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Everything posted by Marius

  1. This feature is not yet available. You could define an event log watch on that server to be notify for such event.
  2. You can activate a notification when a user logs in / out of a computer. To do that start PC Monitor Manager on that computer and go to Notifications tab - Users section.
  3. It's not yet implemented for WP7 but it will be in a future release. Meanwhile you can use the web application at https://my.pulseway.com for testing the AD module.
  4. PC Monitor 2.8 adds support for plugins and you will be able to: - display additional custom information in computer details page - run additional custom commands - send notifications The support for plugins is fully implemented in PC Monitor Agent 2.8 and a plugin example is also available for download here: http://www.mobilepcm...oad/netplugins.zip
  5. Not all hardware configurations are supported, we will improve the hardware support in the coming versions.
  6. 2.8 beta 1 available to download on the forum will allow you to disable pcmontask.
  7. 2.8 will support this. It adds an option to disable pcmontask - when enabled screen view and computer lock will no longer be available.
  8. Thank you, we will fix them both soon.
  9. can you please send us some screen shots at support@pulseway.com?
  10. Hi Bill, We will add favorites in a future release, thanks for the suggestion.
  11. The notification will be fired if there is no other notification from the same event filter. This is to prevent getting too many notifications from the same event filter. Please make sure you delete the previous notification and test again.
  12. Glad it worked, thanks for letting us know.
  13. Thank you for this, we will consider it.
  14. This should help you fix the issue:
  15. Thanks Bill, will add them in a future release.
  16. Simply refresh the page. In rare cases you might have to clear the cache.
  17. I think it's a connection related issue - please email us at support@pulseway.com and we will help you trace the issue.
  18. Thank you. Not sure what is the cause, we will look into it.
  19. delete from registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\PreventChanges HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\PreventChangesPassword
  20. Don't think it is an issue - are you running some tasks that log in as administrator? We are monitoring all interactive sessions and when we find a new one we send a notification.
  21. Does this happen when you try to access a certain feature from the mobile app? Or simply from time to time the server will appear offline?
  22. please search the forum before posting - this has been answered before http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/87-delete-registered-computer/
  23. The visibility is decided based on the scheduled tasks selected in the PC Monitor Manager app - please check that your tasks are selected there.
  24. Hasn't been removed - that option will not appear on the computer details screen unless you have at least one scheduled task selected.
  25. Hello, You will still have 5 - even when we decreased the number of free computers all the existing accounts kept the limit that was in effect when the accounts were created. As for the "light" subscription, we will address this soon, thank you for the suggestion.
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