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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Update, we've identified the issue and we've built a correction script that must be executed as an administrator on affected machines: # Function to calculate file hash function Get-FileHashLower { param ( [string]$FilePath, [string]$Algorithm = "MD5" ) if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath)) { Write-Output "Error: File not found - $FilePath" return $null } try { return (Get-FileHash -Path $FilePath -Algorithm $Algorithm).Hash.ToLower() } catch { Write-Output "Error: Unable to calculate hash for $FilePath. $_" return $null } } Write-Output "Environment Variables:" Get-ChildItem Env: | Sort-Object Name # Enable TLS 1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Step 0: Locate "PC Monitor" service binary folder $ServiceName = "PC Monitor" $Service = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $Service) { Write-Output "Error: '$ServiceName' service not found." exit 1 } $BinaryPath = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $ServiceName }).PathName.Trim('"') if (-not $BinaryPath) { Write-Output "Error: Unable to find binary path for '$ServiceName'." exit 1 } $BinaryFolder = Split-Path -Path $BinaryPath -Parent Write-Output "Binary folder located: $BinaryFolder" # Step 1: Download and verify update.zip $UpdateUrl = "https://updates.pulseway.com/update.zip" $DownloadedFile = "$env:Temp\update.zip" try { $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($UpdateUrl, $DownloadedFile) Write-Output "File downloaded successfully to $DownloadedFile" } catch { Write-Output "Error: Failed to download the update file. $_" exit 1 } $ExpectedMD5 = "9235318c553c3f770ba95ab673566a4e" $DownloadedMD5 = Get-FileHashLower -FilePath $DownloadedFile if ($DownloadedMD5 -ne $ExpectedMD5) { Write-Output "Error: MD5 hash of the downloaded file does not match. Expected: $ExpectedMD5, Found: $DownloadedMD5" exit 1 } # Step 2: Extract the archive $ExtractedFolder = "$env:Temp\update_extracted" Write-Output "Extracted Path: $TargetPath" if (Test-Path $ExtractedFolder) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $ExtractedFolder } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ExtractedFolder | Out-Null Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($DownloadedFile, $ExtractedFolder) Write-Output "Extracted Files: ----" Get-ChildItem -Path $ExtractedFolder -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_.FullName } Write-Output "Extracted Files: ++++" # Step 3: Compare hashes of files $DiscrepantFiles = @() foreach ($File in Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $ExtractedFolder) { # Normalize and resolve paths $ResolvedExtractedFolder = (Get-Item $ExtractedFolder).FullName $ResolvedFilePath = (Get-Item $File.FullName).FullName # Calculate relative path $RelativePath = $ResolvedFilePath.Substring($ResolvedExtractedFolder.Length).TrimStart('\') Write-Output "Resolved Extracted Folder: $ResolvedExtractedFolder" Write-Output "Resolved File Path: $ResolvedFilePath" Write-Output "Calculated Relative Path: $RelativePath" # Calculate target path $TargetPath = Join-Path -Path $BinaryFolder -ChildPath $RelativePath Write-Output "Calculated Target Path: $TargetPath" if ($File.PSIsContainer) { # Create folder if it does not exist if (-not (Test-Path $TargetPath)) { Write-Output "Creating folder in target path: $RelativePath" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TargetPath -Force | Out-Null } } else { # Compare files if (-not (Test-Path $TargetPath)) { Write-Output "File not found in target folder: $RelativePath" $DiscrepantFiles += $RelativePath } else { $SourceHash = Get-FileHashLower -FilePath $File.FullName $TargetHash = Get-FileHashLower -FilePath $TargetPath if ($SourceHash -eq $null -or $TargetHash -eq $null) { Write-Output "Skipping comparison due to hash error: $RelativePath" continue } if ($SourceHash -ne $TargetHash) { Write-Output "Hash mismatch for file: $RelativePath" $DiscrepantFiles += $RelativePath } } } } # Step 3.5: Exit if no discrepancies found if ($DiscrepantFiles.Count -eq 0) { Write-Output "No discrepancies found. Exiting." exit 0 } # Step 4: Print the list of discrepant files Write-Output "Discrepant files:" $DiscrepantFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ } # Step 5: Stop "PC Monitor" service and related processes $ProcessesToKill = @("pcmonitormanager.exe", "pcmonitorsrv.exe", "pcmontask.exe", "pcmonusertask.exe", "cli.exe", "addonmanager.exe", "pcmupdate.exe") for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { if ($Service.Status -eq "Running") { Stop-Service -Name $ServiceName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } foreach ($ProcessName in $ProcessesToKill) { Get-Process -Name $ProcessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -Force } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 if ((Get-Service -Name $ServiceName).Status -eq "Stopped" -and -not (Get-Process -Name $ProcessesToKill -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { break } Write-Output "Retrying stop operation... ($i/5)" if ($i -eq 5) { Write-Output "Error: Failed to stop all processes after 5 attempts." exit 1 } } # Step 6: Copy discrepant files foreach ($File in $DiscrepantFiles) { $SourceFile = Join-Path $ExtractedFolder $File $TargetFile = Join-Path $BinaryFolder $File $TargetFolder = Split-Path -Path $TargetFile -Parent if (-not (Test-Path $TargetFolder)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TargetFolder | Out-Null } for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { Copy-Item -Path $SourceFile -Destination $TargetFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Test-Path $TargetFile) { break } Write-Output "Retrying copy operation for $File... ($i/5)" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } if (-not (Test-Path $TargetFile)) { Write-Output "Error: Failed to copy $File after 5 attempts." exit 1 } } # Step 7: Verify hashes again $PostVerificationFailures = @() foreach ($File in $DiscrepantFiles) { $SourceFile = Join-Path $ExtractedFolder $File $TargetFile = Join-Path $BinaryFolder $File $SourceHash = Get-FileHashLower -FilePath $SourceFile $TargetHash = Get-FileHashLower -FilePath $TargetFile if ($SourceHash -ne $TargetHash) { $PostVerificationFailures += $File } } if ($PostVerificationFailures.Count -gt 0) { Write-Output "Post-repair verification failed for the following files:" $PostVerificationFailures | ForEach-Object { Write-Output $_ } exit 1 } # Step 8: Start the "PC Monitor" service Start-Service -Name $ServiceName Write-Output "Agent repair successful." exit 0 We apologize for the inconvenience caused. -Paul
  2. We're investigating the issue. -Paul
  3. Paul

    Pulseway Down?

    I apologize for this, our network engineering team are working to mitigate the issue. We will post updates on our status page as soon as we have them. -Paul
  4. @KerryC for the crashes, did you see any "Application Error" error too? Can you please send us a screenshot of that event too? If the service is marked for deletion it should be removed upon a reboot. Once it's removed, you can use installutil from the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 folder to manually register the service: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe "c:\program files\pulseway\pcmonitorsrv.exe" -Paul
  5. Hey @Leroy, Do you have an Application Crash event in the Application Windows Event Log? -Paul
  6. Incidentally Google Firebase has deprecated their v1 push notification API which is what has caused the Pro / Free tier to stop sending Push notifications. We've patched it for the team plan but for the Pro / Free plan we're unable to fix it as it's running a really old version of the server software. Trust me when I am saying that we're not deprecating the Free and Pro plans because of an attempt to convert the user base to paid plans, it's just impossible for us to support that business model in the server software as we've been fighting compatibility issues for 9 years now since the launch of the multitenancy model on the Team plan. This was not an easy decision to make and we're doing what we can to make the transition smoother. -Paul
  7. Hello @SESNut, Are you on the Pulseway Pro / Free plan by any chance? Those plans are being discontinued and they are indeed having some issues with Android notifications. We can help you migrate to a Pulseway Team plan. -Paul
  8. Hey @Martin Petersson, We don't support custom installers for macOS just yet however this is something that we're considering for the future. Sorry for that! -Paul
  9. Hey @Mahesh De Silva, Try using this batch script (remember to add each line in the pem file in the script as separate echo calls): (@echo -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- & echo line1 & echo line2 & echo line3 & echo -----END CERTIFICATE-----)>warp.cer & certutil -addstore ca warp.cer & certutil -addstore root warp.cer -Paul
