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No notifications after account swap

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Hey forum,

I recently had the whole thing running rather well in testing phase, so we decided to go for real. This meant getting different accounts to set the rights properly. This is what I did:

puls.connect to connect the agents to the enterprise server.
puls.adm to to manage everything (the only admin account).
puls.myname to manage all the systems.
puls.mycolleaguesname just like me.

I linked all of the systems from connect to the others as associated accounts and gave all rights and notifications on.

Here is the problem: I am getting almost no notifications whatsoever. I have no idea why, they should be there. Does anybody have any idea?

- Jaapyse

  • Administrators

Hi Jaapyse,

Did you also enable the notifications when you've configured the associated accounts? Check out this blog post for more information.



Hey Paul,

Thank you very much for your answer, but the problem has resolved itself! I seems waiting a day or two was all I needed to do!

- Jaapyse

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