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  3. Hi @Jerdal, Please contact customer support at support@pulseway.com. We'll help you recover access to your account. Please be advised that you will have to undergo an identity verification process. -Paul
  4. Last week
  5. Hello everyone, We would like to inform that on Saturday, June 22, between 12:00 am - 4:00 am ET, we will be conducting scheduled maintenance to upgrade our servers. During this period, you may experience some minimal downtime as our servers will be upgrading. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Pulseway Team
  6. I've lost access to my account as my phone where I had my 2FA backup code was destroyed. Is it possible to restore access to my account?
  7. Please add an ability to create a limited account that has no executive permissions but is able to be logged in permanently on the Pulseway Dashboard application so that we are able to monitor our domains.
  8. Earlier
  9. Hi @Derrick Thanks for getting in touch and apologies for the late response. I had raised a ticket for previous users and upon investigation the support team are still liasing with the user on solving this issue. If you like I can raise a separate ticket for you as I believe that there is a resolution that the support team can provide by remoting into your machine. Just forward me your Pulseway email ID and I can get you in touch with support. Thanks, Stefan
  10. Is there any feedback from Pulseway on this issue yet?
  11. Hello, I tried to run report in object but i received this error. "No data for the monitored network interfaces has been collected yet" who can help me? tnks
  12. Is it possible to add other departments under projects?
  13. But what if you want a different policy than is inherited by the group?
  14. Hello, I'd like to use PSA to track incremental billing against a fixed price contract. Kind of like a reverse retainer contract. Instead of being paid upfront for the retainer and chipping away at it with billable labor I'd like to create a fixed price contract for a specific value then bill against that contract normally until it hits that fixed price limit. Any labor against the fixed price contract after the limit would be zero. Thanks for any ideas/help!
  15. Well, that does explain it! Looking forward to the completed integration. Thank you.
  16. Check the script here posted by Jason Slobotski https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18192746/powershell-log-off-remote-session
  17. Hey @Ahmad Thanks a mill for bringing this to our attention, I'm going to raise this issue with support and I was wondering if you would like to be involved in the update process? If so forward me our pulseway email ID and I can CC you in the ticket. Thanks again Stefan
  18. Tested on Windows devices any agent version, when we try to see the screen of a PC, we only get part of the display when the scaling is not set to 100%. Usually, it's 125% or 150% on laptop screens. The full screen is displayed if the resolution scale is set to 100%. This screenshot should show the full screen regardless of the scaling setting
  19. @Mike Leger Try this out. it worked from me. I was able to pull the output variable from inside of a workflow. # Outputs $FileShares = "0" # Get all shared folders on the local computer $shares = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share | Select-Object Name, Path # Output the list of shares if ($shares) { $ShareList = "Current File Shares on $env:COMPUTERNAME:`n" + $shares | Format-Table -AutoSize } else { $ShareList = "No file shares found on $env:COMPUTERNAME." } #convert the list of file shares from a table to a string $ShareList = $shares | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String #rewrite the file share list to the output variable $shares = $ShareList #write output to screen of needed #write-output $shares
  20. Hey there, fellow Pulseway enthusiasts! Remember that post I made back in 2020 about how amazing it would be to have Dark Mode for us Pulseway RMM users? Well, four years have flown by, and here I am, still requesting it. Who knew I’d be better at tracking long-term goals than Pulseway’s UI updates? I mean, I’ve seen my fair share of trends come and go—fidget spinners, TikTok dances, and even my attempt at mastering the ukulele—but my dream for Dark Mode remains. It’s like I’ve been holding onto this wish longer than the time it takes for Windows updates to install! So, here’s to hoping that 2024 is the year Pulseway finally brings the darkness to our screens. After all, some of us have been in the dark about Dark Mode for way too long. 🌒 Cheers,
  21. Hello Martijn, To send a post notification, you need a host system through which the notification will be transmitted. This host system is identified by a unique system identifier. In the above script - "$instanceId" refers to the System Identifier. Below is how you can find the System Identifier. Select any device in the device card. You will find an alphanumeric in the URL associated to it.
  22. The ENDPOINT should be the instance name - not "https://api.pulseway.com/v3/"
  23. Hey @Avijit So interactive, conditional troubleshooters can be used to ask questions, provide answers, and run self remediation scripts and tasks based on user input. Pulseways Client Portal can be used to standardize IT processes, empower end-users and reduce the workload on your support team: Here is a video that dives into this more With the client portal you ou can now create interactive, conditional troubleshooters that can be used to ask questions, provide answers, and run self remediation scripts and tasks based on user input. Pulseway's Client Portal can be used to standardize IT processes, empower end-users and reduce the workload on your support team The attached videos should definitley help you out but should you need any more assistance please let me know! Thanks Stefan
  24. Hey @DeWaynes Thanks a mill for reaching out. Seeing as your request has a good bit of code, I'm going to open a support ticket for you so that our techs can review it better, so if it's not too much hassle please forward me your Pulseway email id so that I can CC you in the ticket and get your issue resolved! Thanks Stefan
  25. We recently purchased Pulseway for our organization, and we are looking to maximize its potential, particularly in utilizing the Client Service Portal. Could you provide us with examples or guidance on how to effectively use the Client Service Portal? Our goal is to enable users to solve basic problems on their own. Any documentation, tutorials, or best practices you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.
  26. Pulseway 9.6 is Here to Transform Your IT Management! 🚀 Get ready to scale your IT operations with Pulseway's latest release, version 9.6! We're bringing greater control and extended capabilities over a vast array of devices, making your IT management smoother than ever. Here's what's new: 👀 Enhanced Device Monitoring: SNMP Monitoring: Set alerts based on value changes, introducing Context Targeting within root Policies for precise tracking. Service Monitoring: Notifications for missing services on Windows agents, with updates for other platforms coming soon! 🔧 Robust Patch Management: Stay informed with notifications for pending patches, errors during patching, and more, customizable to fit your workflow. 🖥️ MACos Remote Control: Gain access even when no user is logged in, with further enhancements on the way. 🤖 Automation Made Easy: Execute Workflow Actions as the Current User, expanding automation capabilities to user-specific contexts like never before! 🔗 Seamless Autotask Integration: Connect and streamline your IT service management with enhanced integration options. 🛠️ UI and Other Feature Enhancements: Improved navigation, additional monitoring tools, API enhancements, and crucial bug fixes for a smoother experience. 🎯 Policy Extensions with Explicit Targeting: Precisely target devices with new extensions, now with Explicit and Dynamic Targeting options. 🔍 New Workflow Templates: From Disk Cleanup to Desktop Wallpaper settings, automate daily tasks efficiently and effortlessly. 💾 Double-byte Language Support: Enhanced support for double-byte characters, ensuring data integrity across languages. 📊 Agent Diagnostic Logging: Enable diagnostic logging remotely and collect logs without disturbing the end-user, exclusively on Windows agents. 🔄Integration and Navigation Updates: Navigate easily with updated module names and enhanced search capabilities in the left navigation pane. 📊 Storage and Service Monitoring Upgrades: Granular monitoring for Windows agents now, with support for macOS, Linux, and BSD coming soon. 🔧 Other Enhancements Include: Renaming Devices: Easily rename devices right from the Device Card, with options to reset to default names. Advanced Reporting: New datasets and templates for deeper insights and reporting capabilities. Enhanced Services Monitoring: Now extended to Linux and BSD agents. API Improvements: New endpoints and enhancements to boost integration and automation capabilities. To see these brand new features in action be sure your don't miss our live Webinar on May 21st HERE and if your new to Pulseway dive in and try it for free
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