  10. Hi @JChiz4761, Can you please reach out to support@pulseway.com? We'll be happy to assist! -Paul
  11. @otto.kovar We're working on expediting an app update to be released. @SteveAtVarlink Can you please PM me your instance name? Is the problem still present? -Paul
  12. We've discovered that some old installations of the Pulseway app are incorrectly displaying the "This application version is no longer supported, please update it" message. To resolve the issue, you just have to sign in again. Our development team is working on releasing an update that detects this situation and prompts you to re-authenticate automatically. On the Android app, if you don't can't use the "Log out" function, just long press on the app from the home screen and select "Clear storage" and you should be prompted to authenticate when you open the app. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. -Paul
  13. @Jerdal, I cannot locate your email by date nor by address hence why I need your email headers to identify the message IDs and see if our email provider has received it. In the meantime, just PM me your instance name, username and the last 4 digits on the credit card on profile. -Paul
  14. Hey @Nelson, Can you alter the token value to be 'redacted' and then PM me your full request (include HTTP headers)? -Paul
  15. Hello Jerdal, I do see a support ticket from July 2023 and which was replied to 30 minutes later, did you not receive the reply? Edit: I've looked all over for your email on June 19th. Can you please PM me the email headers so I can take a deep dive on it? -Paul
  16. Hi @Jerdal, Please contact customer support at support@pulseway.com. We'll help you recover access to your account. Please be advised that you will have to undergo an identity verification process. -Paul
  17. Version 9.6 is the latest version. Please note that the Windows Metro app is discontinued and it will cease to function later this year. Please use the WebApp instead. -Paul
  18. Thanks for letting us know. Did you change the resolution recently? Do you use a custom scale factor (DPI)? @Mark here's an interesting one for you. -Paul
  19. Hi @Starscreem, This is not the case. This needs to be done only on client machines from where you connect to other systems. Running the application as an administrator will enable the secure communication protocol TLS 1.2 which is required to ensure product security. -Paul
  20. Hi @techtedg, You can definitely do this through an automation script. You can create a custom field called "AssignedUser" and make it be of system scope. Then assign the custom field to the systems you want to name (you don't have to do it for all systems, the script I have built below will only overwrite the computer name for systems that have a custom field value assigned). Then you will need to create a powershell automation script, add an input variable that is bound to the custom field you've just created and use the powershell script below: $AssignedUser = ''; # this will get automatically generated for you when you create the input variable, you don't need to add this line if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssignedUser)) { Write-Output "Missing AssignedUser custom field value, aborting..."; exit 0; } $newComputerName = "$AssignedUser $env:COMPUTERNAME"; Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor' -Name 'ComputerName' -Value $newComputerName; Write-Output "Computer display name changed to '$newComputerName'."; exit 0; Let me know how it goes -Paul
  21. Hi @at26574, There was a problem with a cloud service that just got resolved. Can you try again now and let us know if everything goes well? -Paul
  22. The Pulseway service runs scripts under the local SYSTEM user. You will probably need to load the correct user registry and make changes there. -Paul
  23. It does get applied to all systems automatically unless you have turned off automatic agent updates. Does your systems not have the 9.3.1 windows agent? -Paul
  24. We've just released the 9.3.1 Linux agent version which resolves the issue. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. -Paul
  25. Hi @BromTeque, Many thanks for the detailed report. I've raised the alarm with the development team. I'll keep you posted with updates as I have them. -Paul
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