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Interactive Reports


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I know this would be a major change in the reporting interface, but how about an option to interact with the results of a report.

Maybe one can choose  an additional "Report Format" when editing a report and have an option for Interactive?

When this is enabled the output of the report is immediately displayed in web format with hyperlinks to automate certain tasks by sending a back-end task/script to the agent.

For example:

Report                                          Interaction Script Task (Relayed to the agent)

Applications                               link next to each agent to uninstall the application

Assets                                        link to create asset tag if none exist

OS Patching                               link to assign Policy / Update now

3rd Party Patching                    link next to each agent to update the application

Drive Usage                               link to run a temp files cleanup job

Anti-virus                                    install AV / Run Scan / Update (not sure how this ties in to the existing Kaspersky deployment)






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