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I use PCmonitor, I mean now is Pulseway (terrible name btw :P) for 2 years ? More less. I had only one time configure config and it was on fedora 17 , config of PCmonitor. I had to make clean install of Fedora 20 so it's about time to reinstall old PCmonitor to pulseway. So I did. It should be easy but.. I quess it's not. I configure whole config, add username and password usually stuff, started the service systemctl start pulseway.service chkconfig pulseway on .. and? Nothing. I don't see my computer in my account any of my smartphone.. what could be the problem?





Could you please contact our support by email with your account username? We will do our best to help.





  • Staff


I just install it on a fresh Fedora 20 and everything works as expected.
Please check your log for any possible error or your config file.


[root@localhost ~]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 3.11.10-301.fc20.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 5 14:01:17 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/issue
Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)

[root@localhost ~]#

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -ihv pulseway-4.4.3-1.x86_64.rpm
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Stopping pulseway service
Updating / installing...
   1:pulseway-4.4.3-1                 ################################# [100%]

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start pulseway.service

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl status pulseway.service
pulseway.service - LSB: start and stop pulsewayd
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/pulseway)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2014-07-31 21:46:34 IST; 20s ago
  Process: 2289 ExecStop=/etc/rc.d/init.d/pulseway stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 2733 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/pulseway start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  CGroup: /system.slice/pulseway.service
           2738 /usr/sbin/pulsewayd

Jul 31 21:46:34 localhost.localdomain pulseway[2733]: Starting pulseway daemo...
Jul 31 21:46:34 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started LSB: start and stop...
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

[root@localhost ~]# ps auxww|grep '[p]ulsewayd'
root      3295  0.2  0.5 360032  5224 ?        Ssl  21:48   0:00 /usr/sbin/pulsewayd
[root@localhost ~]#



You have on forum database issue I want to paste the log and It won't Post here.. 

This is all I can't paste and it's saves here.
[root@sonic Maildir]# ps auxww|grep '[p]ulsewayd'
[root@sonic Maildir]#

I did. Here is log provide by fpaste service. I forgot I can use it too : http://ur1.ca/hw09y


Ok fixed / There was problem with Monitoring Service section. I deleted few of them and Now it works :)


But I can understand why in ssh section of monitored service I made 



<Service Name="ssh" DisplayName="SSH Daemon" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="UPSTART" Path="/usr/sbin/sshd" StartParameters="systemctl start sshd.service" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true"/>

<Service Name="ntpd" DisplayName="NTPD Process" IsDaemon="false" DaemonType="NONE" Path="/usr/sbin/ntpd" StartParameters="-p /var/run/ntp/ntpd.pid -g -u ntp:ntp -i /var/lib/ntp -c /etc/ntp.conf" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="false"/>


I gave ISDaemon cus SSHD is a Deamon and  gave parameter that CanBeStopped and in pulseway it shows only "start" option. Can't be stopped ?


Please give some  Tags in config explaination because I'm doing like in the examples and in MonitoreService section I can write properly tag for ssh service monitoring.


I have something like this: sie 01 22:33:39 sonic pulseway[27138]: Configuration: Value for 'Name' attribute 'Service' node is invalid

  • Staff


Reading your logs, looks like there is an issue with your config file:
sie 01 16:50:02 sonic pulseway[7568]: Configuration: expected element name
Best Regards,


  • Staff



Correct configuration for sshd service on Fedora is:


<Service Name="sshd.service" DisplayName="SSH Daemon" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="SYSTEMD" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true"/>





I know that but what are for the other services? Cuz I manage to write them correctly (I think) and the pulseway haven't started. :/

Why Is Deamon Type systemd? That's why there should be a manual for that

  • Staff



Pulseway comming with a sample configuration file (/etc/pulseway/config.xml.sample). Please check http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/1219-sample-configxml/

You'll find there, under MonitoredServices tag, every parameter explained plus some examples:

<!--Name: Service name-->
<!--DisplayName: Friendly Display Name-->
<!--IsDaemon: 'true' or 'false'. 'true' if the monitored service is a daemon and 'false' if the monitored service is a process-->
<!--DaemonType: System Management daemon type: NONE or SYSVINIT or UPSTART or SYSTEMD-->
<!--Path: The path of the monitored service. This is used when the monitored service is a process-->
<!--StartParameters: Parameters used to start the monitored service. This is used when the monitored service is a process-->
<!--CanBeStopped: 'true' or 'false'-->
<!--Enabled: 'true' or 'false'-->
<Service Name="cups" DisplayName="CUPS Service" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="SYSVINIT" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="false"/>
<Service Name="ssh" DisplayName="SSH Daemon" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="UPSTART" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="false"/>
<Service Name="SuSEfirewall2.service" DisplayName="SuSE Firewall Service" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="SYSTEMD" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="false"/>
<Service Name="ntpd" DisplayName="NTPD Process" IsDaemon="false" DaemonType="NONE" Path="/usr/sbin/ntpd" StartParameters="-p /var/run/ntp/ntpd.pid -g -u ntp:ntp -i /var/lib/ntp -c /etc/ntp.conf" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="false"/>




I saw that example. But it doesn't explains why in few section is for example Path="" without any fields what does it mean that DaemonType is UPSTART SYSVINIT or Systemd. Not all services are configure the same. For example I started ntpd like in the example above And pulseway won't start, the same issue like before. So not always is like that

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators

As far as I remember NTP is still not converted to UPSTART for the Ubuntu distro so you have to use SYSVINIT as DaemonType. The Path of the NTP daemon is: /usr/sbin/ntpd.



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