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Remote Desktop Multiple Screens


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First off compliments for such a great product that i'll be using for a long time.


I understand the remote desktop is in beta however i have not seen any doucmentation on whether multiple screens will be supported.


This will pretty much be my deciding factor whether i can go without getting teamviewer... everyone at my company has at least two screens so this makes the feature unusable if i cant see multiple screens.



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Welcome to the Pulseway community!


We already have plans on adding support for multiple monitors so this is definitely something we have our eyes on.




Pulseway Support

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I see Remote Desktop is now out of Release Candidate phase, and you are sending out email announcements about it. But still no multiple monitor support. Any ETA on this being included?


Remote Desktop has been great so far. But i can really only use it for laptop users since they only have the one screen, everyone else has dual monitors. Its the last thing i need to make Remote Desktop a fully functional feature for me.



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OK so still Q2, roughly a month or so.


How will it work by the way? Will two windows/screens automatically open up when i start the session? Or will i have one window that i have to switch back and forth between Monitor #1 and Monitor #2? Whatever you do, don't have it open one stretched window with both monitors present... it'd never fit on one screen unless i by myself a 30" or something.

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  • Staff

Hi everyone,

We've just release an update for the remote desktop feature which adds support for monitor switching as requested. In addition to monitor switching you will be able to configure agents to require a user confirmation before remote desktop sessions are permitted.

Thanks for your patience,


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Sitting here about to go home for the weekend, and my dashboard just closed itself and autoupdated. I was immediately like "yessss, let it be dual monitor support". And of course it was! Good job on getting this implemented, i can now use pulseway's remote desktop for all user support instead of just for laptop users. And it works on PCs with more than 2 as well!

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22 hours ago, northwest said:

What is the status on support/development for Multi-Monitors / Screens on remote desktop and Android Screen View app?

Multi-monitor support is implemented and released. Android support for Remote Desktop is not supported yet. You can view the screen of monitored systems using the Screen View feature right now, remote desktop will be added in the future.


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