanks for your help, we found the issue - 2.6 beta 3 that will be released today will include this fix.
  13. Thank you, we got the email. We have set up the same event log filter and it worked, notification was sent. What PC Monitor version do you have installed?
  14. try setting just the event ID and source in the event filter, see if that makes a difference (don't set anything in Keywords and Sources)
  15. Can you please save the event from the event log and the PC monitor configuration and email them to us (without the account details)?
  16. This is pretty much fixed as it's a value that suits the majority of users and cases.
  17. Are you ordering through PayPal? If so we will refund you the 10% on the PayPal transaction.
  18. Of course, you will need to enable the PC offline notification and make sure the email notifications are enabled too: http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/27-enable-email-notifications/ To enable PC offline notification start PC Monitor on the computer, go to the Notifications tab and enable "Send a notification when a computer is offline". You will then receive a notification when the computer is offline for about 15 minutes or more.
  19. Marius

    Lock Desktop

    2.6 beta 1 now available
  20. Indeed, thanks for reporting this, we are working on a fix.
  21. It's on the list now, thanks. Will be available in a future release.
  22. Marius

    Lock Desktop

    2-3 weeks. We will post 2.6 beta 1 tomorrow on this forum with the fix included.
  23. Marius

    Lock Desktop

    Seems to be an issue is some cases - are you starting the PC Monitor app as Administrator? The issue will be fixed in the next release - 2.6
  24. Marius

    Lock Desktop

    What version of PC Monitor agent do you have? It should be 2.5.1, please check.
  25. Few notes on this before we can start investigating the issue: - When a server is offline for more than 15 minutes you will get a notification; - Dashboard reads a state of the computers every 1 minute and if it says offline means the computer was actually considered offline at that time; - A computer gets the offline state if it has not contacted the server for 20+ seconds; - Not sure how all your computers just disappeared from the Dashboard (unless the dashboard could not connect) Please email us at support@pulseway.com and we will enable the debug log on one or two computers to see what is actually going on.
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