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Everything posted by Marius

  1. What is the exact error message?
  2. Thank you Mark, this issue has been resolved and the fix is included in the next release - 3.1.3
  3. You are entering a wrong username.
  4. 202 - most likely the account username you're using does not exist.
  5. What's your Time Zone value in the iOS Date & Time settings?
  6. 10 hours offset is on your iOS device? Is it the same on the web app or Dashboard?
  7. Max password length is 25 - this seems to be the problem with the 199 error. Where did you created the account?
  8. Hi Gary, I was wondering if you're still having the issue. Marius
  9. You're welcome - thank you for your help and patience.
  10. We've just posted a new version on the web site. This new installer fixes the issue.
  11. Please uninstall it again, download the latest installer from our web site and install it again. It should fix the issue.
  12. after the installation do you have the PCMonitorTypes.dll file in the installation folder?
  13. Reinstall PC Monitor, that should fix the issue. Looks like a library is missing.
  14. Check the About section in the PC Monitor Manager.
  15. We are addressing this issue and hope to have it fully resolved soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  16. Marius

    Firewall config

    Second this - we might make some changes on the load balancers in the future.
  17. please email us your account username.
  18. when you press the "Validate Account" button in PC Monitor Manager what is the message?
  19. What is the message when you press the "Validate Account" button?
  20. It will not be in the next release as this is already in the QA stage but it will be in a future release for sure. You will be able to enter a command and select the groups it applies to then execute it.
  21. Marius

    Firewall config

    ws0.pulseway.com to ws19.pulseway.com IPs can change, if you're relying on them then you may find all your servers offline at some stage if we decide to upgrade something on our network.
  22. Hi, Thanks for the suggestions. We plan the group maintenance mode for the next release. As well, we hope to add a schedule for maintenance soon. At the moment it's not possible for an associated account to edit the computer configuration - we'll try to implement this. We'll also consider enhancing the search. Thanks again.
  23. Unfortunately we don't plan to support multiple accounts/servers for the mobile app.
  24. Update: we have identified the issue and released a fix. For Enterprise Server users the fix will propagate in the next 24 hours.
  25. Thanks, we're looking into this.
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